First of all I am extremely grateful that I have had the opportunity to listen, interview and learn from many success coaches, spiritual gurus and experts from around the world. I also appreciate having been taught the spiritual lessons of life by my guru (a revered yogi and saint) during my travels through India. Iíve learned and discovered that one of the most important ways in achieving greater wisdom and success is through ÖThe Power of Appreciation – POA
If you are on your journey towards personal and spiritual growth (which I bet you are because you are on this blog reading this post) then you may have heard about the POA principle. Whether youíve heard about it or not, you need to keep reading because Iím about to reveal to you the importance of POA and how it can be used as a tool for creating more wisdom and success.
what can the power of appreciation (poa) do for you?
- The POA can help you accomplish goals. If youíve set a goal and feel that you still have a while to go before you achieve it, look back and appreciate the progress youíve already made. Congratulate yourself on the milestones youíve made knowing that itís only a matter of time before you attain your desired goal. Write them down if it feels necessary. Itís sort of like tracking your progress. Appreciating the steps you have already taken affirms that you are on your way to success.
- The POA can dissolves your worries and anxieties. When you find yourself worried or anxious such as getting swamped by too many bills or having too many demands being made on you, make an effort to appreciate the bigger and more important things in your life. Start with being grateful that you are alive. Appreciate the food you have to eat, the roof over your head, the car you drive, the fresh air you are able to breathe and the clean water you have access to. A lot of people in third world countries donít have these luxuries. Appreciating these things allows you to move from a state of worry to one of ease and bliss.
- The POA can transforms your obstacles into opportunities. Obstacles can create more awareness and give you more strength. When you are faced with challenges, accept and appreciate them, trusting that the universe or Godís will has something for you to learn or experience that is of greater value. By doing this, you learn to be open and take advantage to whatever is appearing in the moment, even if it is different from what you expected. If you are prevented from doing something, notice and appreciate the other opportunities that inevitably arise. This wisdom can lead you to new and exciting things.
- The POA can bring you more abundance. Focus and appreciate all the good things in your life ñ your health, your relationships, your passions and your abilities. By expressing this wisdom of gratitude you are saying ‘yes’ to life and all that it offers. The law of attraction states that the more you focus your attention and thoughts towards something, the more of that you will attract. Appreciation focuses your intention and attention to that which you desire which allows abundance to flow easily.
It is easy to recognize those who are wise and successful as they are the ones who are constantly in a state of appreciation. They are grateful for their lives, their achievements, their opportunities and even their setbacks. They see their setbacks as lessons from which they can learn how to be and do things better. The wise and successful ones do not subscribe to disappointment or bitterness. Simply put, they appreciate and enjoy life. They have the realization that everyday is a good day.
how can you incorporate the power of appreciation (poa) into your life?
Here are some fantastic tools and practices.
- Start a gratitude journal. Every day write down all the things you are grateful for – from the smallest event to the largest accomplishment. Carry a little notebook with you and write when you are inspired. Be truly thankful and feel the emotions of love and joy you have toward these gifts.
- Create an appreciation box. Each time you come across something to be grateful for, write it down on tear-size pieces. Fold these pieces up and put them into a special box at the end of a day. Whenever you need a gratitude reminder, pick up one or two of these pieces and read them.
- Create gratitude affirmations. This one is really simple. Pick a time during the day where you can repeat affirmations out loud to yourself. Start with the words ìI am grateful and I appreciateîÖ For example you might say, I am grateful and I appreciate having money in my bank account to buy the things I desire and to provide for my family and others. Say it like you mean it with conviction.
- Practice sleep and awake appreciation. At night when lying in bed, consciously tell yourself what you are grateful for. You will find you sleep more comfortable and have better dreams. This is one of my favorite things to remember before I fall asleep. Also, before you get out of bed, do a mental roll-call of whom or what you are grateful for. This is a great way to start your day in a state of happiness and appreciation.
- Practice appreciation with a partner. Describe one thing you appreciate about your partner and really let them know. Make eye contact with them if you can. Then switch and let your partner describe something they love about you. Do this 5 or 6 times and really listen to each other.
- Show your support. Almost all wise and successful people express their appreciation towards someone they are grateful for by supporting them or perhaps giving something back in return. So take action and support others you appreciate by buying their book, subscribing to their blog, joining their membership, or donating some time or money towards their cause or passion. Alternatively, you can always ask how you can support them.
Here are some other ways on how to cultivate appreciation by my friend Leo from Zen Habits. This is one of my favorite posts and quotes by the Dalai Lama.
Jai Kai is a success coach, yoga instructor and blogger for
February 27, 2010 at 2:32 am
All 6 are good advices! Thanks!
The power of appreciation like this, is a modern way of prayer, don’t you think?
zmajeva´s last blog ..10 REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD WRITE! -
February 27, 2010 at 2:33 am
Thanks for this lovely post, I think the power of appreciation and gratitude cannot be overstated, and not just because of what it can bring to our lives – though that’s a good way to encourage people to get into the habit.
In case people aren’t aware of it, there’s an interesting resource to help with this – the getting in the habit part – at The Gratitude Log – – I’m not affiliated with them in any way, just a member who doesn’t post my gratitude as often as I’d like to… mental note…
February 27, 2010 at 4:15 am
@ zmajeva – I agree, for some people taking time to sit and appreciate the things in their lives is a form of prayer.
@ tobias tinker – Thanks for sharing the gratitudelog. It’s so amazing once you have the habit of appreciating everything that flows into your life because it gives you such a great sense of joy and you attract more and more positive things. Finding gratitude in everything is truly one of my passions.
February 27, 2010 at 10:21 am
Excellent site. Thanks for the info will be very useful. Keep up the good work. Hope to see more soon.
February 28, 2010 at 7:07 am
Great article, thank you for the reminder. Power of appreciation is so simple yet so powerful.
February 28, 2010 at 2:21 pm
When you’re appreciating the moment you can’t live in the past or in the future. You’re living in the present, which you and I know, is a gift. It’s a gift we’re given when we’re children and we unconsciously play with that gift of the present where we appreciate every moment joyfully. If it’s stomping in a mud puddle or getting lost in our cardboard play house. We love, create and just “be.”
This was a pleasant gift of which reminds me to appreciate, live in the now and play with each day with a child like wonder.
Thank you kindly
Tony Teegarden´s last blog ..What Do You Make Life Mean? Part 2