Monday, August 30, 2010

America, No Longer a Sovereign Nation Subject to Constitutional Law

 By Marion Valentine  Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The dots have been connected, Plan A is in place with backup plan B in the wings.

Obama was selected, tutored, groomed, and scripted and given enough money to buy the office of President by his puppet masters, George Soros, and the 100+ members of the Democracy Alliance, the Bilderberg Group, and other uber wealthy individuals and groups.

They have one goal in mind. Global Socialist Governance with THEM in control of all wealth, human and natural resources.

The eight year propaganda campaign to promote hatred for G.W. Bush, Republicans and Conservatives enabled far leftists to take control of both houses in January 2007 All attempts in previous years by Republicans to reform Fannie/ Freddie were blocked by Frank, Dodd, Schumer and others in both Houses, and Republicans did not have the courage to stand up to them.

From 2007 till the election in 2008, the leftists laid the groundwork for the “assured” election of Obama. Again,  a plan B was in the wings, and was put into effect in Oct. 2008, just a few days after McCain/Palin took the lead in National Polls. A 550 billion electronic run on the banks, and caused a world wide financial panic, which we all know the results of, bailouts, stimulus, out of control spending and unsustainable debt. But the panic did ensure Obama’s election, as planned.

Public records and public remarks show that everything Obama and this Congress has done is to destroy America’s financial system, and Free Market Capitalism.

Plan A for the Democrat/Marxist Socialist to stay in power is through voter intimidation, fraud, and a backdoor amnesty plan which would allow millions of illegals to vote. The American people are aware of this and are on guard, and if they stay energized, are motivated to vote and be extremely alert and watch the polling stations, this plan may fail.

Plan B…Already the EU is on verge of financial collapse. The groups mentioned above have the money and the power to manipulate the Global Markets to “create” a Global Financial Collapse. This “created crisis” would be used to usher in Global Socialist Governance. And of course when this happens, China will be the top turd on the heap, and International Law will be the supreme law.

America will no longer be a Free Sovereign Nation Ruled by Constitutional Law

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