NEWS: CLIMATE DEBT INSANITY - WARNING! CAP and TRADE TAX to pay for "CLIMATE DEBT" will COST United States BILLIONS unless we stop it!!!Short summary of "Climate Debt" or "Adaptation Debt" "When the Heritage Foundation did its analysis of Waxman-Markey, it broadly compared the economy with and without the carbon tax. Under this more comprehensive scenario, it found Waxman-Markey would cost the economy $161 billion in 2020, which is $1,870 for a family of four. As the bill's restrictions kick in, that number rises to $6,800 for a family of four by 2035." "To get support for his bill, Mr. Waxman was forced to water down the cap in early years to please rural Democrats, and then severely ratchet it up in later years to please liberal Democrats." So the first few years look like a small cost but the real "pain" only kicks in later - this is so they can "talk" about the relatively small initial tax per family - knowing full well that real pain is coming down the road! It looks like a bunch of fools and crooks we have in office and we're all to blame if we don't stop them! Call your polititicans and tell them to keep their hands off your money and to vote down this insane Cap and Trade bill - now called Waxman-Markey bill. Read about why we should pay Billions in Taxes to the UN! idiotic theory of "Climate Debt" - It's the Sun Stupid... FACT: The #1 source of global warming is the SUN. Without the SUN the earth would be a frozen rock in space. The Sun is 1 million times the size of the earth and containing 99.8% of all the mass in our solar system. The heat and energy produced by the Sun is tremendous. 100,000,000,000 tons of dynamite would have to be detonated every second to match the energy produced by the sun. Combine the Sun's massive size with a core temperature of about 27,000,000 degrees Fahrenheit and you get something which has more than enough power to melt glaciers, warm oceans, heat the entire earth and our atmosphere AND it's been doing this for billions of years before mankind came on the scene. The Sun is also a wild and natural object with it's own cycles and flucturations which have always impacted the earth's climate. Thanks in large part to the Sun we have a wonderfully warm planet suitable for life - and not a frozen rock in space. Global warming is actually a great thing. Additional Resources: SUN FACTS Carbon dioxide is produced both naturally and by humans. (Humans create just a small fraction of the CO2 in the earth's atmosphere. There are much larger forces at work on this greenhouse gas!) CLIMATE CHANGE is a WELL KNOW FACT
4 Questions about Climate Change - Cap and Trade1) In 1975 the scientific concensus was so concerned about falling global temperatures that Newsweek magazine warning of impending global cooling. More recently global temperatures have fallen over the last several years with many record temperatures recently recorded worldwide. Is it wise to spend billions of dollars on something that we may have no control over and will cause economic hardship on an already struggling US economy? 2) Over the last 20,000 years massive ice glaciers have come and gone, sea levels have risen and fallen hundreds of feet, global climate has fluctuated dramatically - all without any influence of humans. Climate change is in fact an unstoppable natural fact that has always been powered by the sun, oceans and other large natural forces. Isn't the attempt to control climate change by imposing taxes upon US businesses sheer folly? 3) Is the ultimate goal of the proposed legislation truly to turn back global warming? If so, what good would it do for the United States to adopt such a system if China and India — both major polluters — aren’t along for the ride? 4) Climate models which predict global warming are the scientific basis which supporters of Cap and Trade rely on to prove their case. It's a fact that basic weather forecasting for just one city is rarely accurate beyond 3 days, Hurricane forecasting has been remarkably inaccurate over the last several years. Why should we be confident that much more complex Modeling for earth’s climate beyond 6 months is dependable? What happened to global warming? This headline may come as a bit of a surprise, so too might that fact that the warmest year recorded globally was not in 2008 or 2007, but in 1998. But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures. But it is true. For the last 11 years we have not observed any increase in global temperatures. And our climate models did not forecast it, even though man-made carbon dioxide, the gas thought to be responsible for warming our planet, has continued to rise. ...But one solar scientist Piers Corbyn from Weatheraction, a company specialising in long range weather forecasting, disagrees. He claims that solar charged particles impact us far more than is currently accepted, so much so he says that they are almost entirely responsible for what happens to global temperatures. (in's the SUN stupid!) Colorado Ski Resorts open early - Loveland Ski Area is announcing its earliest opening day in 40 years. Loveland's opening-day run will have an 18-inch base of snow. While this is great for Colorado skiiers it begs the question...what happened to global warming? According to climate models and predictions of global warming these early snows and cold temperatures in Colorado defy what we've all been should be getting warmer not colder! In 2007 Colorado Governor Bill Ritter and his team of envirnmental experts predicted "Warmer and shorter winters, thinner snowpack and earlier runoff...Less precipitation, with more falling as rain rather than snow " which would lead to the ruin and devistation of ski resorts like Aspen and Vail. Once again the global warming politicians and their alarmists were proven wrong. But facts don't matter to politicians - money and power does. This global warming nonsense is really all about money (taking yours in the form of taxes) and power. Compact Florescent Light Bulbs - Dangerous and not as Cost Savings as ToutedCFL are the new light bulb the US government has mandated we switch to starting 2012. However, breaking a CFL can cause serious health risks. They contain mercury. This is especially hazardous for small children and pregnant women. If you drop and break a Compact Florescent Light Bulb (CFL) in your house you and your family will be subjected to a dangerous neurotoxin - mercury - which vaporizes immediately into the air. Mercury is extremely poisonous and dangerous. Another product that will be regulated into your life thanks to Big Government and the big business (Phillips - a German owned company) that created, build and lobbied hard for the elimination of the traditional incandecent bulb - all in the name of "global warming." CFL's create a serious nationwide disposal problem and are a source of health hazard. Some states are now requiring consumers to dispose of compact fluorescents as household hazardous waste. Other states are now prohibiting their disposal in regular trash. FOLLOW THE MONEY - U.S. Funds Nearly $4 Billion in Climate-Change ResearchGlobal warming is a good business to be in for government funding. More than 99.5 percent of American climate change funding comes from the government, which spends $4 billion per year on climate change research. Researchers use this money to promote doom and gloom reports on what man is doing to his world. The bigger and more catastrophic climate change cataclysm becomes, the more it is justifiable to take more money and exert more control – a cycle that feeds itself. Top Austrailian scientist Ian Plimer debunks global warming. Plimer is currently Professor of Mining Geology at the University of Adelaide. He was previously a Professor in the School of Earth Sciences at the University of Melbourne. He is also a prominent member of the Australian Skeptics. He was awarded the Clarke Medal by the Royal Society of New South Wales in 2004. Yes, there has been global warming over the last century - of about 1 degree. * But that is nothing to worry about. Look back over the centuries of temperature data and you'll find much more drastic temperature swings than we have today. Remember, the earth and the sun were here long before mankind - and so were plants and dinasours and thousands of other life forms. The planet and atmosphere that supported life for millions of years has undergone great fluctuations in temperatures. Scientists can look back for centuries thanks to studies of ice core samples and geology. And what do the scientsits see? They see cycles of global warming and global cooling - indeed, much greater than we have now - all naturally occuring. The popluar idea that humans are now the primary cause of global warming or global climate change is purely foolishness. Humans can't change the earth's temperature anymore than we can stop the sun from shining. Yet somehow we're supposed to trust climate models that predict doom and gloom (from global warming) for the next 50 or 100 years when these models can't reliably predict the weather out past a week or 10 days! The only thing these masterminds of global weather models can predict is that their paychecks have been growing ever since Al Gore started to scare the public with their boldly unreliable predictions. And when worldwide fear combines with money - big money - we stumble upon what is the real motivation for the global warming champions - greed. Global warming is the great land of opportunity for scientists worldwide. Climate change has become a worldwide movement - almost a religion. Billions of dollars being pumped into research with thousands of jobs depending upon proving that humans are the cause of global warming. But while human energy consumption is often blamed for global warming - in fact, human produced CO2 amounts to less .003% (less than 1/3 of 1 percent) of CARBON DIOXIDE in our atmosphere - an insignificant amount. Yet, somehow were are told that human's are the cause of global warming and if we simply change our energy consumption (switch to CFL lightbulbs, drive smaller cars, build more solar panels, etc) the entire planet would be saved from global warming. However, one "burb" from the sun (in the form a sunspot - or cooling cycle) would dwarf anything the entire human race could do. > Nature, not man, is the dominant force in climate change. *It should be noted that the last 11-year sub spot cycle just ended in 2007, and we have been at a Solar Minimum, meaning that there has been very little sun spot activity and at times, none at all. Simultaneously, the earth's temperature has declined in the past 2 years at the same time that sunspot activity has declined to a level not seen since the early 1900's. WATER VAPOR is the #1 GREENHOUSE GAS Water vapor and CO2 are both beneficial and essential for life on earth. Water vapor is most influential greenhouse gas on the planet. The fact is that water covers about 3/4 of the globe and as water evaporates it becomes part of the atmosphere. There is about 30 times as much water vapor in the air as carbon dioxide (CO2). The ocean is the biggest source of CO2 by far! Water vapor in the atmosphere helps trap the suns heat which is reflected off the earth and helps keep the earth warm enough for life. Without water vapor we wouldn't have clouds or rain - and most plants and animals could not survive with out these things. About 80-90% of the Earth's natural greenhouse effect is due to water vapor. Water vapor also absorbs heat much more effectively than carbon dioxide. Water vapor absorbs three times as much radiation as CO2 - so it's a more powerful greenhouse gas too! An amazing fact that we never hear about is that oceans regulate CO2. If humans output more CO2 the oceans will absorb it in a natural process which is continuous. The oceans (not people) are primarily what control the amount of carbon dioxide in the air. In fact, as the oceans heat up they release CO2. The reason why there has been an increase in carbon dioxide in the air over the past 150 years is because the oceans have been heating up, not because humans are producing more. And remember that the mass of water is much more powerful as a temperature conveyor than air. |
Friday, October 30, 2009
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