Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What the Hell Happened To America?

Who knew it was a crime to let minor children, age 3, pump gas?  No it's not a great idea, but, it seems today, all we do is waste law enforcement valuable time on items like this.  How about just a good chewing out and moving on?  But, jail time?  

As I have written a few times, both my mom and dad would have been locked up because they just didn't ask for respect from their kids to do the right things and worship God, THEY DEMANDED IT!!  If we didn't, the consequences of not doing what they demanded were spankings, not time outs; not grounding.  Oh, same thing at school .... spankings were part of school and part of learning to respect teachers and your fellow students. AND, it didn't matter if you were male or female.....equal punishment for all of us.  

But, guess what?  Back then we never had fights at school; we never had shootings at school, and many of us had pistols and rifles in our vehicles on school property. Most of those weapons were visible.  Back then, most of us were very mature and responsible!!! I remember when I got toy cap guns for Christmas ..... heck we wore them to school so we could play cowboys at recess.  

But, my main question is: What the hell has happen to America? 

Posted via email from Global Politics

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