Thursday, March 18, 2010

How Can God Forgive Sins I Don't Remember Committing?

Q: How do I know if God has forgiven all my sins, when I can't even remember a lot of the sins I know I must have committed? In other words, does God only forgive the sins we remember, or will He forgive all our sins if we ask Him to? -- D.C. 

A: The Bible certainly urges us to examine ourselves and confess to God every sin we know we have committed. The Psalmist's prayer should be ours: "Search me, O God, and know my heart... See if there is any offensive way in me" (Psalm 139:23-24). 

But the Bible also tells us that all our sins -- all of them, without exception -- were placed on Jesus Christ when He died on the cross for us. He was without sin, because He was God in human flesh. But on the cross all our sins were placed on Him, and He took upon Himself the judgment and Hell that we deserve. Think of it: He paid the price for every sin you ever committed, or ever will commit! The Bible says, "He forgave us all our sins" (Colossians 2:13). Have you put your faith and trust in Him alone for your eternal salvation? 

Why, then, should we confess our sins if Christ has already taken them away? The reason is because sin separates us from God and breaks our fellowship with Him. The only way to restore our fellowship is to confess our sins and claim Christ's forgiveness every day. 

Never forget: God's will is that we would become more like Christ. Make sure of your commitment to Him, and then ask Him to help you not only turn your back on sin, but become more like Christ in your peace and love and compassion for others. 

Posted via email from Religion

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