Friday, June 10, 2011

Jon Voight Asking Some Important Questions


Over the last few days, the brilliant Jon Voight has been posting some of the most amazing statuses I’ve ever seen on Facebook. 

Following are the questions he’s asked, and I think I know what all of our answers will be. 


“If any other of our presidents

had been so Spanish illiterate as to refer to

"Cinco de Cuatro" in front of the Mexican ambassador

when it was "The 5th of May" (Cinco de Mayo),

and then continue to flub it when he tried again,

wouldn't you have winced in embarrassment?


If any other of our presidents

joined the country of Mexico and sued a

State in the United States to force that State

to continue to allow Illegal Immigration,

would you question his patriotism

and wonder who's side he was on?


If any other of our presidents

had put 87,000 workers out of work

by arbitrarily placing a moratorium on

offshore oil drilling on companies that have

one of the best safety records of any industry

...because one foreign company had an accident,

would you have agreed?


If any other of our presidents

had been the first President to need a

teleprompter installed to be able to get through

a press conference, would you have laughed and said

this is more proof of how inept he is on his own and is

really controlled by smarter men behind the scenes?


If any other of our presidents

had spent hundreds of thousands of Dollars

to take his First Lady to a play in NYC,

would you have approved?


If any other of our presidents

had given the Queen of England an

IPod containing videos of his speeches,

would you have thought it to be a

proud moment for America ?


If any other of our presidents

had bowed to the King of Saudi Arabia,

would you have approved?


If any other of our presidents

had visited Austria and made reference

to the nonexistent "Austrian language,"

would you have brushed it off

as a minor slip?


If any other of our presidents

would have flown all the way to Denmark

to make a five minute speech about how the Olympics

would benefit him walking out his front door in his

home town, would you not have thought he was

a self-important, conceited, egotistical jerk?


If any other of our presidents

had burned 9,000 gallons of jet fuel

to go plant a single tree on Earth Day,

would you have concluded he's a Hypocrite?


So, tell me again,

what is it about Obama that

makes him so brilliant and impressive?


Can't think of anything?

Then you'd better start worrying.

He's done all these things in 28 months --

and you have less than 19 months

to come up with an answer.


"All it takes for evil to triumph

is for good men to do nothing."

Posted via email from Anointed One

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