Thursday, June 16, 2011

Your Destiny?? Questions to Ask

---by Farnoosh Brock

First, please set aside what everyone else in your life thinks you should do – deep in your heart, you always – always – know the right decision. No one needs to reaffirm it for you.

Then answer these 8 questions if you are on the fence and have doubts about what to do. They can help uncover the best course and the right timing for you.

What is your …

  1. … real and uncensored reason for needing a change? Why do you want to leave your current situation? Being miserable is a good answer but not nearly enough reason. Do you have a compelling desire to do something on your own? Is there another industry that is calling your name? Can you articulate on all the exact reasons you are unhappy and take an educated guess as to where you may find some semblance of happiness? You must come clear on your reasons before even staring your exit strategy.
  2. … internal state of unrest? Do you even have an internal state of unrest and turmoil? Are you losing sleep and peace of mind day in and day out? Can you accurately attribute this feeling to your work and are you sure it is based on real issues, not transitory ones, or based on circumstances that are outside of your control?  Try to measure your internal sense of urgency.
  3. … financial comfort zone? What are your current financial obligations and responsibilities? Do you have a lot of savings and little debt? Are you in the habit of spending money on a lot of stuff? Most of all, if need be, can you easily shift your current comfort zone and are you willing to make the life changes that require this shift?  Be really clear about what you are willing to forgo and realistic how that may impact your current state of happiness.
  4. … tolerance for the unknown? If you do not have a solid plan, you will face a certain level of unknown on the road. Are you comfortable with not knowing what may happen for the foreseeable future? Can you hone into a mindset that will push through and thrive, no matter how unpredictable the road may be? Or do you need more information and certainty before taking the leap?  It takes knowing yourself to correctly answer these questions.
  5. … appetite for risk? Do you need a position in another organization or are you made for entrepreneurship? Can you feel empowered by the idea of working by yourself for days and weeks if need be? Are you a starter or a follower? Do you enjoy creating your own new process, products, and services? Do you enjoy taking ideas from inception to reality? Entrepreneurship may or may not be right for you. You need to figure this out for yourself.
  6. … self-discipline on working for yourself? Do you like being in charge of your own days? Can you muster enough discipline and structure to do the work that needs to be done, to delegate when need be, and to make room for creativity as needed? Can you decide what is a distraction and what is real work and how to distribute your limited time amongst them? Think about how you have worked in the past and when you were most productive – was it on self-driven projects or were you a part of a group project?
  7. … depth of patience around cash flow and income? If you were to earn enough to cover two meals a month for 6 months, would you be ok? If your first product sold 7 copies instead of 700, would you despair? If your first book did not fly, would you lose heart? How deep is your patience and how tightly do you define success with income? Knowing your relationship and attachment to money and owning up to the reality of it is the key here.
  8. … truth? Yes, I mean your truth? What matters the most to you in your work – and your life? Is it the money? Is it the excitement from a position of authority and power in a firm or corporation? Is it the comfort and the security provided by an established entity? Is it the feeling of contribution to a bigger cause and mission? Is it the sense of belonging to a community? Or is it a compelling desire to do something entirely your own, regardless of the cost and the results? It takes knowing yourself to know your truth and it comes down to you and only you to discover this before you pave the right path for you.

Whatever you end up doing, be true to yourself. The rest will fall into place.

Posted via email from Kleerstreem's Posterous

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