Monday, February 28, 2011

Many Health Benefits of Avocados

Promote Heart Health

Before reviewing special health areas in which avocados truly shine in terms of their health benefits, it's worth remembering the big picture. That's exactly what Victor Fulgoni and his fellow researchers at Nutrition Impact, LLC did when they reviewed data from the federal government's National Health and Nutrition Examination Study (NHANES 2001-2006) and the dietary intake of 14,484 U.S. adults. Amazingly, only 273 adults participating in this study reported consumption of avocado within the last 24 hours. Amongst the 273 participants who reported recent consumption of avocado, however, nutrient intake was found to be significant higher than other participants for several vitamins (vitamin E and vitamin K), several minerals (potassium and magnesium), and at least one desirable macronutrient (total dietary fiber). Avocado consumers were also determined to be lower in weight and lower in body mass index than non-consumers. Total fat intake, total monounsaturated fat intake, and total polyunsaturated fat intake was higher in consumers of avocado, even though their overall calorie intake was not significantly different from non-consumers of avocado. This nationwide comparison of avocado consumers and non-consumers doesn't prove that avocado consumers get health advantages from avocado. Nor does it prove that avocado consumption makes us lower in weight. But it does point us in the general direction of viewing avocado as a health supportive food that may give us a "leg up" in terms of health and nourishment.

Wide-Ranging Anti-Inflammatory Benefits

The ability of avocado to help prevent unwanted inflammation is absolutely unquestionable in the world of health research. The term "anti-inflammatory" is a term that truly applies to this delicious food. Avocado's anti-inflammatory nutrients fall into five basic categories:

  • phytosterols, including beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol
  • carotenoid antioxidants, including lutein, neoxanthin, neochrome, chrysanthemaxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, violaxanthin , beta-carotene and alpha-carotene
  • other (non-carotenoid) antioxidants, including the flavonoids epicatechin and epigallocatechin 3-0-gallate, vitamins C and E, and the minerals manganese, selenium, and zinc
  • omega-3 fatty acids, in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (approximately 160 milligrams per cup of sliced avocado)
  • polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols (PSA)s

Arthritis-including both osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis-are health problems that have received special research attention with respect to dietary intake of avocado. All categories of anti-inflammatory nutrients listed above are likely to be involved in avocado's ability to help prevent osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. One especially interesting prevention mechanism, however, appear to involve avocado's phytosterols (stigmasterol, campesterol, and beta-sitosterol) and the prevention of too much pro-inflammatory PGE2 (prostaglandin E2) synthesis by the connective tissue.

Optimized Absorption of Carotenoids

No single category of nutrients in avocado is more impressive than carotenoids. Here's a list that summarizes key carotenoid antioxidants provided by avocado:

  • alpha-carotene
  • beta-carotene
  • beta-cryptoxanthin
  • chrysanthemaxanthin
  • lutein
  • neochrome
  • neoxanthin
  • violaxanthin
  • zeaxanthin

Optimal absorption of these fat-soluble phytonutrients requires just the right amount and combination of dietary fats-and that is exactly the combination that is provided by avocado! Included within avocado are generous amounts of oleic acid, a monounsaturated fatty acid that makes it easier for the digestive tract to form transport molecules (chylomicrons) that can carry carotenoids up into the body. This great match between avocado's fat content and its carotenoids also extends to the relationship between avocado and other foods. Consider, for example, a simple salad composed of romaine lettuce, spinach, and carrots. This simple salad is rich in carotenoids, and when we eat it, we definitely get important carotenoid benefits. But recent research has shown that if one cup of avocado (150 grams) is added to this salad, absorption of carotenoids will be increased by 200-400%! This improvement in carotenoid absorption has also been shown in the case of salsa made with and without avocado. (That's even more reason, we think, to try our recipe for 15-Minute Halibut with Avocado Salsa!)

Supports Cardiovascular Health

Avocado's support for heart and blood vessels might be surprising to some people who think about avocado as too high in fat for heart health. From a research standpoint, however, many metabolic aspects of heart health - including levels of inflammatory risk factors, levels of oxidative risk factors, and blood fat levels (including level of total cholesterol) - are improved by avocado. In addition, we know that heart health is improved by intake of oleic acid (the primary fatty acid in avocado) and by intake of omega-3 fatty acids (provided by avocado in the form of alpha-linolenic acid and in the amount of 160 milligrams per cup). Since elevated levels of homocysteine form a key risk factor for heart disease, and since B vitamins are very important for healthy regulation of homocysteine levels, avocado's significant amounts of vitamin B-6 and folic acid provide another channel of heart support.

Research on avocado and heart disease remains in the preliminary stage, with studies mostly limited to lab studies on cells or animals fed avocado extracts. But we fully expect to see large-scale human studies confirming the heart health benefits of this unique food.

Promotes Blood Sugar Regulation

One of the most fascinating areas of avocado research-and one that may turn out to be the most unique for health support-involves carbohydrates and blood sugar regulation. Avocado is relatively low-carb food, with about 19% of its calories coming from carbs. It's also a low-sugar food, containing less than 2 grams of total sugar per cup, and falls very low on the glycemic index. At the same time, one cup of avocado provides about 7-8 grams of dietary fiber, making it an important dietary source of this blood sugar-regulating nutrient. Given this overall carb profile, we would not expect avocado to be a problematic food for blood sugar unless it was eaten in excessive amounts (many cups per serving).

Within its relatively small carb content, however, avocado boasts some of the most unusual carb components in any food. When it is still on the tree, avocado contains about 60% of its carbs in the form of 7-carbon sugars. In sizable amounts, 7-carbon sugars (like mannoheptulose, the primary carb in unripened avocado) are rarely seen in foods. Because of their rare status, food scientists have been especially interested in the 7-carbon sugars (mannoheptulose, sedoheptulose, and related sugar alcohols like perseitol) found in avocado. The 7-carbon sugars like mannoheptulase may help regulate the way that blood sugar (glucose) is metabolized by blocking activity of an enzyme called hexokinase and changing the level of activity through a metabolic pathway called glycolysis. Research in this area is still a long way from determining potential health benefits for humans from dietary intake of these 7-carbon sugars. But it's an exciting area of potential health benefit for avocado, especially since this food is already recognized as low glycemic index.

One final interesting observation comes from this research on avocado and its carbs: after five days of ripening (post-harvest, beginning with removal of the avocado from the tree), the carb profile of avocado changes significantly. The 7-carbon sugars change from being the predominant form of carbs in avocado (60%) to being an important but minority component (between 40-50% of total carbs). With ripening, the 5-carbon sugars-especially sucrose-become the predominant carbs. While it's too early in the research process to draw health-oriented conclusions from this information, these findings may be encouraging us to consider degree of avocado ripeness as an important factor in its health benefits. We already know to stay away from an extremely overripe avocado that has become overly soft and has developed dark sunken spots on its skin. Perhaps off in the future, we'll be able to zero in on exact amounts of avocado ripeness that offers different types of unique health benefits, including carb-related benefits.

Anti-Cancer Benefits

The ability of avocado to help prevent the occurrence of cancers in the mouth, skin, and prostate gland has been studied in a preliminary way by health researchers, mostly through the use of lab studies on cancer cells or lab studies involving animals and their consumption of avocado extracts. But even though this anti-cancer research has been limited with respect to humans and diet, we believe that the preliminary results are impressive. The anti-cancer properties of avocado are definitely related to its unusual mix of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients. That relationship is to be expected since cancer risk factors almost always include excessive inflammation (related to lack of anti-inflammatory nutrients) and oxidative stress (related to lack of antioxidants). But here is where the avocado story gets especially interesting. In healthy cells, avocado works to improve inflammatory and oxidative stress levels. But in cancer cells, avocado works to increase oxidative stress and shift the cancer cells over into a programmed cell death cycle (apoptosis), lessening the cancer cell numbers. In other words, avocado appears to selectively push cancer cells "over the brink" in terms of oxidative stress and increase their likelihood of dying, while at the same time actively supporting the health of non-cancerous cells by increasing their supply antioxidant and anti-inflammatory nutrients. We look forward to large-scale studies in this area involving humans and dietary consumption of avocado.


There are dozens of varieties of avocadoes. The rich and creamy Haas variety is the most popular type of avocado in the United States, and 95% of all avocados grown in the United States are produced in California, original home of the Haas variety. They are generally available throughout the year, they are the most abundant and at their best during the spring and summer in California and in October in Florida. During the fall and winter months you can find Fuerto, Zutano and Bacon varieties. While avocados are technically fruits, we have categorized them here as vegetables since this is how they are usually considered from a culinary perspective.


Avocados are native to Central and South America and have been cultivated in these regions since 8,000 B.C. In the mid-17th century, they were introduced to Jamaica and spread through the Asian tropical regions in the mid-1800s. Cultivation in United States, specifically in Florida and California, began in the early 20th century. While avocados are now grown in most tropical and subtropical countries, the major commercial producers include the United States (Florida and California), Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Brazil and Colombia.

How to Select and Store

A ripe, ready-to-eat avocado is slightly soft but should have no dark sunken spots or cracks. If the avocado has a slight neck, rather than being rounded on top, it was probably tree ripened and will have better flavor. A firmer, less mature fruit can be ripened at home and will be less likely to have bruises. The average California Haas avocado weighs between 165-170 grams (about 6 ounces) and has a pebbled dark green or black skin, while the Fuerte avocado has smoother, brighter green skin. Florida avocados, which can be as large as 3 pounds, have less fat and calories, but their taste is not as rich as California varieties.

A firm avocado will ripen in a paper bag or in a fruit basket at room temperature within a few days. As the fruit ripens, the skin will turn darker. Avocados should not be refrigerated until they are ripe. Once ripe, they can be kept refrigerated for up to a week. If you are refrigerating a whole avocado, it is best to keep it whole and not slice it in order to avoid browning that occurs when the flesh is exposed to air.

If you have used a portion of a ripe avocado, it is best to store the remainder in the refrigerator. Store in a plastic bag, wrap with plastic wrap, or place on a plate and cover with plastic wrap. Sprinkling the exposed surface(s) with lemon juice will help to prevent the browning that can occur when the flesh comes in contact with oxygen in the air.

How to Enjoy

Tips for Preparing Avocados

Use a stainless steel knife to cut the avocado in half lengthwise. Gently twist the two halves in opposite direction if you find the flesh clinging to the pit. Remove the pit, either with a spoon or by spearing with the tip of a knife. Next, take each of the avocado halves and slice lengthwise to produce four avocado quarters. The use the California Avocado Commission's "nick and peel" method to peel the avocado. Just take your thumb and index finger to grip an edge of the avocado skin and peel it away from the flesh, in exactly the same way that you would peel a banana. The final result will be a peeled avocado that contains most of that dark green outermost flesh that is richest in carotenoid antioxidants.

You can prevent the natural darkening of the avocado flesh that occurs with exposure to air by sprinkling with a little lemon juice or vinegar.

The Healthiest Way of Cooking Avocados

Many avocado recipes that you'll find in cookbooks and on the Internet include avocado as an ingredient in its raw, unheated form. In my World's Healthiest Foods recipes, I also favor this approach. I simply cannot think of a better way to preserve the health benefits made possible by avocado's unique and delicate fats. If you do plan to use avocado in a recipe that calls for heat, I recommend that you use the lowest possible temperature and least amount of cooking time that will still work with your particular recipe. My purpose in making this recommendation is to help you minimize damage to avocado's unique fats. I've seen one research study showing that approximately 40 seconds of microwave heating on medium heat is a heating method that doesn't significantly change the fatty acid profile of avocados. Sometimes I like to add avocado to a dish that has been cooked. This is a similar approach to some traditional Mexican recipes. For example, in Mexico they add sliced avocado to chicken soup after it is cooked. The avocado warms and mingles well with the soup but retains its nutritional concentration since it is not cooked.

A Few Quick Serving Ideas

  • Use chopped avocados as a garnish for black bean soup.
  • Add avocado to your favorite creamy tofu-based dressing recipe to give it extra richness and a beautiful green color.
  • Mix chopped avocados, onions, tomatoes, cilantro, lime juice and seasonings for a rich-tasting twist on traditional guacamole.
  • Spread ripe avocados on bread as a healthy replacement for mayonnaise when making a sandwich.
  • For an exceptional salad, combine sliced avocado with fennel, oranges and fresh mint.
  • For a beautiful accompaniment to your favorite Mexican dish, top quartered avocado slices with corn relish and serve with a wedge of lime.

WHFoods Recipes That Feature Avocados

Individual Concerns

Avocados and Latex Allergy

Like bananas and chestnuts, avocados contain enzymes called chitinases that are associated with the latex-fruit allergy syndrome. There is strong evidence of the cross-reaction between latex and foods that naturally contain high amounts of chitinase enzymes. If you have a latex allergy, you may very likely be allergic to these foods as well. Processing the fruit with ethylene gas increases these enzymes; organic produce not treated with gas will have fewer allergy-causing compounds. In addition, cooking the food may deactivate the enzymes.

Nutritional Profile

Avocados contain an amazing array of phytonutrients. Included are phytosterols (especially beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, and campesterol); carotenoids (beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, neochrome, neoxanthin, chrysanthemaxanthin, beta-cryptoxanthin, zeaxanthin, and violaxanthin); flavonoids (epicatechin and epigallocatechin 3-0-gallate); and polyhydroxylated fatty alcohols. Alpha-linolenic acid (an omega-3 fatty acid) and oleic acid are key fats provided by avocado. Avocados are a good source of bone supportive vitamin K and copper as well as heart-healthydietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, folate and copper. Avocados are also a good source of potassium: they are higher in potassium than a medium banana.

Although they are fruits, avocados have a high fat content of between 71 to 88% of their total calories-about 20 times the average for other fruits. A typical avocado contains 30 grams of fat, but 20 of these fat grams are health-promoting monounsaturated fats, especially oleic acid.

For an in-depth nutritional profile click here: Avocado.

In-Depth Nutritional Profile

In addition to the nutrients highlighted in our ratings chart, an in-depth nutritional profile for Avocados is also available. This profile includes information on a full array of nutrients, including carbohydrates, sugar, soluble and insoluble fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and more.

Introduction to Food Rating System Chart

In order to better help you identify foods that feature a high concentration of nutrients for the calories they contain, we created a Food Rating System. This system allows us to highlight the foods that are especially rich in particular nutrients. The following chart shows the nutrients for which this food is either an excellent, very good, or good source (below the chart you will find a table that explains these qualifications). If a nutrient is not listed in the chart, it does not necessarily mean that the food doesn't contain it. It simply means that the nutrient is not provided in a sufficient amount or concentration to meet our rating criteria. (To view this food's in-depth nutritional profile that includes values for dozens of nutrients - not just the ones rated as excellent, very good, or good - please use the link below the chart.) To read this chart accurately, you'll need to glance up in the top left corner where you will find the name of the food and the serving size we used to calculate the food's nutrient composition. This serving size will tell you how much of the food you need to eat to obtain the amount of nutrients found in the chart. Now, returning to the chart itself, you can look next to the nutrient name in order to find the nutrient amount it offers, the percent Daily Value (DV%) that this amount represents, the nutrient density that we calculated for this food and nutrient, and the rating we established in our rating system. For most of our nutrient ratings, we adopted the government standards for food labeling that are found in the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's "Reference Values for Nutrition Labeling." Read more background information and details of our rating system.

Avocado, slices
1.00 cup
146.00 grams
235.06 calories
NutrientAmount DV
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
vitamin K29.20 mcg 36.52.8 good
dietary fiber7.30 g 29.22.2good
potassium874.54 mg 25.01.9good
folate90.37 mcg 22.61.7good
vitamin B6 (pyridoxine)0.41 mg 20.51.6good
vitamin C11.53 mg 19.21.5good
copper0.38 mg 19.01.5good
World's Healthiest
Foods Rating
excellent DV>=75%OR Density>=7.6ANDDV>=10%
very goodDV>=50% ORDensity>=3.4 ANDDV>=5%
good DV>=25%OR Density>=1.5ANDDV>=2.5%

In-Depth Nutritional Profile for


Posted via email from WellCare

KickStart Your Next CD With Fan Funding!

These two artist wrote some great songs and asked their fans to support/invest in their new recording....and has it paid off well for them.

Congratulations Rankin Twins!!

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What Will We Look Like in Heaven?

---by Billy Graham

Q: What will we look like when we get to heaven? Will we wear white robes, for example, like I've heard some people say? And will we be able to recognize each other? I've always been curious about this. -- R.W. 

A: The Bible doesn't answer all our questions about heaven, including the question of what exactly we'll look like when we get there. 

But one thing is clear: In heaven, we will have new and perfect bodies -- bodies that will never age or become weak or die, because they will be like Christ's glorious body after His resurrection. Down here, our bodies have been weakened by sin -- but in heaven, all that will be behind us, because by His death and resurrection Christ conquered all sin and sickness and death. The Bible says that in heaven Christ "will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body" (Philippians 3:21). 

The Bible gives us a hint of what we will be like in its account of Jesus' transfiguration. (You can read it in Luke 9:28-36.) On that occasion, Jesus went with three of His disciples up to a lonely mountain. There, His appearance was transformed into something indescribably glorious, as His divine nature shone through His human nature. Moses and Elijah came from heaven to talk with Him, and their appearance was likewise wonderful. The Bible says they "appeared in glorious splendor" (Luke 9:30). 

This is what our bodies will be like when we get to heaven: transformed into something glorious. And yet Moses and Elijah were still recognizable -- and we will be also. Are you sure that heaven is your final destination? Make certain of your salvation by giving your life to Jesus Christ today. 

Posted via email from Religion

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Living in Mexico

--- by J.D. Roth

In 2006, my husband and I bought a house in the center of Guanajuato, a city in Mexico’s Central Highlands, where we live about one-third of the year. We didn’t buy the house because it’s a cheaper place to live; we were motivated because we’d been visiting this town for five years and fell in love with it anew every time we came. Despite the fact that we live pretty simply in the States, it’s less expensive in Guanajuato. Here are some of the ways we save.

Transport. We’re happy not to have a car in Mexico. We walk everywhere: to do errands, visit friends, go out for coffee, shop. Numerous small groceries, mom ‘n’ pop shops, bakeries, and coffee shops are located within a few minutes’ walk of our home. When I buy groceries, I only buy as much as I can carry in my backpack. If I need more, I go out again later, or the next day. Walking is always a pleasure — and even an inspiration — because the town is so colorful and lively and many areas are pedestrian-only. We live on one of Guanajuato’s many traffic-freecallejones (alleys). Buses and economical taxis are also available for longer distances.

Casas de Colores in Guanajuato. Photo by Conejoazul.

Guanajuato is located in a valley. Wherever I am in town, I feel like I’m in a big salad bowl of houses, colonial buildings, and churches the color of fruit — mango, watermelon, lemon, kiwi. Because of the city’s topography and its steep, narrow alleys, foreigners with cars either have to live in the suburbs or park their cars in expensive garages (often located on the other side of town).

In Eureka, on California’s North Coast, where we live the rest of the year, we have a 1989 Mazda Miata, bought secondhand, and an even older camper van. In town, we walk or bicycle as much as possible, but even without driving everyday, owning two vehicles is still expensive. It’s also more of an effort to walk in Eureka, because there’s nowhere near as much life and joy on the street.

Food. We eat a bit less in Mexico, because it’s warmer, and because we’ve adopted the local style of having our comida (the single main meal) around 2:00 p.m. Vegetables, fruit, beans, and rice, which make up a lot of our diet, are plentiful and inexpensive. We have three gas burners, a toaster-oven, and a microwave. Ovens are rare in Mexico. One downside of cooking is that we have to disinfect all vegetables in a weak solution of iodine before cooking, which takes about ten minutes.

Fitness. In Eureka, I pay to belong to a gym. One great advantage of Guanajuato is that the topography and elevation (almost 7000 feet) conspire to keep us fit. Between walking around town, climbing the hills surrounding the city two or three times a week (all of which are accessible by foot from our house), and doing bodyweight/kettlebell exercises at home, I stay in shape almost effortlessly. We brought our older bicycles down, and we cycle recreationally on Sundays, but due to the tangle of steps, ramps, alleys, steep inclines, unexpected drop-offs and other obstacles in Guanajuato, we don’t use the bikes for practical errands the way we do in California.

Purchases. We tend to spend less on purchases in Mexico than in the U.S. For instance, I buy fewer clothes and books. I satisfy my English-language reading needs mainly online. I buy Mexican newspapers and magazines from time to time.

Heating. We don’t pay for heat in Guanajuato, whereas it’s a big expense in Eureka. In winter, Guanajuato can be cool in the early mornings and evenings, but we just layer up and dress warmly, whereas in damp, chilly Eureka, we can’t get by in winter (or even in other seasons of the year at times!) with just an extra sweater.

House taxes. Part of our rent in California goes toward our landlord paying house taxes, whereas in Guanajuato, we only pay about $50 tax annually.

Services. We spent three years remodeling our Mexico house, using the services of a real-estate attorney, architect, carpenters, electricians, metal workers, and painters. We completed the remodel about two years ago, but maintenance is an ongoing issue in our old adobe house. Last fall, our maintenance man, Juan, spent the best part of a day digging up and replacing part of our sewage pipe, which had gotten clogged. He charged $45 for a messy, difficult job, although we were more than happy to add a substantial tip. Ernesto, a metal worker, recently built and installed two new window frames for the bargain price of $100. We pay more for services than products in Mexico, but they’re rarely costly.

Daily life. In Mexico, my life is focused more on the basics: disinfecting vegetables, cooking, hanging clothes on the line, sweeping, walking. When U.S. friends ask me how I spend time in Mexico, I say, “Life itself takes more time.” I don’t resent it. Focusing on simple, concrete activities is deeply satisfying. In Eureka, on the other hand, I’m very work-focused. I love my work, which istraining and coaching managers and leaders, but it does feel more mental and abstract than do my activities in Mexico.

Entertainment. The University of Guanajuato has a professional orchestra that offers weekly symphonies at a cost of about $5, held at a concert hall five minutes from our home. Many national and international concerts and performances are offered year-round, rarely for more than about $8. Popular movies cost $3, and a city film club offers international artsy films with sub-titles at similar prices.

Travel. When we explore other parts of Mexico, we travel in comfortable and reasonably-priced buses, and stay at hotels that rarely cost more than $35 a night.

Not everything in Mexico is cheaper, of course. Furnishing our home cost more than it ever did in the U.S. because secondhand furniture is much less common in Mexico. Mexicans don’t upgrade or get rid of stuff as often as Americans, and when they do, they usually pass on their old item to another family member. We couldn’t find desks for sale, new or used, so we hired a local carpenter to build desks and a dining room table.

Another expense in Mexico is Spanish classes, a cost we don’t have in the U.S. But at the price of $10 an hour (or less) for a private tutor, it’s not going to break the bank, and is well worth it, not only because our teachers help us improve our Spanish, but because they become our friends.

Guanajuato y su Cervantino 2008

Saving money is a fringe benefit of living in Mexico, but as I said, it wasn’t what motivated us to buy our house. While it’s true our day-to-day costs are less than in California, there are so many other attractions of life in Mexico that delight us. The sense of vitality and energy on the streets, the beauty of the city, the thrill of mastering another language, the pleasure in making Mexican friends, the challenge of understanding a culture so radically different from our own…the list goes on and on. Every time I re-enter the city after a time away, I see the high rock walls again and the colors of houses, and I shiver with anticipation.

At this point, we’re not ready to move full-time to Mexico mainly because of my work in California. Meanwhile, we appreciate the contrast between our Mexican and U.S. lives: sea level vs. highlands; overcast vs. sunshine; English vs. Spanish; kayaking the bay vs. hiking the hills…we’re graced with the best of both worlds.

Poteet Strawberry Festival

The Poteet Strawberry Festival features delicious food, a rodeo, musical entertainment, a carnival and everything "strawberry" you could possibly imagine.

Poteet 2009 - mhansen
Poteet 2009 - mhansen

When spring is in the air, the brown starts to give way to the green and flowers start showing their colorful smiles, it's time for one thing! You got it! Head on down I-35 to exit 148A and take TX-16 all the way to Poteet, Texas. When you see the strawberry in the sky (their water tower is a juicy, ripe strawberry), you'll know you've reached your destination and are you ever in for a treat!

In April each year, Poteet offers a big taste of strawberries with a scrumptious scoop of South Texas on top. Bring the whole family because there is something for everyone. From carnival rides to delectable delights and shopping to entertainment, you won't be disappointed. There's no finer place to spend a slice of a springtime day than in the little town of Poteet and folks have been doing just that since 1948 when the first Strawberry Festival opened its gates. If you're going for the food, you'll find the usual carnival fare such as hotdogs, burgers,tacos and roasted corn but that's not all. The star of this show is obviously the strawberry.

From strawberry nachos to strawberry wine, you will not leave this festival without satisfying your berry craving. You'll stumble upon the expected strawberry shortcake, strawberry ice cream and strawberry sundaes. You can also enjoy the simple, delicious berries alone or dipped in succulent chocolate. There's no way to visit this shin-dig and not get your strawberry fix on!

Once you've reached the point of berry bliss, enjoy one of the many unique, crowd-pleasing shows and visit the merchants who always offer a variety of goodies for purchase. The entertainment varies from year to year but you can find the latest schedule updates and festival highlights at the official site here.

The festival has been known to include the famous Elvis Extravaganza (look-alike/sound-alike Elvis contest). Close your eyes and these blue-suede shoe entertainers will have you believing you're back in Memphis about 40 years ago. This contest consistently draws a talented bunch who not only look like The King but also sound and entertain like him! Again, check the website to see if this is part of the entertainment schedule.Some parts of the festival just never change. Just like the berries, you are always going to find the carnival area and let's not forget the rodeo and all its amazing traditional roping and riding events. The rodeo is worth the price of festival admission alone but it's simply one of the gold nuggets in this treasure basket.

Put the Poteet Strawberry Festival on your calendar of spring events and don't forget to take home a strawberry plant. Then, you can enjoy the berry this festival celebrates, right from your g

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