Friday, July 8, 2011

What Americans Got For 5 Trillion....NOTHING!

Hey dude, you brought America to this point....if you think for one minute we are going to bail you out any time in the next 18 months so you look good during for the next election, you can wish in one hand and ---- in the other.

A majority of Americans don't like you and about 90% of all business despise you.  To that end, all of us are in a 'hold' pattern and once you are back in civilian life we will hire as much as we need, but, not before then. 

We have not even discussed your lack of business judgement on drilling or your inability to secure our borders even though that could be done, if you would give a days worth of doing something right with your limited time left in DC.  Need I say any more???

Words have consequences, and as cute as it has been for the president to talk glibly of limb-lopping doctors and Vegas-junketing CEOs these last few years, his message finally got through. Yet the objects of his scorn will have their say, too. And so now the job creating community that makes America work is replying, in its stasis, that it likes Barack Obama about as much as he likes them.

Your presidency will be judged by all the 'right' things you do; not how much you try to move America towards and into a world never before seen, a world called Socialism!

Posted via email from Anointed One

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