Like Capt. Renault in “Casablanca,” I am shocked, shocked to discover that access peddling is going on in the Obama White House. Perks for deep-pocketed donors? Presidential meetings for sale? The stale Chicago odor of pay-for-play wafting from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue? Knock me over with a feather.
Despite the president’s claimed distaste for the campaign finance practice known as “bundling” (rounding up aggregate contributions from friends, business associates and employees), the House of Obama has been a campaign finance bundlers’ paradise from Day One.
A new report by Matthew Mosk of The Washington Times just confirms the gob-smackingly obvious: It’s business as usual in the era of Hope and Change. O’s wealthiest Democratic donors have received lavish receptions, golf outings, bowling dates and movie nights with Obama.
And internal Democratic National Committee documents acquired by the Times reveal that “high-dollar fundraisers have been promised access to senior White House officials in exchange for pledges to donate $30,400 personally or to bundle $300,000 in contributions ahead of the 2010 midterm elections.” Yup, they’re just haggling over the price.
Many Obama bundlers have secured slots on federal advisory panels and commissions. Still more have benefited from the time-honored patronage tradition of rewarding political benefactors with ambassadorships. Clinton did it. Bush did it. And despite all his fantastical, Balloon Boy-level rhetoric of bringing a “new politics” to Washington, Obama’s done it, too.
His ambassador to London, Louis Susman, is a Chicago crony with no diplomatic experience who bundled between $200,000 and $500,000 for Team Obama and is known as “The Vacuum Cleaner” for his fundraising prowess. His ambassador to France, entertainment mogul Charlie Rivkin, headed up Obama’s California fundraising operations, raking in $500,000 for the campaign and another $300,000 for the inaugural. His ambassador to Spain, Boston moneyman Alan Solomont, also bundled the same amounts for the campaign and inaugural.
In June 2008, candidate Obama railed: “We need a president who will look out for the interests of hardworking families, not just their big campaign donors and corporate allies.” Immediately after the speech, he headed to a campaign fundraiser at the Manhattan headquarters of Credit Suisse, one of the major investment companies caught up in the subprime lending debacle. President Obama collected $3 million last week at another Manhattan fundraiser after carping about Wall Street’s “self-interestedness.” Audacity is his middle name.
When Obama inveighs against Wall Street greed and politicians beholden to Big Business, remember this: The Wall Street gamblers that Obama and his wife carped about on the campaign trail shoveled money to his campaign hand over fist. According to the Center for Responsive Politics, hedge funds and private equity firms donated $2,992,456 to the Obama campaign in the 2008 cycle. No fewer than 100 Obama bundlers are investment CEOs and brokers: Nearly two dozen work for financial giants such as Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs or Citigroup.
Obama happily accepted more than $200,000 in bundled contributions from billionaire hedge-fund manager James Torrey, more than $100,000 in bundled contributions from billionaire hedge-fund manager Paul Tudor Jones and more than $50,000 in bundled contributions from billionaire hedge-fund manager Kenneth C. Griffin, chief executive officer of Citadel Investment Group in Chicago.
Another notable: Chicago investment banker James Reynolds, who raised more than $200,000 for the Obama campaign while chief executive of Loop Capital Markets. The municipal bond specialist was a longtime friend of Obama’s—feting the rising star in his Hyde Park home and convincing friends and associates to open up their wallets more than a decade ago.
In 2003, USA Today reported, Reynolds was caught on FBI wiretaps arranging what prosecutors called a “sham” consulting contract with a gal pal of a Philadelphia mayoral adviser. After the conversations, Reynolds snagged $300,000 in no-bid city contracts for Loop Capital Markets. City officials went to jail over the scam. Reynolds skated. The Obama campaign’s only statement? “Jim Reynolds has admitted that he made mistakes, but he has not been charged with any wrongdoing.”
Fortunately for Obama bundlers who may find themselves in legal trouble in the future, Clinton-era donor-maintenance fixer Eric Holder (who oversaw the pardon for fugitive financier Marc Rich) is guarding the henhouse at the Justice Department.
Every corner of the Obama administration is stuffed with crony moneybags. Take the first lady’s social secretary, Desiree Rogers. More than a party planner, she’s a fundraising machine in her own right. According to left-wing watchdog Public Citizen, Rogers bundled more than $200,000 for Obama and contributed $28,500 to Democratic committees. Rogers’ ex-husband, John W. Rogers Jr., chief executive of multibillion-dollar Ariel Capital Management, played basketball with Michelle O’s brother, Craig Robinson, at Princeton. Mr. Rogers also served as a campaign finance bundler for Team Obama—and hung with Obama in the White House on Super Bowl Sunday.
An indignant White House says this is about “friendship,” not influence peddling. But as Obama himself noted in 2007: “It is no coincidence that the best bundlers are often granted the greatest access, and access is power in Washington.”
Indeed, the Obama White House policy can be summed up in four words: No Bundler Left Behind.
Friday, October 30, 2009
The Obama White House: Bundlers’ Paradise
Homeland Security Department Gags Local Law Enforcement to Protect 'Privacy' of Illegal Aliens
Homeland Security Department Secretary Janet Napolitano has said she will concentrate on 'criminal aliens' when enforcing federal immigration law. ( Starr)
“The Privacy Act and the privacy policy provide protections for U.S. citizens, legal permanent residents and, in the case of the privacy policy, illegal aliens,” Kelly Nantel, press secretary for ICE, told, referring to the Privacy Act of 1974.
Nantel said that although illegal aliens are not protected under the Privacy Act, it is the policy of the Department of Homeland Security to extend the privacy protection to individuals who are in the country illegally, a policy she said was put into place by former DHS Secretary Michael Chertoff, who served under President Bush.
“Any information regarding individuals encountered through the enforcement of federal law is ultimately protected,” Nantel said. “We need to be sure that prior to the release of information, an appropriate determination is made regarding those protections.”
The DHS's agreements with local law enforcement agencies--known as Memorandums of Agreement (MOA)--guide the 287(g) program, which was created in 2003 as an amendment to the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996. The 287(g) program trains and certifies state and local law enforcement personnel to enforce federal immigration law. In July, DHS Secretary Janet Napolitano announced that the existing agreements with local law enforcement agencies would be “standardized” and reviewed. In a speech in August, Napolitano said the MOAs had been “rewritten and reprioritized to focus on using them in jails and prisons.”
Illegal immigrants handcuffed together are moved into a separate area of Tent City in Phoenix, Ariz., on Feb. 4, 2009 by orders of Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio. They will be incarcerated there until their sentences are served and they are deported to their home countries (AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin)
The revised MOAs given to all of DHS's local law enforcement “partners” includes the following language governing the “release of information to the media and other third parties.”
“The [state or local agency] hereby agrees to coordinate with ICE prior to releasing any information relating to, or exchanged under, this MOA, including any SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures) developed for the implementation of this MOA. Information obtained or developed as a result of this MOA is under the control of ICE and shall be subject to public disclosure only pursuant to the provisions of applicable federal laws, regulations, and executive orders. Insofar as any documents created by the [state or local agency] contain information developed or obtained as a result of this MOA, such documents shall not be considered public records.”
Reporters or members of the public who want information arising from a local law enforcement agency's efforts to enforce immigration law will be forced to file a Freedom of Information Act request to gain access to information that is not classified and which the public is entitled to see. “The standardized 287(g) Memorandums of Agreement include provisions designed to protect information whose (sic) release would violate privacy laws or hamper the outcome of a law enforcement investigation,” Nantel said. “However, information defined as not public record can be released through a Freedom of Information Act request as long as the release does not violate other laws and DHS policies.”
DHS and ICE officials said enforcement of federal immigration law will concentrate on “criminal aliens” and not on individuals who are simply in the country illegally. Nantel said the treatment of illegal aliens without a criminal record will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
The MOA spells out that policy as follows:
“ICE will assume custody of an alien 1) who has been convicted of a State, local or Federal offense only after being informed by the alien’s custodian that such alien has concluded service of any sentence of incarceration; 2) who has prior criminal convictions and when immigration detention is required by statute; and 3) when the ICE Detention and Removal Field Office Director or his designee decides on a case-by-case basis to assume custody of an alien who does not meet the above criteria.” asked Nantel if the Obama administration, DHS, and ICE support the arrest and deportation of individuals who are in the country illegally, regardless of whether they have committed a crime. Nantel did not give a simple yes-or-no answer to this question, saying instead that the administration will remove illegal aliens according to "DHS priorities."
“ICE is first and foremost focused on identifying and removing dangerous criminal aliens who pose a threat to local communities," Nantel said. "ICE will arrest and process for removal any individuals who are found to be in this country illegally in a manner consistent with immigration law and DHS priorities.”
By 2-to-1 Margin, American Women Prefer Private Health Insurance Over Government-Run Plan, Poll Finds
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi of Calif. pumps her fists after she announced a retooled health care overhaul bill, Thursday, Oct. 29, 2009. on Capitol Hill in Washington. (AP Photo/Charles Dharapak)
The same proportion, two-thirds, also said Congress should not rush to pass a health-care bill. By a margin of 64 percent to 27 percent, women agreed they “would rather have private health insurance than a government-run health insurance plan,” according to the poll.The random- digit-dial telephone survey, which was conducted by pollster Kellyanne Conway, surveyed 800 women from across the country from Oct. 19-25. "In this poll we treat women like grownups," said Conway, a Republican and president of the polling company. "We don't ask them just about babies and families, although we cover those issues. We ask them about real world economics, real tradeoffs and the real costs associated with our health-care system." The poll found that concern over the economy (39 percent) topped health care as women's main concern.But the poll found that at least two-thirds of women are happy with their own health insurance and health care.
-- 66 percent described the quality of their health insurance as “excellent” or “good.” 74 percent used the same terms to describe the quality of their health care.
-- 75 percent don’t want drastic changes made to theire own health care (40 percent said it should “be modified, but mostly left the same,” 35 percent said it should “be left as is” and 19 percent want it to “undergo dramatic overhaul.”) -- 59 percent don't want drastric changes to health care in America (35 percent said "undergo dramatic overhaul," 48 percent said "be modified, but mostly left the same" and 11 percent said "be left as is.")
“Less than 10 percent of women think that they are getting 'the short end of the stick' in terms of health-care,” Independent Women’s Forum Senior Policy Analyst Nicole Kurowzawa told
Moreover, women overwhelmingly said they didn not want their own health insurance to be switched to government-run insurance, Kurozawa said. -- 62 percent disagreed with the statement: “A government-run health care program is best for my family and me.”
-- 57 percent said they would not trade out their coverage for a government-run health care plan, and 56 percent disagreed with the statement: "Women like me would be best-served by a government-run health-care plan."
-- Approximately two-thirds (66 percent) of women said they think about health-care reform more for others who need it than for themselves; 10 percent said they consider it mostly in terms of their own needs.
“When women say they want expanded federal health-care, they mean that they want it to exclude themselves,” Kurowkawa. “They want it to reach out to the poor, to reach out to the elderly. ”
Women also see no need for speed in passing legislation, the poll found. In fact, when asked, the overwhelming majority (67 percent) of women agreed with the following statement: “I would prefer that United States Senators and Members of Congress not support poorly-crafted or rushed healthcare legislation. It is more important to get it done right than to get it done fast.”
“Less than 30 percent of the women surveyed said that ‘something is better than nothing,’” Kurowzawa said, adding that the finding doesn’t come as a surprise.
“The idea that we should slow down and read the bills makes total sense, but it’s good to see that most women across the country also think it makes good sense, as well,” she said.
The poll was released on the same day that Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) unveiled a revamped version of the health-care reform bill in the House of Representatives.
“We have listened to the American people; we are putting forth a bill that reflects our best values and addresses our greatest challenges,” Pelosi said in a Thursday ceremony conducted on the steps of the U.S. Capitol.
Interestingly, however, according to the IWF poll, 71 percent of women business owners (and 67 percent of women overall) said they would be “less likely” to vote for a candidate for Congress “knowing he or she favored moving people from their private healthcare plans to government-run health-care plans.”
Only 19 percent of respondents said they would be more likely to support such a candidate.
Moreover, 68 percent of women who described themselves as independents disagreed with the statement: “Overhauling the nation’s healthcare system is so important that it should be enacted even if it significantly increases the federal budget deficit” (compared to 33 percent of Democrats and 76 percent of Republicans).
The scientifically designed survey sampled women in every age group, and from every part of the country. Forty-three (43) percent described themselves as conservative, 22 percent as liberal, 40 percent were Democrats, 32 percent Republicans, 22 percent were Independents. Overall, 53 percent described themselves as “pro-life,” 40 percent as “pro-choice.” Fifty-eight percent said they voted for Obama, 40 percent for McCain. The poll's margin of error is plus-or-minus 3.5 percent.
Taxpayers Fund Research on Bugs, College Sex Lives, Facebook, and Rabbit Droppings with Stimulus Bill
( – In Ansonia, Conn., $2.3 million in federal stimulus funds is being used for insect research, specifically the “rearing [of] large numbers of anthropoids” which includes the “Asian long-horned beetle, the nun moth and the wooly adelgid,” the New Haven Advocate reported.
Duluth, Minn., rarely known for its high temperatures, received $6 million in economic stimulus funds for a snowmaking facility, even though it is the 15th snowiest city in America, according to
As much as $30 million in federal funds will go to spring training facilities for the Arizona Diamondbacks and Colorado Rockies, two Major League Baseball teams. The full cost of the training complex in Scottsdale, Ariz., is $100 million.
These were just three projects – ranked numbers five, six and 10 respectively – being funded by the $787 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act signed into law by President Barack Obama in February. The goal of this economic stimulus bill was to revive the ailing economy.
But Senate Republicans Friday released a ranking of “10 Stimulus Projects to Remember.” It cites real projects funded by the stimulus while questioning (and poking fun) at their alleged effectiveness. The projects in the rankings are described with quotations from local newspapers.
In March, both President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Bidenpledged that the stimulus funding would be closely watched to ensure it is properly spent.
“And so I’ve said before – I know Joe emphasized this point to you earlier – if we see money being misspent, we’re going to put a stop to it, and we will call it out and we will publicize it,” Obama said.
The number one spot in the ranking was awarded to a $300,000 federal grant for the mapping of radioactive rabbit droppings in Washington State.
According to The New York Times, “A government contractor at Hanford, in south-central Washington State, just spent a week mapping radioactive rabbit feces with detectors mounted on a helicopter flying 50 feet over the desert scrub. … The helicopter flights, which covered 13.7 square miles and were paid for with $300,000 in federal stimulus money, took place in an area that had never been used by the bomb makers.”
The number two spot on the list goes for tax credits of between $4,200 and $5,000 for the purchase of golf carts.
In New York, 500,000 college freshmen at Syracuse University will divulge the details of their sex lives. This will cost taxpayers $219,000, and is specifically targeted at studying the sex habits of college females.
Another $1 million in federal funds will contribute to the $7-million renovation of the Sunset Strip in Hollywood, according to the report. Also, a three-year grant of $498,000 will go to Duke University to study social networking Web sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Animals also benefit from the stimulus money as $3.4 million has been allocated for “eco-passages” to help turtles cross the highway in Florida and $380,000 to spay and neuter pets in Wichita, Kan.
NEWS: CLIMATE DEBT INSANITY - WARNING! CAP and TRADE TAX to pay for "CLIMATE DEBT" will COST United States BILLIONS unless we stop it!!!Short summary of "Climate Debt" or "Adaptation Debt" "When the Heritage Foundation did its analysis of Waxman-Markey, it broadly compared the economy with and without the carbon tax. Under this more comprehensive scenario, it found Waxman-Markey would cost the economy $161 billion in 2020, which is $1,870 for a family of four. As the bill's restrictions kick in, that number rises to $6,800 for a family of four by 2035." "To get support for his bill, Mr. Waxman was forced to water down the cap in early years to please rural Democrats, and then severely ratchet it up in later years to please liberal Democrats." So the first few years look like a small cost but the real "pain" only kicks in later - this is so they can "talk" about the relatively small initial tax per family - knowing full well that real pain is coming down the road! It looks like a bunch of fools and crooks we have in office and we're all to blame if we don't stop them! Call your polititicans and tell them to keep their hands off your money and to vote down this insane Cap and Trade bill - now called Waxman-Markey bill. Read about why we should pay Billions in Taxes to the UN! idiotic theory of "Climate Debt" - It's the Sun Stupid... FACT: The #1 source of global warming is the SUN. Without the SUN the earth would be a frozen rock in space. The Sun is 1 million times the size of the earth and containing 99.8% of all the mass in our solar system. The heat and energy produced by the Sun is tremendous. 100,000,000,000 tons of dynamite would have to be detonated every second to match the energy produced by the sun. Combine the Sun's massive size with a core temperature of about 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit and you get something which has more than enough power to melt glaciers, warm oceans, heat the entire earth and our atmosphere AND it's been doing this for billions of years before mankind came on the scene. The Sun is also a wild and natural object with it's own cycles and flucturations which have always impacted the earth's climate. Thanks in large part to the Sun we have a wonderfully warm planet suitable for life - and not a frozen rock in space. Global warming is actually a great thing. Additional Resources: SUN FACTS Carbon dioxide is produced both naturally and by humans. (Humans create just a small fraction of the CO2 in the earth's atmosphere. There are much larger forces at work on this greenhouse gas!) CLIMATE CHANGE is a WELL KNOW FACT
4 Questions about Climate Change - Cap and Trade1) In 1975 the scientific concensus was so concerned about falling global temperatures that Newsweek magazine warning of impending global cooling. More recently global temperatures have fallen over the last several years with many record temperatures recently recorded worldwide. Is it wise to spend billions of dollars on something that we may have no control over and will cause economic hardship on an already struggling US economy? 2) Over the last 20,000 years massive ice glaciers have come and gone, sea levels have risen and fallen hundreds of feet, global climate has fluctuated dramatically - all without any influence of humans. Climate change is in fact an unstoppable natural fact that has always been powered by the sun, oceans and other large natural forces. Isn't the attempt to control climate change by imposing taxes upon US businesses sheer folly? 3) Is the ultimate goal of the proposed legislation truly to turn back global warming? If so, what good would it do for the United States to adopt such a system if China and India — both major polluters — aren’t along for the ride? 4) Climate models which predict global warming are the scientific basis which supporters of Cap and Trade rely on to prove their case. It's a fact that basic weather forecasting for just one city is rarely accurate beyond 3 days, Hurricane forecasting has been remarkably inaccurate over the last several years. Why should we be confident that much more complex Modeling for earth’s climate beyond 6 months is dependable? What happened to global warming? This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998. But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures. But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures. And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise. ...But one solar scientist Piers Corbyn from Weatheraction, a company specialising in long range weather forecasting, disagrees. He claims that solar charged particles impact us far more than is currently accepted, so much so he says that they are almost entirely responsible for what happens to global temperatures. (in's the SUN stupid!) Colorado Ski Resorts open early - Loveland Ski Area is announcing its earliest opening day in 40 years. Loveland's opening-day run will have an 18-inch base of snow. While this is great for Colorado skiiers it begs the question...what happened to global warming? According to climate models and predictions of global warming these early snows and cold temperatures in Colorado defy what we've all been should be getting warmer not colder! In 2007 Colorado Governor Bill Ritter and his team of envirnmental experts predicted "Warmer and shorter winters, thinner snowpack and earlier runoff...Less precipitation, with more falling as rain rather than snow " which would lead to the ruin and devistation of ski resorts like Aspen and Vail. Once again the global warming politicians and their alarmists were proven wrong. But facts don't matter to politicians - money and power does. This global warming nonsense is really all about money (taking yours in the form of taxes) and power. Compact Florescent Light Bulbs - Dangerous and not as Cost Savings as ToutedCFL are the new light bulb the US government has mandated we switch to starting 2012. However, breaking a CFL can cause serious health risks. They contain mercury. This is especially hazardous for small children and pregnant women. If you drop and break a Compact Florescent Light Bulb (CFL) in your house you and your family will be subjected to a dangerous neurotoxin - mercury - which vaporizes immediately into the air. Mercury is extremely poisonous and dangerous. Another product that will be regulated into your life thanks to Big Government and the big business (Phillips - a German owned company) that created, build and lobbied hard for the elimination of the traditional incandecent bulb - all in the name of "global warming." CFL's create a serious nationwide disposal problem and are a source of health hazard. Some states are now requiring consumers to dispose of compact fluorescents as household hazardous waste. Other states are now prohibiting their disposal in regular trash. FOLLOW THE MONEY - U.S. Funds Nearly $4 Billion in Climate-Change ResearchGlobal warming is a good business to be in for government funding. More than 99.5 percent of American climate change funding comes from the government, which spends $4 billion per year on climate change research. Researchers use this money to promote doom and gloom reports on what man is doing to his world. The bigger and more catastrophic climate change cataclysm becomes, the more it is justifiable to take more money and exert more control – a cycle that feeds itself. Top Austrailian scientist Ian Plimer debunks global warming. Plimer is currently Professor of Mining Geology at the University of Adelaide. He was previously a Professor in the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne. He is also a prominent member of the Australian Skeptics. He was awarded the Clarke Medal by the Royal Society of New South Wales in 2004. Yes, there has been global warming over the last century - of about 1 degree. * But that is nothing to worry about. Look back over the centuries of temperature data and you'll find much more drastic temperature swings than we have today. Remember, the earth and the sun were here long before mankind - and so were plants and dinasours and thousands of other life forms. The planet and atmosphere that supported life for millions of years has undergone great fluctuations in temperatures. Scientists can look back for centuries thanks to studies of ice core samples and geology. And what do the scientsits see? They see cycles of global warming and global cooling - indeed, much greater than we have now - all naturally occuring. The popluar idea that humans are now the primary cause of global warming or global climate change is purely foolishness. Humans can't change the earth's temperature anymore than we can stop the sun from shining. Yet somehow we're supposed to trust climate models that predict doom and gloom (from global warming) for the next 50 or 100 years when these models can't reliably predict the weather out past a week or 10 days! The only thing these masterminds of global weather models can predict is that their paychecks have been growing ever since Al Gore started to scare the public with their boldly unreliable predictions. And when worldwide fear combines with money - big money - we stumble upon what is the real motivation for the global warming champions - greed. Global warming is the great land of opportunity for scientists worldwide. Climate change has become a worldwide movement - almost a religion. Billions of dollars being pumped into research with thousands of jobs depending upon proving that humans are the cause of global warming. But while human energy consumption is often blamed for global warming - in fact, human produced CO2 amounts to less .003% (less than 1/3 of 1 percent) of CARBON DIOXIDE in our atmosphere - an insignificant amount. Yet, somehow were are told that human's are the cause of global warming and if we simply change our energy consumption (switch to CFL lightbulbs, drive smaller cars, build more solar panels, etc) the entire planet would be saved from global warming. However, one "burb" from the sun (in the form a sunspot - or cooling cycle) would dwarf anything the entire human race could do. > Nature, not man, is the dominant force in climate change. *It should be noted that the last 11-year sub spot cycle just ended in 2007, and we have been at a Solar Minimum, meaning that there has been very little sun spot activity and at times, none at all. Simultaneously, the earth's temperature has declined in the past 2 years at the same time that sunspot activity has declined to a level not seen since the early 1900's. WATER VAPOR is the #1 GREENHOUSE GAS Water vapor and CO2 are both beneficial and essential for life on earth. Water vapor is most influential greenhouse gas on the planet. The fact is that water covers about 3/4 of the globe and as water evaporates it becomes part of the atmosphere. There is about 30 times as much water vapor in the air as carbon dioxide (CO2). The ocean is the biggest source of CO2 by far! Water vapor in the atmosphere helps trap the suns heat which is reflected off the earth and helps keep the earth warm enough for life. Without water vapor we wouldn't have clouds or rain - and most plants and animals could not survive with out these things. About 80-90% of the Earth's natural greenhouse effect is due to water vapor. Water vapor also absorbs heat much more effectively than carbon dioxide. Water vapor absorbs three times as much radiation as CO2 - so it's a more powerful greenhouse gas too! An amazing fact that we never hear about is that oceans regulate CO2. If humans output more CO2 the oceans will absorb it in a natural process which is continuous. The oceans (not people) are primarily what control the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. In fact, as the oceans heat up they release CO2. The reason why there has been an increase in carbon dioxide in the air over the past 150 years is because the oceans have been heating up, not because humans are producing more. And remember that the mass of water is much more powerful as a temperature conveyor than air. |
NEWS: CLIMATE DEBT INSANITY - WARNING! CAP and TRADE TAX to pay for "CLIMATE DEBT" will COST United States BILLIONS unless we stop it!!!Short summary of "Climate Debt" or "Adaptation Debt" "When the Heritage Foundation did its analysis of Waxman-Markey, it broadly compared the economy with and without the carbon tax. Under this more comprehensive scenario, it found Waxman-Markey would cost the economy $161 billion in 2020, which is $1,870 for a family of four. As the bill's restrictions kick in, that number rises to $6,800 for a family of four by 2035." "To get support for his bill, Mr. Waxman was forced to water down the cap in early years to please rural Democrats, and then severely ratchet it up in later years to please liberal Democrats." So the first few years look like a small cost but the real "pain" only kicks in later - this is so they can "talk" about the relatively small initial tax per family - knowing full well that real pain is coming down the road! It looks like a bunch of fools and crooks we have in office and we're all to blame if we don't stop them! Call your polititicans and tell them to keep their hands off your money and to vote down this insane Cap and Trade bill - now called Waxman-Markey bill. Read about why we should pay Billions in Taxes to the UN! idiotic theory of "Climate Debt" - It's the Sun Stupid... FACT: The #1 source of global warming is the SUN. Without the SUN the earth would be a frozen rock in space. The Sun is 1 million times the size of the earth and containing 99.8% of all the mass in our solar system. The heat and energy produced by the Sun is tremendous. 100,000,000,000 tons of dynamite would have to be detonated every second to match the energy produced by the sun. Combine the Sun's massive size with a core temperature of about 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit and you get something which has more than enough power to melt glaciers, warm oceans, heat the entire earth and our atmosphere AND it's been doing this for billions of years before mankind came on the scene. The Sun is also a wild and natural object with it's own cycles and flucturations which have always impacted the earth's climate. Thanks in large part to the Sun we have a wonderfully warm planet suitable for life - and not a frozen rock in space. Global warming is actually a great thing. Additional Resources: SUN FACTS Carbon dioxide is produced both naturally and by humans. (Humans create just a small fraction of the CO2 in the earth's atmosphere. There are much larger forces at work on this greenhouse gas!) CLIMATE CHANGE is a WELL KNOW FACT
4 Questions about Climate Change - Cap and Trade1) In 1975 the scientific concensus was so concerned about falling global temperatures that Newsweek magazine warning of impending global cooling. More recently global temperatures have fallen over the last several years with many record temperatures recently recorded worldwide. Is it wise to spend billions of dollars on something that we may have no control over and will cause economic hardship on an already struggling US economy? 2) Over the last 20,000 years massive ice glaciers have come and gone, sea levels have risen and fallen hundreds of feet, global climate has fluctuated dramatically - all without any influence of humans. Climate change is in fact an unstoppable natural fact that has always been powered by the sun, oceans and other large natural forces. Isn't the attempt to control climate change by imposing taxes upon US businesses sheer folly? 3) Is the ultimate goal of the proposed legislation truly to turn back global warming? If so, what good would it do for the United States to adopt such a system if China and India — both major polluters — aren’t along for the ride? 4) Climate models which predict global warming are the scientific basis which supporters of Cap and Trade rely on to prove their case. It's a fact that basic weather forecasting for just one city is rarely accurate beyond 3 days, Hurricane forecasting has been remarkably inaccurate over the last several years. Why should we be confident that much more complex Modeling for earth’s climate beyond 6 months is dependable? What happened to global warming? This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998. But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures. But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures. And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise. ...But one solar scientist Piers Corbyn from Weatheraction, a company specialising in long range weather forecasting, disagrees. He claims that solar charged particles impact us far more than is currently accepted, so much so he says that they are almost entirely responsible for what happens to global temperatures. (in's the SUN stupid!) Colorado Ski Resorts open early - Loveland Ski Area is announcing its earliest opening day in 40 years. Loveland's opening-day run will have an 18-inch base of snow. While this is great for Colorado skiiers it begs the question...what happened to global warming? According to climate models and predictions of global warming these early snows and cold temperatures in Colorado defy what we've all been should be getting warmer not colder! In 2007 Colorado Governor Bill Ritter and his team of envirnmental experts predicted "Warmer and shorter winters, thinner snowpack and earlier runoff...Less precipitation, with more falling as rain rather than snow " which would lead to the ruin and devistation of ski resorts like Aspen and Vail. Once again the global warming politicians and their alarmists were proven wrong. But facts don't matter to politicians - money and power does. This global warming nonsense is really all about money (taking yours in the form of taxes) and power. Compact Florescent Light Bulbs - Dangerous and not as Cost Savings as ToutedCFL are the new light bulb the US government has mandated we switch to starting 2012. However, breaking a CFL can cause serious health risks. They contain mercury. This is especially hazardous for small children and pregnant women. If you drop and break a Compact Florescent Light Bulb (CFL) in your house you and your family will be subjected to a dangerous neurotoxin - mercury - which vaporizes immediately into the air. Mercury is extremely poisonous and dangerous. Another product that will be regulated into your life thanks to Big Government and the big business (Phillips - a German owned company) that created, build and lobbied hard for the elimination of the traditional incandecent bulb - all in the name of "global warming." CFL's create a serious nationwide disposal problem and are a source of health hazard. Some states are now requiring consumers to dispose of compact fluorescents as household hazardous waste. Other states are now prohibiting their disposal in regular trash. FOLLOW THE MONEY - U.S. Funds Nearly $4 Billion in Climate-Change ResearchGlobal warming is a good business to be in for government funding. More than 99.5 percent of American climate change funding comes from the government, which spends $4 billion per year on climate change research. Researchers use this money to promote doom and gloom reports on what man is doing to his world. The bigger and more catastrophic climate change cataclysm becomes, the more it is justifiable to take more money and exert more control – a cycle that feeds itself. Top Austrailian scientist Ian Plimer debunks global warming. Plimer is currently Professor of Mining Geology at the University of Adelaide. He was previously a Professor in the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne. He is also a prominent member of the Australian Skeptics. He was awarded the Clarke Medal by the Royal Society of New South Wales in 2004. Yes, there has been global warming over the last century - of about 1 degree. * But that is nothing to worry about. Look back over the centuries of temperature data and you'll find much more drastic temperature swings than we have today. Remember, the earth and the sun were here long before mankind - and so were plants and dinasours and thousands of other life forms. The planet and atmosphere that supported life for millions of years has undergone great fluctuations in temperatures. Scientists can look back for centuries thanks to studies of ice core samples and geology. And what do the scientsits see? They see cycles of global warming and global cooling - indeed, much greater than we have now - all naturally occuring. The popluar idea that humans are now the primary cause of global warming or global climate change is purely foolishness. Humans can't change the earth's temperature anymore than we can stop the sun from shining. Yet somehow we're supposed to trust climate models that predict doom and gloom (from global warming) for the next 50 or 100 years when these models can't reliably predict the weather out past a week or 10 days! The only thing these masterminds of global weather models can predict is that their paychecks have been growing ever since Al Gore started to scare the public with their boldly unreliable predictions. And when worldwide fear combines with money - big money - we stumble upon what is the real motivation for the global warming champions - greed. Global warming is the great land of opportunity for scientists worldwide. Climate change has become a worldwide movement - almost a religion. Billions of dollars being pumped into research with thousands of jobs depending upon proving that humans are the cause of global warming. But while human energy consumption is often blamed for global warming - in fact, human produced CO2 amounts to less .003% (less than 1/3 of 1 percent) of CARBON DIOXIDE in our atmosphere - an insignificant amount. Yet, somehow were are told that human's are the cause of global warming and if we simply change our energy consumption (switch to CFL lightbulbs, drive smaller cars, build more solar panels, etc) the entire planet would be saved from global warming. However, one "burb" from the sun (in the form a sunspot - or cooling cycle) would dwarf anything the entire human race could do. > Nature, not man, is the dominant force in climate change. *It should be noted that the last 11-year sub spot cycle just ended in 2007, and we have been at a Solar Minimum, meaning that there has been very little sun spot activity and at times, none at all. Simultaneously, the earth's temperature has declined in the past 2 years at the same time that sunspot activity has declined to a level not seen since the early 1900's. WATER VAPOR is the #1 GREENHOUSE GAS Water vapor and CO2 are both beneficial and essential for life on earth. Water vapor is most influential greenhouse gas on the planet. The fact is that water covers about 3/4 of the globe and as water evaporates it becomes part of the atmosphere. There is about 30 times as much water vapor in the air as carbon dioxide (CO2). The ocean is the biggest source of CO2 by far! Water vapor in the atmosphere helps trap the suns heat which is reflected off the earth and helps keep the earth warm enough for life. Without water vapor we wouldn't have clouds or rain - and most plants and animals could not survive with out these things. About 80-90% of the Earth's natural greenhouse effect is due to water vapor. Water vapor also absorbs heat much more effectively than carbon dioxide. Water vapor absorbs three times as much radiation as CO2 - so it's a more powerful greenhouse gas too! An amazing fact that we never hear about is that oceans regulate CO2. If humans output more CO2 the oceans will absorb it in a natural process which is continuous. The oceans (not people) are primarily what control the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. In fact, as the oceans heat up they release CO2. The reason why there has been an increase in carbon dioxide in the air over the past 150 years is because the oceans have been heating up, not because humans are producing more. And remember that the mass of water is much more powerful as a temperature conveyor than air. |