When you think about it, the time you put into social media is an investment in your professional reputation: You're building (or cultivating) relationships, sharing knowledge, and providing opinions on quotidian and global topics. Wouldn't it be cool if there was one beautiful, harmonious way to demonstrate all of that to potential clients and employers—withouttaking a crash course in programming?
Get a taste of Flavors.me, an elegant and easy-to-use website builder that does one thing well: It unifies your online persona(s).
Its minimalist interface uses creative restraints to put your best features up front—a name and description, spread over a single background image defining your (and your site's) personality. Links to your blog, Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, Vimeo, LinkedIn and other accounts can be added via data feed. They'll all appear in the tasteful nav format of your choice. And when visitors click on a link, your updates appear without taking them away from your site!
And that's just the free variant. The paid version, which costs little, brings you:
- An on-site contact form (for protecting your personal email)
- Custom domain options
- Real-time traffic stats
The best part? Whether the version you pick is free or paid, a flavors.meaccount under your name—and the description you've written—floats upward in search-engine results super-fast, making this an ideal way to ensure that curious Googlers (or Bing-ers) see exactly what you want them to see.
The Po!nt: It's getting easier to promote your e-self. Now you can keep a tight grip on your online persona without sacrificing interface usability. An app like Flavors.me can help unify your dynamic social landscape.
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