Monday, November 9, 2009


The global challenges faced by North America cannot be met
solely through unilateral or bilateral efforts or existing patterns
of cooperation. They require deepened cooperation based on
the principle, affirming that ‘‘our security and prosperity are
mutually dependent and complementary.’’

We see the countries of Canada, USA, and Mexico becoming ONE
Nation, starting in 2010, with minimal controlled borders, where
people are free to move back and forth to work or live in any of
these 3 countries comprising of North America.

Canada and USA will be engaged to support and help Mexico to
become fully developed.

Establishment by 2010 of a security and economic community for
North America is an ambitious but achievable goal that is consistent
with this principle and, more important, buttresses the goals and values
of the citizens of North America, who share a desire for safe and secure
societies, economic opportunity and prosperity, and strong democratic

Posted via email from kleerstreem's posterous

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