Sunday, July 3, 2011

Socialism = Government Slavery

At least Jefferson, Washington and the others didn't line their pockets at the benefit of the American people. They at least had an ounce of morality where is that morality now? I don't believe in slavery either that's why I'll do everything I can to get Obama and his cohorts out of office because we're well on our way to being slaves to the government. The fact that John Brown brought black people over and subsequently they became slaves was the climate of the times. Its in the past where it should be. There have been no slaves in America for a lot of years but still it's just about the only think a lot of the black American talks about. Not how to better their position unless of course its a government job that they get regardless of where they are capable of doing it or not.

Using slavery as an excuse is getting kind of old and you need to come up with another theme song. Abraham Lincoln didn't even use it until he was losing the war and threw it in to rile up the emotions of the people. NO black person living today is a slave unless its to our government. They've had plenty of time to adjust and take on the responsibility the rest of us face. If they refuse to do so, then giving them welfare( or white people either,) isn't the answer. If you have no desire to be of any use to society then you're no use to it. If you desire to be independent and free then you work toward that goal. You can't legislate morality, self pride, intellect, or the desire to do things for yourself. First of all you have to want to do it. Then all else follows.

Finally, as I always say: 

Today, in the year 2011, would you be better off if your ancestors had of been left in Africa????

Posted via email from Global Politics

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