Friday, January 1, 2010

Max Your Brand With 4 Social Media Optimization Tips

If you’ve been involved in the online marketing field over the last few years you’ve probably already familiarized yourself with your share of acronyms;SEO, PPC, CPA, CTR, ROI and not to mention the latest set of crazy additions straight from the social media scene RT, DM, ROV, (ReTweet, Direct Message, Return on Value). In fact, there have been so many acronyms associated with our industry that we’ve probably forgotten more than we currently remember.

There is one however that I want to dive into with this post, my current favorite: SMO – Social Media Optimization. The concept of optimizing any online initiatives is far from being a new idea but the methods that worked for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) just won’t fly with the way we work through social media and need to be refreshed. That being said, here 5 ways you needto be optimizing your social presences.


Many have been quick to understand the long term benefits of Facebook Fan Pagescompared to the virally challenged FB Groups and have already made the switch. Unlike groups, fan pages are visible to unregistered people and are thus indexed. In Facebook’s words “Not only can you connect with your favorite artists and businesses, but now you also can show your friends what you care about and recommend by adding Pages to your personal profile.” But let’s go a step further take full advantage of your fan page by adding an opt-in box to connect with your fans straight in their inbox.

Step 1. Add the Static FBML Application to your page.

Step 2. Go to your Fan Page and click “Edit Page”. Look for the FBML app (scroll down) which should now be in your list and click on edit. Now it’s time to give the “Box Title” tab a good name. Something smart like, “Email Signup” or “Newsletter” or “Inbox Goodies” Whatever works for you. In the “FBML” section, simply paste your email form code in. If you don’t have a email form code yet, you definitely should signup to services such as Aweber or
You can take your form and give it a style using images to improve its look and feel.

Step 3. Adding a new tab to your page’s navigation bar. Head back to your page and click on Add a new tab, You should see the FBML App with the custom name you gave it. You’re almost done, go back to Edit Page > FBML Settings > Application Settings and remove it from the Box setting so that it shows only in your Tabs.

Step 4. Give it a try. Now that you’ve set up your email tab, test it out! Also, head on over to the Seovice Fan Page and drop your email in our box andbecome a Fan along the way!


Too many social media “strategist” have sorely neglected Linkedin for far too long. Let me tell you that understanding and utilizing Linkedin offers values and benefits that are incomparable to any other social network. Whether it’s job posting or hunting, building connections or establishing successful network groups, Linkedin is an essential business tool. took a humorous stab at people’s perception of LinkedIn

Here’s a quick way to optimize Linkedin so that you’re website, blog, brand or business rack up a few extra free backlinks (search engine spider food)

Step 1. Log into your aaaa

Posted via email from kleerstreem's posterous

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