Wednesday, November 24, 2010

LaRouche Says: The Inter-Alpha Group Must Be Destroyed!

March 2, 2010 • 11:00AM

"Brazil is their weak point," Lyndon LaRouche said today, referring to the Inter-Alpha Group, the Rothschild-run banking syndicate at the core of the British Empire's predatory monetary system. "That's what they're hanging by, and whatever they're hanging by, is what will hang them."

The Inter-Alpha Group was formed in 1971, as a syndicate of six oligarchic European banks, the year the Nixon Administration foolishly took the dollar off gold and destroyed FDR's Bretton Woods system of fixed currency rates. That move opened the door to imperial currency warfare, the creation of the petrodollar market, and ultimately the Brutish Empire's control over the U.S. dollar. In short, virtually everything that has gone wrong in the world economy can be traced to the predatory actions of the Inter-Alpha Group and its associates. Now, having destroyed the American, European, and British economies, the Inter-Alpha Group has bet its future on expanding its looting of Brazil.

It is both an incompetent bet, and a doomed one.

One would think that, after all the horrors derivatives have caused, no nation would be insane enough to expand their derivatives market, but that's just what Brazil is doing, at the behest of the Inter-Alpha Group and one of its most corrupt members, Banco Santander. To help facilitate the creation of a new financial bubble, the Central Bank of Brazil has announced new measures to expand the derivatives market in the country, and the Brazilian BOVESPA has reached a similar agreement with the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, the world's largest derivatives exchange. It is beyond insane. It will backfire, quickly, on the Inter-Alpha Group, and it will destroy Brazil.

Said LaRouche: "Brazil is what? Brazil is one big carry trade. What are the assets behind the carry trade? The fear of the creditors to foreclose. The carry trade is based on nothing—essentially nothing. And now the carry trade is coming down. The present international financial system is now a dead horse."

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