Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Conservatism and It's Many Forms

All you Tea Party folks need to realize, just because you support someone, does not mean that person is going to support you and all your idealism. I maintain Brown will vote with Conservatives on all the major issues; if he doesn't he won't last.

What the hell did you think he was going to do; vote against everything Harry purposed? The bill is nothing but a smoke and mirrors bill and with the way Congress spends money, it's like a drop of water in the ocean.

Having him there is much better than have the Dem he ran against. 

Glen Beck explained this very well on his show today....he's not surprised Brown voted the way he's what the guy campaigned on....

Going back to Clinton saying: "It depends on what the definition of "IS", "IS"." I never heard Brown say he would be an old world Conservative. He is a Conservative Progressive, just like John McCain. Why did you think McCain gave him his support?

"To put conservatism in a bottle with a label is like trying to liquefy the atmosphere ... The difficulty arises from the nature of the thing. For conservatism is less a political doctrine than a habit of mind, a mode of feeling, a way of living." Russell Kirk considered conservatism "the negation of ideology."

Conservative political parties have

 diverse views; the Liberal Democratic Party in Japan, the Republican Party in the United States, the Conservative Party in Britain, the Bharatiya Janata Party in India, the Conservative Party in Canada and the Liberal Party of Australia are all considered major conservative parties with varying positions.

The first established use of the term in a political context was by François-René de Chateaubriand in 1819, following the French Revolution. The term has since been used to describe a variety of politicians with a wide range of views.

I think the important thing is for all who opposed the left is to become a team. 

Saints won the Super Bowl as a team with many different kinds of players who had one goal: BEAT THE COLTS!!! In order for that to happen, each player had to be the best they could be for that game on that day. Weakness in any area would have meant a Colt win....the Saints chain had no weak links in that game on that day. No player said: "If you don't run this play, I will not try".

If everyone that is CenterRight wants to have a chance of an America That IS NOT CONTROLLED BY THE CenterLeft, we must realize OUR TEAM has to debate our own separate beliefs, but, when we walk in the voting booth we should be United as a Team and vote for the candidate that can win or else concede our government to being run by the CenterLeft.

I am a Conservative (RR), but I am also a 'REALIST', and REALITY will be who I vote for, regardless if my vote goes to a candidate that may not share all my views and beliefs. 

The 80/20 rule was not purposed by some dummy; it has been the way I look at everything and everyone...give me 80% of what I want and I am content, satisfied, and happy. Which, is much better than the opposite; only getting 20%, which is what happens any time we allow a CenterLeft candidate to win. In it's basic form, it is the rule of the "vital few and trivial many". Don't just work smart, work smart on the right things. At this point-in-time in history, Conservatives must debate for 'real conservatism', but, don't be so naive to believe you will get back what has been lost since RR left office, overnight. 

Finally, I have not touched on any of the many global things that are in play against RR Ideals and Beliefs. Trust me, there are much larger, more powerful, entities that currently have more control than any of us realize on our political and economic systems.

The Restoration of RR Conservatism, will be achieved, not by decent, but by daily gradual small steps that get this country back to it's Constitutional RR Front Door.

Posted via email from Global Politics

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