Sunday, August 9, 2009

Government For And By The People .... Gone Forever????

Everyone needs to wake up and realize no matter what party is in power government will never be for the people, ever, again.

It's all about money and power. Politicians work hard, mainly campaigning for money to win their next election.  Everything is up to you....don't count on what you see and hear from Government, only what they do.  Having an honest debate is important but the first thing liberals say, but, in the Bush Administration .... get over it.  Bush is living a great life in Texas enjoying his millions. Obama will be doing the same thing once he is out of office. The biggest mistake many Americans make is thinking someone in Government REALLY CARES about you!!  Everything you see, read, and hear is about perception selling and the saddest part of all:  MANY BELIEVE IT!! 

Read Dr. Wayne Dyer, who didn't care for Bush, new book:  EXCUSES BEGONE.  You will realize your life and lifestyle is not predicated by what Government does .... it's about you, what you are, what you do, and what you become.

Everyone needs to realize being self-supporting and independent is up to you not some lobby support bureaucrat in DC or in your state legislature.

We are living in a world where we believe perception is TRUTH! Nothing could be further from actuality. 

Most TV shows, liberal and conservatives, are not about TRUTH, rather about RANKINGS and MONEY.   And most are about entertainment to sustain those rankings.

Michell Malkin can back up her statements with facts, something, most cannot do.  When will Americans stop, look, listen, and fully understand and appreciate TRUTH?

If anyone believes government is about anything other than getting re-elected, power, money, and finding ways to spend it, you are in for disappointment after disappointment until THE SUN SETS IN YOUR LIFE.

I do know some truthful Congress People, but, guess what, you never see them on TV.  They get up each day and try to do what's right for American Citizens, not be thinking of what their next sound bite will be!

Ask yourself this:  If there were no lobbyist; if there was no fund raising; if everyone had to conduct their campaigns by grassroots marketing; if they had to use their own money and were limited to donations of $1, how many of the current politicians would be in office?

Who would be in office if we had a 100% turn out of eligible voters? 

The reason politicians are so eager to pass all this legislation is because they will be entering their campaign modes shortly.

Another question:  Why do we not get daily body counts any more?  Men and women are loosing their lives each day and it's not reported in the vile veracious way it was the last 8 years.

Wanna changed government??:  HOW ABOUT A LAW ON TERM LIMITS?  If we had term limits of 6 years for the House and Senate and 8 years for President (which we have), that would give each politician, a collective chance to served 12-20 years in Government....isn't that enough?  Not to mention, many of them stay in DC as lobbyists, advisers, consultants, after they are out-of-office, making more money than ever. 

Most people believe politics is this tight little circle of people in DC...I state and believe it's a tight global circle that is headed towards dominance of citizens around the world. 

The "golf ball of politics" needs it's cover opened; all the rubbery windings removed, which will expose what really makes a golf ball react the way it does.  What is it? The small energy dissipation core, which represents world dominance and control by a small group of very wealthy people from around the world.  All other components are smoke screens that obliterates transparency of it's core, while providing protection and secretcy. Most everything of substance and significance is about money and power and attaining more money and power for a select few.  Human beings are but scrap recipients of a much larger, more powerful global effort.

Thank you Michelle for exposing corruption, deceit, and lies, regardless of where it emanates!!

Posted via email from Global Politics

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