Sunday, June 12, 2011

SEIU On California’s Conservatives: ‘If we can’t get them out, we’ll breed them out.’

---From Red State

There is a scene in the movie Braveheart in which King Edward I (Longshanks) laments that there are too many Scots. His solution is to declare reinstatement of the old practice of primae noctis, which is to allow his nobles to have the right to take the Scots’ newlywed wives to their beds on their wedding night. Upon declaring primae noctis, Longshanks states (in obvious reference to impregnating the Scots’ brides), “If we can’t get them out, we’ll breed them out.”

While there is wide speculation that the practice of primae noctis is, in fact, fictional, it seems the leaders of the California’s SEIU, feeling there are too many conservatives holding public office in California, have adopted their own union version of primae noctis: If we can’t get them out, we’ll breed them out.

California’s SEIU leaders are planning on getting rid of California’s conservative lawmakers by taking over the California Republican Party by recruiting their own GOP candidates.

One of California’s largest labor unions today advanced a plan intended to result in the election of more moderate Republicans.

By creating a Republican political action committee, Service Employees International Union California officials say they hope to help send people from right-leaning areas to Sacramento who put practical solutions in front of strict conservative thinking.


The union says 87,000 of its 700,000 members are registered Republicans. With redrawn legislative boundaries looming and the creation of the top-two primary system, SEIU’s new leader Dave Kieffer has said this is the perfect time to start helping candidates to extricate themselves from the grip of party extremists. SEIU is expected to launch its second ad campaign this weekend in the districts of current GOP legislators its officials believe could support Brown’s tax package.

“I feel the far right, the tea party, is hijacking my party, and it’s saddening,” said John Orr, a parking officer at California State University, Fullerton. “I hope through this PAC, this effort and the open primary that moderates can regain their voice.”

So, in a nutshell: The SEIU, which already owns the Democratic Party in California is not satisfied with merely owning one party, it wants control of both parties and is willing to take over the GOP from the inside out [see Saul Alinsky].

With the SEIU on the Left and the SEIU in the Right, taxpayers will be stuck in the middle—and stuck with the tab—with nowhere to go…except away.

Posted via email from Global Politics

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