The truth is, he allowed an easy opt out for anyone who didn’t want to have the vaccine.
The truth is, he attempted to lower the cost of a life saving drug.
The truth is, Governor Perry hates cancer and was trying to help children, not harm them as Michele B. shouted out to the world, while not having all the facts.
The truth is, Perry's HPV mandate was overturned by Texas State Legislature and he signed the bill.
The truth is, not ONE child was ever given the HPV vaccine!
The truth is, Gardasil is highly recommended by most all doctors, including world renowned MD Anderson cancer facility in Houston, Texas.!/hpv-vaccine-helps-prevent-cervical-cancer
I find it troubling that so many seem to think that their liberty is infringed by others being able to avoid the horror of cervical, or penile, cancer.
What I see is a bunch of people who I usually respect acting like reactionaries.
I also don’t hear these same people calling out Palin for accepting federal monies for Gardasil when she was the governor of Alaska.
I also don’t hear these same people calling out Bachmann for comparing a cancer preventing drug to “the abortion pill”.
I also don’t hear these same people going off on Bachmann for doing nothing to repeal the mandate in MN for Hep B vaccinations which didn’t even need parental consent.
Local, city, state, and federal governments, today, all mandate things many of us don't like and will continue to do so, regardless of what we want. Some mandates are good (protective); some mandates are strictly political or in the name of revenue generation for all the aforementioned.
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