Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The Need to Keep Reaganomics Alive

“Growth solves a lot of problems, OK? Growth solves budget problems, growth solves deficit problems, growth solves debt problems. I'm all for limiting spending. I just want to say that. Yes, yes indeed. We get back to 20 percent of GDP or less on spending, I am fine with that, OK? Fine with that. But I don't see debt as this new red menace out there. What I see is growth as the lord's savior to the economy and our fiscal position.”

“Just make the dollar sound and keep marginal tax rates low. The economy will grow beautifully. But if the dollar falls, as it's been falling for 10 years-- on the index it's at a 10 year low nearly--then it neutralizes the lower tax rates, you see what I'm saying? Because commodity prices soar and the capital flows outside the country, and it's a dreadful policy. So, low tax rates, limited government. Keep the dollar sound.”

Right now, Republican presidential candidates are beginning to prepare for the upcoming election and are formulating their respective policy agendas.  The key question each GOP candidate should be asked is whether they have a real pro-growth agenda. This, along with a free market focus and a strong dollar policy are absolutely key.

We must keep the legacy of Reaganomics alive.  

Posted via email from Global Politics

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