Friday, December 31, 2010

Why Should I Make a New Year's Resolution? (1st Blog of 2011)

---by Billy Graham

Q: What good does it do to make a list of New Year's resolutions? I've done it most years, but I don't think I'm even going to bother this year because I never keep them, and I just end up frustrated. -- Mrs. F.McN. 

A: I suspect many people feel the same way you do because it's far easier to make a list of things about us that we'd like to see changed than it is to actually change them. 

Why is this? One reason, I suspect, is because most things on our list of New Year's resolutions are little more than wishes -- that is, things about ourselves that we wish were different. But we never take the second step, which is to decide exactly what we'll need to do to reach those goals. You might resolve to lose weight, for example -- but if you don't develop a plan to change your eating and do more exercise, you probably won't succeed.

But we also fail because we don't seek God's direction and help. The most important question you can ask as a new year begins is this: What does God want to do in my life during the coming year? Instead of making a random list of resolutions, ask God what changes He wants to make in your life. 

What does God want to do in your life? First, He wants you to come to know Him by giving yourself to Jesus Christ. If you've never done so, ask Him to come into your life today. Then God wants you to grow closer to Him, turning from sin -- with His help -- and living for Christ every day. Let the Psalmist's prayer become yours: "Search me, O God, and know my heart.... See if there is any offensive way in me" (Psalm 139:23,24). 

Posted via email from Religion

How Dark Chocolate Protects the Brain

JOHNS HOPKINS (US)—It’s not the distinctive chocolate aroma or the luscious bittersweet taste. Researchers say it’s a compound in dark chocolate that appears to limit stroke damage by amplifying brain signals that protect nerve cells.

Ninety minutes after feeding mice a single modest dose of the compound epicatechin, found naturally in dark chocolate, the scientists induced ischemic stroke by essentially cutting off blood supply to the animals’ brains.

They found that the animals that had preventively ingested the epicatechin suffered significantly less brain damage than the ones that had not been given the compound.

The study [1] appears online in the Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism.

And while most treatments for stroke in humans have to be given within a two- to three-hour time window to be effective, epicatechin also appeared to limit further neuronal damage when given to mice as much as 3.5 hours after a stroke.

Sylvain Doré, associate professor of anesthesiology and critical care medicine and pharmacology and molecular sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine [2], says the study suggests that epicatechin can stimulate two previously well-known pathways that shield nerve cells in the brain from damage.

The amount of dark chocolate people would need to consume to benefit from its protective effects remains unclear, Doré notes, since he has not studied it in humans.  But Doré says his team’s research suggests the amount needed could be quite small. The reason: The suspected beneficial mechanism is indirect and the epicatechin is needed to jump-start protective pathways already present within the cells.

“Epicatechin itself may not be shielding brain cells from free radical damage directly, but instead, epicatechin and its metabolites may be prompting the cells to defend themselves,” he says. “Even a small amount may be sufficient.”

Doré eventually hopes his research into the pathways could lead to ways to limit acute stroke damage and possibly protect against chronic neurological degenerative conditions, such as Alzheimer’s disease and other age-related cognitive disorders.

Scientists became intrigued by epicatechin when studying the Kuna Indians, a remote population living on islands off the coast of Panama. The islands’ residents had a low incidence of cardiovascular disease. Scientists who studied them found nothing striking in their genes and realized that when they moved away from Kuna, they were no longer protected from heart problems.

Researchers soon discovered the reason was likely environmental: The residents of Kuna regularly drank a very bitter cocoa drink, with a consistency like molasses, instead of coffee or soda. The drink was high in epicatechin, which is a flavanol, a flavanoid-related compound.

People shouldn’t take the research as a free pass to consume large amounts of chocolate, which is high in calories and fat, Doré notes. In fact, he says, people should eat a healthy diet with a variety of fruits and vegetables.

Not all dark chocolates are created equally, Doré adds. Some have more bioactive epicatechin than others.

“The epicatechin found in dark chocolate is extremely sensitive to changes in heat and light,” he says. “In the process of making chocolate, you have to make sure you don’t destroy it. Only few chocolates have the active ingredient. The fact that it says ‘dark chocolate’ is not sufficient.”

The study was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart and Stroke Association.

Posted via email from WellCare

Don't Have A Big Music Budget.....Record/Upload With This Service

Lacking instruments, an empty garage, or musical talent? Don't worry -- an Internet connection is all you need, and I don't mean for Craigslist.

Germany/Silicon Valley based start-up Ujam is a free music-making website for the everyman. According to their site, they're "a cloud-based platform that empowers everybody to easily create new music or enhance their existing musical talent and share it with friends."

After taking about thirty seconds to sign up, you can start playing around with the sound editing tools right away. If you're feeling creative (and have a microphone), you can record vocals or an instrument, or even upload your own music to toy with. For the less-inspired, the site provides a menu of re-mixable “song templates” to get going with.

Though Ujam offers more advanced options for savvier musicians, they generally appear with a friendly warning along the lines of “if you have no idea what this option does, it's probably best to ignore it” that I found somehow soothing as a novice user myself. The program is clearly meant to be fun and accessible and will likely not be replacing professional equipment anytime soon. But still, I suspect that even a seasoned musician would enjoy tooling around with the “song DNATM,” changing the pitch and tempo, mixing in new instruments, and sending a friend a quick mp3 that could have been made while wearing pajamas.

In its infant alpha stage, Ujam is still working out its kinks. Tutorial videos and a function to lay multiple tracks at once are on the way. But even now, making a short track can take just a few minutes -- a refreshing break from work, possibly – and the site has enough options to entertain for much longer and for users to create more ambitious projects. Maybe by the time the beta version comes out someone will have put their Ujam on YouTube and hit it big.

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Liberals Give 'Til It Hurts (You) - HUMAN EVENTS

Liberals Give 'Til It Hurts (You) - HUMAN EVENTS

Can I Find Out What the Future Holds For Me?

---by Billy Graham

Q: It's been a hard year for me, and I'd give almost anything to know what the new year has in store for me. How can I find out? A woman in our town claims to be able to tell your future, and I'm almost willing to give her a try. -- M.K. 

A: I sincerely hope you won't go down this path. At best you'd simply be wasting your money -- and at worst you could find yourself getting entangled with occult spiritual forces that are enemies of your soul. The Bible warns us to avoid occult practices, and calls them "detestable to the Lord" (Deuteronomy 18:12). 

Only God knows the future; no matter how hard we try, even our best efforts will only be guesses. But this ought to encourage you -- because if God knows the future, then you can trust your future into His hands! Wouldn't it be better to face the future with Him than without Him? God loves you, and you can trust His promise to be with you and guide you. The Bible says, "For I know the plans I have for you... plans to give you hope and a future" (Jeremiah 29:11). 

Don't be deceived by those who claim to know the future, and don't be burdened by worry and anxiety about your future. Instead, ask Jesus Christ to come into your life and commit your future into His hands. Then ask Him to help you trust Him every day, and to live the way He wants you to live. 

In addition, I urge you to seek out a church where you can grow in your faith, and have fellowship with people who can help you make right decisions about your future. You need them -- and they need you. 

Posted via email from Religion

Thursday, December 30, 2010

How to Make 2011 Your BEST Year Yet

by Christine Kane

The regulars at the gym were joking about it early in December.

"Have a good workout now," they said. "Cuz you know what it's gonna be like in about three weeks!" 

That's because all the folks who have made their New Year's Resolutions will show up. They'll stick around for a while. Then, around Valentine's Day, the regulars get to have their old gym back. 

The hosts of a satellite radio talk show were discussing the most common New Year's Resolutions and the average success rate. Among the most common were Get Organized, Be More Spiritual, Lose Weight, Quit Smoking, and Spend More time with Family. 

I don't know about you, but this kind of To-Do List approach to life-transformation does NOT inspire me. And it doesn't surprise me that the success rates were low. 

Why Resolutions Don't Work 

The reason most resolutions don't work is that they address only one level of your life

The DO level. 

It's the DO-HAVE-BE model. 

It goes like this: "I will DO this thing." (i.e., Lose weight) "So I can HAVE this other thing" (Self-Esteem) and I can BE this thing. (Confident.) 

The average New Year's Resolution doesn't address the core of the issue:

The "BE" level. 

The best order for creating positive change in your life is the BE-DO-HAVE model. This means you start from the BE level. When you begin changing on the BE level of your life, then the DO level and the HAVE level follow more easily. 

When you start only on the DO level, then the blocks on the BE level will often become the obstacles you can't overcome. 

How to Tap into the True Power of your Intention

Several years ago, my friend Kathy and I decided that, instead of making resolutions, we would pick a word that would guide us throughout the year. It would be our touchstone. It would remind us of living our lives at the BE level.

This didn't mean that we didn't take action. It meant that our actions were inspired from the BE level. In fact, I took more action than ever with this new approach! 

For several years now, I've blogged about this inspiring way to begin the year. The response has been huge. So have the success rates! I regularly hear from people who have created big changes in their lives because they focused on one word. 

How to Choose A Word 

Look through the list below. Get quiet and listen to your Wise Self. Pick a word. 

Then, hold that word in your mind throughout the year, and let your word guide you to take action

Here's an example: 

Let's say you're one of the many people who would normally choose "Get Organized." You're tired of chaos and clutter. So, you think, "I need to get organized. That'll be my Resolution." 

But then you read this article. You decide to try this new approach

You sit with your clutter. You spend a few days pondering words. You realize in an "Ah-Ha!" moment that you hold on to lots of things. You're scared to let go. 

So you choose the word "Release" because it inspires you in a bigger way than "Get organized." 

So, every time you approach your clutter you remind yourself of that word. "Release," you say softly. You start to let the clutter go. 

Eventually, you realize that you're still holding on to lots more than just physical clutter. You realize that you hold onto resentment at old relationships. "Release," you remind yourself. 

You realize that holding on is affecting your diet and health. "Release" applies to some of the extra weight you've gained as well. Throughout the year, you can see clearly how much you hold on. "Release" is your touchstone. It grows you throughout the year. It becomes your guiding force, not your harsh standard. 

Your clutter became your teacher simply because you shifted your intent towards it. This wouldn't have happened if you'd opted only to "Get Organized." 

What word to choose? 

Many people know immediately which word resonates with them. For others, a little contemplation is required. 

As you read through the list of words, see if one stands out. It's tempting to choose four or five, believing that you can do it all! (Or that you're so messed up, you can't possibly narrow the mess down to one!) I recommend that if you can't choose just one, choose no more than two. 

One is ideal. It gives you focus. If you master that one word, you can choose another one in June.


































































Note: Click here to download a powerful journal writing tool that I created. It's called The Word-of-the-Year Discovery Tool. Give yourself the gift of connecting your hand to your heart and write about what you want to create in the coming year. This tool works! I promise!


Please do! Just be sure to include this complete blurb with it:

Christine Kane is the Mentor to Women Who are Changing the World. She helps women uplevel their lives, their businesses and their success. Her weekly LiveCreative eZine goes out to over 12,000 subscribers. If you are ready to take your life and your world to the next level, you can sign up for a F.R.E.E. subscription at

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Winter Weed Control

It’s time. 

The summer grasses are dormant and the winter “weeds” are growing. 
It’s now you can spray the entire lawn with the organic herbicides. Fatty acid, essential oil and citrus products can also be used safely.

The vinegar mixture is full strength 10% pickling vinegar with 2 oz. orange oil and 1 teaspoon liquid soap added per gallon of vinegar. This technique works fairly well any time during the winter when the summer grasses are dormant. Those of you with actively growing cool season grasses can’t do this.

Weeds in Paved Areas

In gravel, in cracks and joints in concrete and other paving systems, weeds can be controlled with non-toxic products. Use the same vinegar based mixture mentioned above. These organic herbicides, just like the toxic chemical products, only work on actively growing plants.

Weeds in Beds

Weeds in beds can be killed by removing the tops one last time and then covering the problem area with 1/2" of compost followed by about 5 layers of newspaper or 1 layer of cardboard. Wet it all down and cover the paper with 2-4" of shredded native mulch. Spot spray any weeds that manage to come through with the vinegar herbicide.

Vinegar Herbicide Formula:

1 gallon of 10% vinegar
1 ounce orange oil or d-limonene 
1 teaspoon liquid soap or other surfactant such as Bio Wash
Add molasses at 1 tablespoon per gallon to the vinegar formula 
Do not add water 

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Female Indie Artists (3)

Rain   (4629 KB)
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Devil Of Mine   (3734 KB)
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The Next Big Thing   (2628 KB)
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Don't Walk In Here Like You Never Walked Out   (2731 KB)
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Female Indie Artists (1)

Halo   (3118 KB)
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Men Are A Lot Like Shoes   (2977 KB)
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Barely Breathing   (4102 KB)
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The Enemy   (3331 KB)
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Embracing Silence


‘Tis the season when we really need a moment of silence. It’s also the season when we really have to work to make sure we get one. At a time we traditionally devote to loving, giving, and gratitude, the quiet and peace we need to appreciate our gifts seems all too elusive.  Try to give yourself the gift of silence now and then during the holiday hubbub so you have a chance to really enjoy the experience of celebration.  It’s when you merge into the silence and become one with it that you reconnect to your Source and know the peacefulness that is God. “Be still and know that I am God,” says the Old Testament. The key words are still and know.  Mother Teresa described silence and its relationship to God by saying, “God is the friend of silence. See how nature—trees, grass, grow in silence; see the stars, the moon, and the sun, how they move in silence…. We need silence to be able to touch souls.”

Everything that’s created comes out of silence. Your thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Your words come out of this void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness. Your sense of inner peace depends on spending some of your life energy in silence to recharge your battery, remove tension and anxiety, reacquaint you with the joy of knowing God, and feel closer to all of humanity. Going into the quiet and listening will heal and inspire you. In silence, you make your personal and conscious contact with God. As Melville reminded us, “God’s one and only voice is silence.”

May the voice of silence bring you peace this holiday season.

The Benefits of Solitude

---by Leo B.

The best art is created in solitude, for good reason: it’s only when we are alone that we can reach into ourselves and find truth, beauty, soul. Some of the most famous philosophers took daily walks, and it was on these walks that they found their deepest thoughts.

My best writing, and in fact the best of anything I’ve done, was created in solitude.

Just a few of the benefits I’ve found from solitude:

  • time for thought
  • in being alone, we get to know ourselves
  • we face our demons, and deal with them
  • space to create
  • space to unwind, and find peace
  • time to reflect on what we’ve done, and learn from it
  • isolation from the influences of other helps us to find our own voice
  • quiet helps us to appreciate the smaller things that get lost in the roar

There are many more benefits, but that’s to get you started. The real benefits of solitude cannot be expressed through words, but must be found in doing.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Female Artist Branding

As 2010 draws to a close KSE(KleerStreemEntertainment) hopes everyone had success and everyone is looking forward to continued success in 2011.  Success means different things to most all of us and is measured in 'degrees' as related to enjoying what you do while being able to pay the bills and buy a healthy salad or a Big Mac....dependent upon what you enjoy eating.

Branding is what an artist should be doing in order to 'stand out' to those who may come in contact with you, your music, and all your merchandise. Above all TRUE BLUE BRANDING taps into emotions.  Why? Because emotions drive most, if not all of our decisions. A brand reaches out with a powerful connecting experience.  It's an emotion connecting point that transcends the product.

A great brand is a story that's never completely told. It's that never-ending story we know of; a story that keeps us wanting more and more. A True Blue Brand is a metaphorical story that's evolving constantly. When your brand stagnates; you loose....your fans loose.  

Stories create the emotional context people need to locate themselves in a larger experience.  The larger experience is YOU constantly delivering performances, music, and lyrics that connect with TRUE BLUE FANS and all potentially NEW TBF.  Always ask yourself: Is What I'm Doing each day consistent with building a better TRUE BLUE BRAND?  If not, it's time to think about how you are spending your time versus how you should better spend your time. 

Brands, especially True Blue Brands are not built in a day....they perpetuate like a snowball rolling down a mountain in 'slow' motion; a mountain with no bottom. Your brand allows you to continue; to be remembered; to preserve from oblivion.  If done effectively it continues into infinity. 



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Nettle Leaf Medicinal Benefits

It may take a bit of pluck to handle stinging nettle, but it’s worth the effort because the plant is packed with vitamins, iron and minerals and is as much at home in the kitchen as spinach. Nettle leaf is equally as impressive as a medicinal herb that improves many inflammatory conditions, such as allergies, joint pain, acne and eczema. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait for nettle leaf to be in season to get these benefits.

Nettle Leaf Nettle leaf, also known as stinging nettle, is a flowering perennial woodland herb native to North America, Europe, Asia and Africa, now naturalized in other temperate regions of the world. Its common name stems from the hair-like protrusions that grow out from the edges of the plant’s leaves. Technically known as trichomes, these hairy appendages are actually tiny stingers that, when brushed against, pierce the skin and deliver a dose of plant chemicals that include histamine, acetylcholine, serotonin and methanoic (formic) acid. The result is local paresthesia, a condition described as a “pins and needles” or burning sensation, as when your arm or leg “falls asleep.” Ironically, it is this very thing that makes stinging nettle an excellent medicinal herb. This feature also explains the various other descriptive common names for this plant, such as burn nettle, burn hazel and fire weed.

If anyone could speak volumes about the prickly nature of the nettle plant it would be Elisa, a fairy princess born of early 19th century Danish literature and resurrected by Hans Christian Andersen in the tale, “The Wild Swans.” In order to rescue her 11 brothers from a spell cast upon them by their evil stepmother that forced them to turn into swans at night, Elisa set out to spin shirts made from nettles that would restore the brothers to human form. Unfortunately, not only did our heroine suffer painful stings night after night from knitting nettles, her secretive behavior nearly caused her to be burned at the stake as a witch. Of course, as with many fairy tale endings, she was ultimately rewarded for her courage and lived happily ever after with her transformed brothers.

Another miraculous reference to nettles appears in “The Lacnunga,” the Anglo-Saxton collection of writings that included medical observations, prayers and mystical recitations dating to the 10th century. Among these pages exists the classic Nine Herbs Charm, a “remedy” for poisoning or infection of the blood invoked through nine herbs, old soap, apple juice and a beaten egg. As for the part of nettle, the healer “activated” the herb by chanting the following three times:

Nettle is this called; it dashes against venom,
It drives away cruel things, it casts out venom.
This is the herb that fought with the snake;
This is strong against venom, this is strong against infection,
This is strong against the Evil Thing that goes throughout the land.

Modern science shows that nettle leaf may indeed yield health-giving benefits without the need to invoke them with an incantation. The leaf contains compounds that suppress tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-a) and other immune system chemicals that produce inflammation. Since this action is evident in the protective synovial tissue that surrounds the joints, stinging nettle has been used as a treatment for arthritis and rheumatism in Europe for years.

The bright yellow root and rhizome of the plant also produce pharmacological effects. The presence of campesterol, stigmasterol and beta-sitosterol, for instance, exert anti-inflammatory properties by disrupting the activity of certain enzymes that convert arachidonic acid obtained from eating animal fats into inflammation-producing compounds. This is why preparations from the root as well as the leaf are traditionally used to treat a wide range of inflammatory disorders, including arthritis, rheumatism, seasonal allergies, acne, psoriasis, eczema, dandruff and enlarged prostate associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH.

Nettle also possesses antiviral properties and is sometimes used to counter kidney and urinary tract infections. According to the “Physicians’ Desk Reference for Herbal Medicines,” nettle root extracts halt the replication of the influenza A virus responsible for flu, as well as HIV-1 and HIV-2. However, it should be noted that nettle might increase the effects of diuretic medications, as well as diabetes and blood-thinning drugs.

Like many medicinal herbs, nettle also has a place at the table. The tender young leaves and stalks make a tasty vegetable or salad additive. In Europe, nettle soup is a traditional spring dish. A porridge made from nettles, water, flour and ground walnuts is served with fried eggs. The herb is also used to flavor certain cheeses, such as Gouda and a semi-hard cheese known as Yarg. The flavor of nettle is similar to spinach and the plant is equally nutritious with an abundance of iron, calcium, manganese, potassium and vitamins A, C and D. When harvesting nettle in spring, look for plants under a foot tall that have not yet flowered (older growth contains toxins that can potentially harm the kidneys). In addition, grasp the top part of the young plants firmly and snap the stalk to avoid brushing against the leaves, which will trigger the needle-like hairs to sting. As Aesop reminds us in the fable, “The Boy and the Nettle.” “Gently touch a nettle and it'll sting you for your pains; grasp it as a lad of mettle and soft as silk remains.” Of course, wearing gloves is also a good idea. Once cooked or steamed, the leaves completely lose their sting.

Posted via email from WellCare

Whey You Love Someone!!

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Transistor Nanotechnology A New Spin

The functionality of a newly developed electrically controllable device is based on an electron's spin. (Credit: Texas A&M)

TEXAS A&M (US) — Researchers have successfully developed a realistic spin-field-effect transistor that is operable at high temperatures. The design is based on an electron’s spin.


“One of the major stumbling blocks was that to manipulate spin, one may also destroy it,” says Jairo Sinova, professor of physics at Texas A&M University.

“It has only recently been realized that one could manipulate it without destroying it by choosing a particular set-up for the device and manipulating the material.

“One also has to detect it without destroying it, which we were able to do by exploiting our findings from our study of the spin Hall effect six years ago. It is the combination of these basic physics research projects that has given rise to the first spin-FET.”

The research is reported in the journal Science.

Sixty years after the transistor’s discovery, its operation is still based on the physical principles of electrical manipulation and detection of electronic charges in a semiconductor, says Jorg Wunderlich of the Hitachi Cambridge Laboratory.

Subsequent technology has focused on down-scaling the device size, succeeding to the point where scientists are approaching the ultimate limit, shifting the focus to establishing new physical principles of operation to overcome them—specifically, using its elementary magnetic movement, or so-called “spin,” as the logic variable instead of the charge.

The field of “spintronics” promises potential advances in low-power electronics, hybrid electronic-magnetic systems, and completely new functionalities, the researchers say.

The 20-year-old theory of electrical manipulation and detection of electron’s spin in semiconductors has proven to be unexpectedly difficult to experimentally realize.

“We recently discovered quantum-relativistic phenomena for both spin manipulation and detection to realize and confirm all the principal phenomena of the spin transistor concept,” Wunderlich explains.

To observe the electrical manipulation and detection of spins, the team made a specially designed planar photo-diode placed next to the transistor channel.

By shining light on the diode, they injected photo-excited electrons, rather than the customary spin-polarized electrons, into the transistor channel. Voltages were applied to input-gate electrodes to control the procession of spins via quantum-relativistic effects.

These effects—attributable to quantum relativity—are also responsible for the onset of transverse electrical voltages in the device, which represent the output signal, dependent on the local orientation of processing electron spins in the transistor channel.

The new device can have a broad range of applications in spintronics research as an efficient tool for manipulating and detecting spins in semiconductors without disturbing the spin-polarized current or using magnetic elements.

The observed output electrical signals remain large at high temperatures and are linearly dependent on the degree of circular polarization of the incident light, Wunderlich says.

The device therefore represents a realization of an electrically controllable solid-state polarimeter which directly converts polarization of light into electric voltage signals. He says future applications may exploit the device to detect the content of chiral molecules in solutions, for example, to measure the blood-sugar levels of patients or the sugar content of wine.

The new research is expected to shift the focus from the theoretical academic speculation to prototype microelectronic device development.

Scientists from the University of Nottingham, the University of Cambridge, the Academy of Sciences, and Charles University in the Czech Republic contributed to the research

Female Indie Artist (2R)

It Hurts Like Love   (3417 KB)
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If I Could Fly   (2968 KB)
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Forgotten Lullabys   (3699 KB)
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Paper Dolls   (3006 KB)
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Some of the Best Champagne

World's Best Champagne
Luxist readers from around the world have nominated their favorite makers of champagne and sparkling wines. Here's the list of the top five that made the list of the world's best:

For a champagne founded in the same year as the United States of America, Louis Roederer's Cristal has changed remarkably little over the years compared to the country across the pond. 

Founded in 1776 as Dubois Pere & Fils, the company was renamed after the founder's nephew, Louis Roederer, who took over in 1833 and renamed the champagne house after himself. One of Roederer's greatest moves was expanding the brand into Russia. The champagne enjoyed years of success among well-heeled Russians, and Tsar Nicholas II eventually requested a special champagne to be made for the Imperial Court of Russia. The result was Cristal, a sweet and delicious wine that broke with tradition – instead of being packaged in a dark bottle like, say, Dom Perignon – Cristal came in crystal-clear bottles, hence the name. As legend has it, the transparency was a feature designed so that Tsar Nicholas could tell if somebody was trying to poison his bubbly.

Dom Perignon
France's King Louis XIV, called The Sun King because everything revolved around him, had an uncanny connection to the champagne that eventually found its way into his court. In 1694, Dom Perignon, the monk who developed the regal wine, had a goal to create the best wine in the world. Sure enough, Dom Perignon became the most expensive wine sold in France that year. The 1921 vintage became the first prestige cuvée ever, with an initial batch sold in 1936. It has been served at all manner of glamorous occasions, including the Shah of Iran's 1959 wedding, as well as Prince Charles and Princess Diana's nuptials in 1981. Since Dom Perignon is a vintage champagne, it's not made in years considered to be weak.

Gallery: Dom Perignon

Vintage Dom Perignon BottleAbbey of HautvilliersAncient Dom PerignonAncient Dom Perignon BottlesEva Herzigova


Many champagne houses claim a lengthy lineage, but perhaps more than any other,Krug has kept its business all in the family. Starting in 1843, Krug has been blended by a Krug family member every single year. The house boasts that only its generational approach to wine making can maintain the same high standards over the years. In making champagne, time is a key element, and Krug has plenty of it. All of Krug's champagnes are aged for at least six year in cellars far below the French city of Reims. Grapes are hand-picked and pressed; the product is then placed in 205-liter small oak casks. Krug is the only premier champagne house that still ferments all of its wines in oak, which gives its offerings a unique and complex taste. Today, Krug and its Grand Cuvée are among the most prized holdings of luxury conglomerate LVMH. Keeping with tradition, though, the Krug family still runs the show. 

Gallery: Krug

The ingredients of a top champagne include the growth of the finest grapes, the time of the most dedicated laborers and the hard work of the best oenologists. What set Pommery apart from other champagne houses, however, was its acquisition of a network of crayeres, the subterranean limestone-chalk networks built underneath Reims by the Romans during their rule over Gaul. It was here that the most remarkable vintages of Pommery gained their character. Today, more than 20 million bottles are maturing 30 meters below the surface, kept at a constant temperature of 10 degrees Celsius.

Gallery: Pommery

Veuve Clicquot
If it weren't for Veuve Clicquot, your next glass of champagne might be full of sediment. The house invented the practice of remuage, or riddling, wherein bottles are turned by hand so that the solid matter gets pushed into the neck and can be emptied before the bottling process is complete. Remuage is just one of the advanced techniques pioneered by Veuve Clicquot over the course of its storied history. Founded in 1772 by Philippe Clicquot, the house became the first to ship rosé champagne three years later. In 1987, the brand became part of luxury conglomerate Louis Vuitton Moet Hennessy, maintaining the brand's historical caché. Reminders of the champagne's history are never far away – in 2008, the oldest unopened bottle of Veuve was found in a Scottish castle. Not for sale, the bottle now graces the Veuve Clicquot visitor center in Reims, France.

Posted via email from Kleerstreem's Posterous

Monday, December 27, 2010

coconut lime chicken soup Coconut Lime Chicken Soup


  • 1  2- to 2-1/2-lb.  deli-roasted chicken
  • 1  15-oz. can  unsweetened coconut milk
  • 2  cups  water
  • 1/4  cup  lime juice (2 medium limes)
  • 3  medium  carrots, thinly-sliced diagonally (about 1-1/2 cups)
  • 1  Tbsp.  soy sauce
  • 2  tsp.  Thai seasoning blend
  • 1/4  tsp.  salt
  •     Thai seasoning blend (optional)
  •     Fresh cilantro (optional)
  •     Lime wedges (optional)


1. Remove and discard skin and bones from chicken. Shred chicken. In large saucepan combine shredded chicken with coconut milk, water, lime juice, sliced carrots, soy sauce, the 2 teaspoons Thai seasoning and salt. Bring to boiling; reduce heat and simmer, covered, 8 minutes or until carrots are crisp-tender.

2. To serve, sprinkle bowls of soup with additional Thai seasoning and cilantro. Pass lime wedges. Makes 4 servings.

nutrition facts

  • Servings Per Recipe 4 servings
  • Calories487, 
  • Total Fat (g)38, 
  • Saturated Fat (g)24,
  • Cholesterol (mg)125, 
  • Sodium (mg)1437, 
  • Carbohydrate (g)11, 
  • Total Sugar (g)4, 
  • Fiber (g)1, 
  • Protein (g)29, 
  • Vitamin C (DV%)12, 
  • Calcium (DV%)2, 
  • Iron (DV%)17, 
  • Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet

Posted via email from WellCare

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Great "Q" in Texas

 Clark's Outpost BBQ - Best Texas BBQ 
Clark's Outpost BBQ History

Clark's Outpost was founded in 1974 by the late Warren Clark. We are approximately 50 miles North of Dallas on U.S. Highway 377 located in Tioga Texas, the birthplace of the legendary singing cowboy Gene Autry.

Tioga is a small town with a laidback attitude and that's how we do things at Clark's. Our cooking style is a slow process, it takes eight hours just to smoke our Ribs, Brisket will be on the smoker for three and a half days. Turkeys and other products fall somewhere in between. You see Warren grew up in the days when people had an Old Smoke House out back, where it might take a week or more to cook and cure meats. It was his belief, and ours now, that for the product to really be good and true you have to take your time.

We have been fortunate enough to be listed or featured in some of the top books, magazines and news organizations over the years. Some of these include Zagat, Travel and Leisure, Texas Highways, Gourmet, Bon Appetite, Southern Living, Ride Magazine, and People Magazine who ranked us one of the Top 10 Barbecue places in the country. The list goes on from articles in The Dallas Morning News to appearances on ABC, NBC, CBS, and PBS, I don't think we've been on FOX or UPN, at least not YET!

Many of our customers include celebrities, from models to sports stars, some of the top chefs, actors and actresses, or the folks that clean out the horse stalls at the local ranches. In other words you never know what or who you might find here. On occasion we'll have a helicopter land across the street from us, or the train will stop and the guys will come in and get something to eat. Once we had as many as five Helicopters and the Train stop all at the same time. That would have made a great commercial. When the weather is nice you could find a dozen or more Harley's in the parking lot along with a few horse and boat trailers.

None of this is really all that important to us so even if you never starred in a movie, played sports or don't own a Harley, Helicopter or Train ya'll more than welcome to come by and visit with us. Who knows you might get hungry while you're here. By the way, if ya'll can't wait till you get to Tioga we can ship our Smoked Meats to ya.

2000 Years Ago.....Jesus Was Born

And is it true? and is it true?
This most tremendous tale of all,
Seen in a stained-glass window's hue,
A Baby in an ox's stall?
The Maker of the stars and sea
Become a Child on earth for me?
And is it true? For if it is,
No loving fingers tying strings
Around those tissued fripperies,
The sweet and silly Christmas things,
Bath salts and inexpensive scent
And hideous tie so kindly meant.
No love that in a family dwells,
No caroling in frosty air,
Nor all the steeple-shaking bells
Can with this single Truth compare -
That God was man in Palestine
And lives today in Bread and Wine.

Posted via email from Religion

Friday, December 24, 2010


How Do I Tell a Non-Christian About Christmas?

---by Billy Graham

Q: My new neighbor comes from a non-Christian country, and she's been asking me about Christmas and why we do what we do then. What would you say to someone like her? I've never tried to put it into words before. -- Mrs. D.C.

A: I'm thankful your neighbor feels free to ask you about this, and I hope you'll see this as an opportunity not only to befriend her, but to introduce her to the greatest friend anyone can ever have: Jesus Christ.

The first thing you'll want to tell her is that Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ. He was born (the Bible says) into a very poor family slightly over 2,000 years ago. When He grew up, He taught people about God and His love for them -- but some became threatened by His popularity and arranged to have Him put to death. They thought that was the end of His influence -- but it wasn't, because on the third day He came back to life by the power of God. Even now He prays for us in heaven, and lives within us by His Spirit as we open our lives to Him.

How is this possible? It's possible (you'll want to tell her) because of who Jesus was: God in human flesh. At Christmas God came down from heaven to live with us! As the Bible says, "The Word was God.... (and) lived for a while among us" (John 1:1,14).

Why did Jesus do this? He did it because God loves us, and wanted to make it possible for us to be forgiven of our sins and go to Heaven when we die. Make sure of your commitment to Christ -- and then pray for your neighbor, that she, too, will come to know Christ as her Savior and Lord.

Posted via email from Religion