As of today come in Sitges, Spain 130 of the most powerful and influential figures from the North Atlantic world together to decide which side the next 12 months to be with the world. These annual meetings are already taking place 60 years, always in the greatest secrecy, shielded from the outside world and no press statements afterwards.
This happens naturally all with the approval of the leading figures within Bilderberg: Etienne Davignon, Henry Kissinger and - yes!
On Belgian radio was one of the largest kontlikkers from the Belgian media landscape, Koen Fillet, Belgium and ease through a well-rehearsed and giggly interview ("Secrecy all, ha ha ha ...") with former Secretary General of NATO , Willy Claes evoke though it was all very normal. "Just an elitist club where ideas are exchanged, ha ha ha."
The charges of corruption from politics disappeared Claes was twice present at a meeting of the Bilderberg Group and explained the reason for the meetings was: "The group was established to the members of NATO to discuss the strategy against communism, "said Claes.
Fillet, the obedient sheep believed it immediately. Because yes, this is Willy Claes heh, ha ha ... That the communist Soviet Union since 1989 no longer exists and that there was virtually no reason for secrecy was not a question worth Koen Fillet.
"And why should it be mysterious, ha ha ha," he Claes words in the mouth.
Claes: "Yes, because he listens Moscow.
According to Claes he could not disclose who this year all are guests. (Of course the best man did not think the guests all week on the Internet can be found), "but Etienne Davignon, Henry Kissinger, Queen Beatrix, the King of Spain every year."
But he did Claes between the pleasant chitchat with failed actor, eh sorry, journalist Fillet by some revelations about the allegations of Bilderberg followers Jim Tucker and Daniel Estulin confirm - that the group is very influential and that what is discussed is indeed the policy affects businesses and politicians.
"During the conference, all attendees 10 minutes of talk time - and that is very sternly held, jahaha - and afterwards, the" rapporteur "(who? Mr. Fillet ask!) A report of what has been discussed. The course attendees are then supposed to use this report in setting their policies in the environments in which they influence. "
"Excuse me, could you repeat? Did you really think that there is deemed to be present to use this report in setting their policies in the environments in which they live," Fillet should ask if he had a real journalist was. But that is not Fillet. Fillet is a failed actor because of his skills as the ultimate slime dress every evening between 6 and 7 Belgian casual listener may have with claptrap about topics that are not doing.
Then, the first time he has a serious subject can talk gets the scoop of his life on one of the most powerful organizations in the world in the lap of the unworldly Willy Claes, and without seem to notice (or is it? ) he will quickly go over to the table layout in the "not so sumptuous lunches and dinners.
Claes: "One should never the same table to have neighbor. It is envisaged that an exchange of views. That can not be two times the same person sitting next to. It's about important issues."
Mr. Claes fine. You have said enough. "Attendees are however considered to use this report in setting their policies in the environments in which they exist."
In other words, the policies in the U.S., Canada and Western Europe is indeed outlined during the three or four days that the Bilderbergers meet in a luxury hotel shielded from the outside world. Elections are a farce, the outcome is determined by 130 (influence) rich, whether or not elected, and we mere mortals must never know what they do for us in store. And that's the big earners of the mainstream media all very normal.
Roman soldiers were allowed for good behavior, or services rendered to the circus one day. The current generation of journalists should not, as they do their domesticated political and business they offer, perhaps even a trip to the elite Bilderberg Group, because yes, there are every year 'influential' journalists present, though they write never mentioned.
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