Friday, November 6, 2009


Jihad is war against the kafir, the unbeliever. This was not an “outburst of violence”  as Mr. Obama claims – this was a jihad attack on Americans motivated by Islamic ideology. The killer, a Major in the US military, was acting as a Muslim according to the commands of Allah and Mohammed as found in Islamic doctrine; Koran, Sira, and Hadith (and codified in Sharia law, “Reliance of the Traveller”). Devout Muslims commit acts of jihad because that is what Allah and Mohammed command. Obedience to the commands of  Allah and Mohammed as found in the doctrine is the highest form of devotion for a Muslim.

Loyalty to Islam overrides any ties of kinship, friendship, contractual agreements, or loyalty to any State other than an Islamic State. We see this total loyalty to Islam (and the “umma”) and abandonment of other ties most significantly in so-called “honor killings” that continue to occur more and more often here in the US and in Europe. These are murders of children or relatives (universally the victims are females) by family members for having committed the crime of not being Islamic enough, or of leaving Islam. In the “religion of peace” leaving Islam is not allowed and results in a death sentence. Killing of children by parents and murder of apostates do not result in “retaliation” in Islam; it’s alright to kill one’s children and people who don’t want to be Muslim anymore. This is barbarism.

The doctrine of Islam, to which the jihad killer at Fort Hood adhered, instructs the adherent the following:

  1. Jihad is the highest form of devotion to Allah and Mohammed.
  2. Those who do jihad go to Islamic heaven.
  3. There are three kinds of jihad: by the sword, by the tongue, and with money.
  4. Those who do not participate in jihad or refuse to assist those who do (if they themselves cannot participate) are hypocrites, a very bad thing in Islam (as bad as unbelief).
  5. Dying in jihad means you do not get judged for your life, you go right on through to the 72 virgins and the sexual “paradise” that is Islamic heaven, with houris and boys with pearly skin, etc.
  6. Allah commands all adherents to do jihad, no exceptions. After all, Allah knows what is best, and adherents don’t.

We are infiltrated by a hostile ideology; but we refuse to acknowledge it. We want it to go away, we want it to not be real, so we take no action – we do not respond. We pretend it is not so. We wait for the “moderate” voices and hear only silence. We are confused about Islam and its doctrine and goals, so we cannot respond effectively. We are confused because we are ignorant. Our ignorance about Islam must end, now. The result of our inaction and ignorance is Fort Hood.  We are in serious trouble.

The killer of Fort Hood was identified 6 months ago by American authorities as a possible jihadist and traitor to his country and yet he was not arrested and cashiered from the military service. This is malfeasance and ignorance on the part of those law enforcement and intelligence officials who did nothing. They apparently did not understand the threat, and they did not do what they should have done. The blood of innocents is on their hands for their lack of action.

Posted via email from kleerstreem's posterous

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