Friday, December 3, 2010

DC and Spending

We all need to learn there are millions of 'constituents' that are not Conservatives or Tea Party folks.  

We also need to learn and make government work within the Constitution for all of the people and quit playing this game of:  I am in power, no I am in power, so on and so on.

Everyone in DC should/must represent all the people and not just one part of either party.  The time has come for every person in DC to uphold the constitution to the word.  Everyone in DC needs to return to the days of statesmanship and do only what is needed.  I have yet to figure out why every year we need new legislation or new laws when we don’t enforce the ones on our books.  And why do we need to spend more, each year??

I mean thousands of pages for a ball-and-chain Health Care Bill for the uninsured?? When logic would say just allow all the uninsured to buy into one of the current government plans....fair and about 10 pages.  Why does practically every bill have to have a War and Peace author(s)?  I mean if the government hired all the uninsured would not they be on the government’s insurance plan? (Note to self: How many of the new government employees hired in the last 4 years were from this uninsured pool?)  Would not that be like taking care of 2 problems at the same time.

I have watched Congress after Congress and no matter who is in control, they never cut spending until their heads are under water! They never pass laws requiring they submit a balanced budget.  As a matter-of-fact Nancy refused to allow a balanced budget amendment.

It's not just Dems., Republicans, Rhinos, Dinos, PeeOs, are whatever you want to call them.  People need to learn campaign speeches are not reality.  

The only course of action that will help America are Term Limits and that most likely will never happen.  

In my mind the only way to get back on course is to start in 2011 and cut all spending across the board by 15-25% annually until spending equals what's coming into the treasury.  No tax increases on anyone.  Pay off all loans as fast as possible.  Just think of all the extra money if we paid no interests.  

I would hire a non Washington auditing team with experts in every field of the budget.  Their job would be to go through all spending, line item by line item.  Find and cut out the waste; cut out all the over charges to government.

No earmarks; no pork anywhere to anyone one.  

No bailouts.

Make every citizen a government inspector in terms of cutting out waste.  Anyone that helps eliminate or cut wast will be paid a 10% commission on net savings.  If you come up with a way to save a net 300K, you will get a one time check for 30K.  Of course with a different tax system that money would not be taxable.  Or you could have that money deposited directly into your new non SS retirement plan.

Fire 15% to 30% of all Federal Employees.  Bring all Federal workers salaries to not exceed more than 25% of the equivalent  job in private sector.  Or make them the same?

Repeal every new spending bill passed in the last 4-6 years.  

Ban all lobbyists from DC.

Reduce the amount of time Congress is in session by 50%.  If they are not there they can’t spend.

Don't allow the president to sign into law any bill unless it comes from Congress.  (This pertains to when Congress is on recess)

Start moving a percentage of all military from overseas back to our Southern Borders to finally make them secure.  

Finish that fence.

A secure border would be defined as stopping 99.9% of all illegals and 100% of all drugs stopped.  

Work with Mexico to put troops there if needed.  Out-of-control lawless in North America must be stopped.

Open up the waters on all coast for drilling and all land areas of the USA for drilling.  

Impose a 15% tax on all imports.  

Return much of the Federal oversight back to the state level.

Trash the current tax system in favor of one system that requires no filing of income tax. Retain enough personnel to administer Corporate Taxes. Make our tax system a pay as we buy system.  

Start phasing out SS by 12% / year in favor of the same systems being used in 3 counties in Texas.  These 3 counties opted out of SS back in 1979 and today,  are solvent.  That system is paying monthly benefits of 2-4x what SS monthly benefits pay, today.  In other words roll 12% of what we now pay into a private investment account that is totally yours...if 12% is too aggressive make it 4%/paycheck,  which will totally phase out SS in 25 years)  To sustain any that may still be on the system or those coming into the system,  it’s a matter amortizing those folks within the tax system with a very small % tax increase until all SS recipients have passed on.  Then that % tax increase is dropped.

Export all illegals and close the door on everyone wanting to come here from any country that have produced terrorist for the last 60 years.

No citizenship for anchor babies.  

Selectively phase out all welfare over a 5 year period.  It's time we stop welfare beyond 5 years.  

Set up a commerce system that is now employed in Hong Kong or a modification thereof.  It's the most dynamic robust and successful system in the world.  

Set up a corporate unemployed network (CUN) that would require all companies find fired laid-off employees new jobs before they leave a company, except in unusual cases.  Or, make companies pay laid off works 60% of their salaries until employees find new jobs through CUN...why put this burden on taxpayers?  

Start building high speed rail in America.  

Reduce all staffs of Congress by 50%. (Currently some congress people have staffs of from 25 - 90 people and have given them raises of 57% to 113%)  Even Michele Obama has 22-24 staffers, more than all of the first ladies since 1900 at a cost of over 6 million taxpayer dollars. Laura Bush had 1 and Hillary only had 3.  Jackie Kennedy had 1.

Shut down or limit the powers of all government regulatory agencies like the EPA.  

Last but not least, selectively tax all those millionaires/billionaires that are saying they don't mind being taxed more...make their dreams come true....up their tax rates by 25% to a max of 75%.  Or make the extremely rich adopt uninsured people and make them pay Health Insurance of the those uninsured.   Hell, maybe they will find jobs for many of them as well.

Impose fines on all companies of $1,000,000 / illegal hired and make said employer pay for all expenses for sending illegals back to their country of origin.

No taxpayer funds can be used/given to any illegal.

I think I have given enough examples here for a good start.  My main point in taking the time to write this is, this is not rocket science.


Regardless of who has power in DC, the appetite for spending to get re-elected is epidemic.  I don't see that culture changing much, regardless of whose feet are being held to the fire.  Some say we will hold their feet to the proverbial, you burn their toes a little.  The only thing that will ever bring DC under control is to limit what DC can do and we know that most likely will never happen.  I think somewhere in the constitution it says something about 'LIMITED' government???  

I used to order the final version of the Congressional Budget each year just to see where all our money was being spent.  To this day, I remember what one Congressman stated in that report: NO MATTER HOW MUCH MONEY YOU GIVE US, WE WILL SPEND IT!!! THAT’S OUR JOB!!  THAT WAY OF THINKING REMAINS RAMPANT IN DC....WILL IT CHANGE?  TIME WILL TELL.

---to be continued---

Posted via email from Kleerstreem's Posterous

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