The perp is a total nutcase, of course. But the fact such people exist is precisely why right wing commentators such as Mama G should throttle back on the hate rhetoric.
Posted by: fzdybel | January 8, 2011 5:47 PM | Report abuse
The Democrats created a similar map with shooting targets and the heading "Target Strategy". For some reason I don't see that posted in any of these liberal blogs.
Posted by: NotADemocrat | January 8, 2011 5:53 PM | Report abuse
The end Sarah Palin's political career: Just reading the comments of many of her supporters in her Facebook page makes a human want to puke.
Many cheered.
Posted by: Mighty7 | January 8, 2011 5:53 PM | Report abuse
I guess this was part of the "Second Amendment Solutions" Sharon Angle talked about. It's time to take on these domestic terrorists and treat them as they deserve.
Posted by: bizecology | January 8, 2011 5:56 PM | Report abuse
NotADemocrat: Really? Where? Can you find a link? An image? Because the Democratic party is not the one with a fringe wing filled with gun totting nutbags calling for "second ammendment solution".
Interesting that all libertarians are pointing to the fact he has listed "The Communist Manifesto" in his list of favorite books but ALL failed to mention he also has "We The Living" listed, a book by Aye Rand that is a "Libertarian Manifesto" against communism. Or the fact the guy was a strict constitutionalist who hated the Democrats and refused to accept payment with money because it was not backed up by gold or silver...ALL the very foundation of their movement and ALL commonly found in conservative and Tea Party rhetoric, NEVER in a Democratic party.
Posted by: Mighty7 | January 8, 2011 6:00 PM | Report abuse
@NotaDemocrat, there is a big difference between targeting districts and targeting people. That is the point many rationale, Independents and moderate Republicans are making about Palin, Limbaugh, Beck and others. Thugs like you justify anything, including violence, if it meets your needs and the rest of us are fed up. I wish people like you would stop immediately trying to find the equivalent of "they do it too" when responding to legitimate criticism of actions like this. What happened to being the party of personal responsibility and law and order? If it turns out that the rhetoric of Palin et al is responsible, they should take responsibility and adjust their actions to better suit the Bible (they obviously haven't ever really read)that they are always shoving down our throats or on to the walls of our public buildings.
Posted by: Moderate4USA | January 8, 2011 6:01 PM | Report abuse
The far-right nut-jobs who haunt the comments here and elsewhere are falling all over themselves in the effort to tag the shooter as some lone nut with no ideology. Sorry Glen Beck fans, Jared Loughner has left a trail of Beck talking points right along with his paranoid ranting. Own it Tea Partiers. This is your life.
Posted by: valeoftheoaks | January 8, 2011 6:04 PM | Report abuse
@bizecology - you're partially right. Let's treat them like traitors instead though. I say it's time to return to the phrase "This is America, love it or leave it." If Palin, Beck, Limbaugh think America is such a terrible place, they should go someplace they'd be comfortable with political violence and theocracy, where they execute gays and keep women Iran. They'd like Iran. They have beheadings there...
Posted by: Moderate4USA | January 8, 2011 6:08 PM | Report abuse
It means nothing. The guy was a schizophrenic, probably in the midst of a psychotic break. If there is any message, it is that our treatment of the mentally ill is getting worse every year.
Here is his youtube channel:
Posted by: porovaara | January 8, 2011 6:12 PM | Report abuse
This latest shooting tragedy in Tucson reflects two things.
1. Those who live by the gun die by the gun. America (in its psyche), lives by the gun.
2. This tragedy is what happens when reactionary forces indulge in hate filled bigoted rhetoric to advance their deranged selfish vindictive agendas.
It is time that reasonable and respected men like Congressmen Ron Paul blew the whistle on those who would advance Corporate agendas that deliberately exploit the crazy bigots that exist in every society.
Stuart NZ
Posted by: schmoepooh | January 8, 2011 6:27 PM | Report abuse
Betcha anything his TV is set on the Faux News channel.
Posted by: csears | January 8, 2011 6:32 PM | Report abuse
It is time to read the Second Amendment:
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
The context deals with two purposes: a regulated Militia and the security of a free state.
It does not say: "The right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
One must ask if the right to bear arms is contingent on those arms being available for use in a well regulated militia. One must remember that when this amendment was drafted there were no standing armies and that is why it exists. Today, there is a standing army (defence force) and there is the National Guard, therefore, there is no justification for the holding of arms. But if there is then there is nothing to stop legislatures from strictly regulating their use so that they may only be used in a well regulated militia (ie the dominant use). If they are held for other reasons (ie subservient use) then they can be banned.
Americans often ignore the context of the second amendment and the words "the right to bear arms" by excising the introduction which is a controlling qualification (a contingency).
Further, this Amendment is badly written because it is ambiguous but the construction that I have put on it counters the idea that the right to bear arms is unchallengeable.
America is a violent nation (internally and externally) and I doubt that the courts are willing to bite the bullet by putting a construction on all of its words.
Posted by: robertjames1 | January 8, 2011 6:52 PM | Report abuse
They're saying she was not the real target;
the Federal Judge was the target and he died.
In any case the shooter was mentally ill;
normal people don't do stuff like that.
Posted by: ohioan | January 8, 2011 7:02 PM | Report abuse
valeoftheoaks wrote:
The far-right nut-jobs who haunt the comments here and elsewhere are falling all over themselves in the effort to tag the shooter as some lone nut with no ideology. Sorry Glen Beck fans, Jared Loughner has left a trail of Beck talking points right along with his paranoid ranting. Own it Tea Partiers. This is your life.
Sorry but they guys' Myspace page tells a different story. He was a pro communism/socialism atheist who had a problem with the constitution and democracy. He listed his favorite books as the Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. Not exactly the most compatible of ideologies but both are the antithesis democracy. Doesn't exactly fit the tea party profile. In fact, on the surface, it would be a profile more fitting of a left wing extremist. In reality the guy is probably mentally ill and not part of any conspiracy from either side.
Posted by: gravitysucks | January 8, 2011 7:03 PM | Report abuse
It was Arizona Tea Party candidate Sharron Angle who called for "second amendment solutions if Democrats win". I certainly never heard anyone on the Left talking like that!
Posted by: thomasmc1957 | January 8, 2011 7:08 PM | Report abuse
what this means is that the rightwing kill meme to assassinate your opponents is beginning to have effect... this nuts line of defense seems to be the constitution made him do it
Posted by: longwalksinparis | January 8, 2011 7:15 PM | Report abuse
I see that within minutes of this latest Christian Republican murders Sarah Palin removed death threats from her web site, and I see that Jesse Kelly is lawyering-up in case his death threats get him indicted as an accessory to these murders:
Typical Christian Republicanism. Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reilly, Saral Palin, Ann Coulter, Jesse Kelly, they all egg on their right wing terrorist supporters to go out and murder Americans, and when the people they ehip up with their theofascist hate speech murder people, they step back, raise their hands, and say "woah! we didn't kill anybody."
Get a copy of that screen capture above. The Palin domestic terrorist and her handlers as well as Jesse Kelly don't want you to see what was on their web sites before they murdered another 6 innocent Americans.
Posted by: DamOTclese | January 8, 2011 7:17 PM | Report abuse
It doesn't matter whether it was politically motivated. The incitement was there. The Tea Party has blood on their hands. And I doubt it will affect any of these people. They will deny any connection, pretend to sympathize and do it again because this is where they are headed.
Posted by: chris_holte | January 8, 2011 7:20 PM | Report abuse
Premature? You want desperately to delay the reckoning, but the reckoning is here, now. Sarah Palin issued a hit request against an elected official, and the hit request was carried out. You don't get to withdraw your hit request and pretend you never made it.
Posted by: james0tucson | January 8, 2011 7:23 PM | Report abuse
just heard two conservatives at work laugh about this... you bastards really are EVIL
Posted by: longwalksinparis | January 8, 2011 7:24 PM | Report abuse
Saw this from an MSNBC article...
"A 22-year-old woman in Arizona, Caitie Parker, claimed on her Twitter feed that she went to high school and college with the gunman, and was in a band with him. She described his politics in the past as "left wing, quite liberal, & oddly obsessed with the 2012 prophecy." She also described him as having a lot of friends "until he got alcohol poisoning in '06" and dropped out of school. "Mainly loner very philosophical."
Typical media and left wing nut is to blame it on the "Tea partiers" and it turns out the be one of their own.
Posted by: GiveMeThat | January 8, 2011 7:30 PM | Report abuse
this guy was just the person the rightwing wants for their randomnized
political killings... to strike fear and terror into those of us that want a more just world... don't let these terrorists succeed
Posted by: longwalksinparis | January 8, 2011 7:33 PM | Report abuse
The Congresswoman is a Conservative Democrat....
...a "Bluedog"
The shooter is described as "liberal"
The Dailykos left has been openly harsh about Bluedogs since before the election.....
"Dem Blue Dogs obstructionists set to bear brunt of losses"
....just saying.......
Lotta hate on the left
Posted by: georgedixon1 | January 8, 2011 7:34 PM | Report abuse
Is it just a random act of violence against random people? Is it just all a coincidence? Or maybe it's not at all random... Senseless violence, yes, but not so in the perpetrator's mind.
watch this video and see Gaby Giffords talks about Palin's poster:
Posted by: stepover12 | January 8, 2011 7:37 PM | Report abuse
This shooting could mean that Sista Sarah and a whole bunch of "inciters" might have shot THEMSELVES in the foot.
Posted by: Evenfoolsarerightsometimes | January 8, 2011 7:37 PM | Report abuse
read this guys ramblings and you have the rightwing everyman... hey conservatives this guy is YOU
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