Thursday, December 16, 2010

Winner of Most Beautiful Woman in Dallas, Tx

We could dress this up with some fancy language. We could tell you that Thoreau said, “The perception of beauty is a moral test.” We could suggest that the online assessment of these women’s pulchritude—conducted via readers’ votes, some 50,000 of which winnowed a field of 20 semifinalists (of 450 nominees) down to the winners you see here—was the ultimate such moral test. But let’s just skip all the pretense and look at some hot chicks, shall we?

Becky Parks

Age: 36
model and aerobics instructor

It’s hard to get past those blue eyes and silky red locks, but when you do, you discover a down-to-earth family girl. Parks holds down four jobs, but the most important to her is being a mother of two. The family lives a minute from Joe Pool Lake, so they spend a lot of time on the water in their new boat. Even work sounds like play for Parks, whose favorite gig is as a fitness instructor. “I don’t even consider that one work,” she says. “I love making other women feel good about themselves.”



, $6,160/special order Neiman Marcus; Earrings: Miguel Ases Design, $350/Neiman Marcus Downtown

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