So many liberals have fits over everyone not being mandated to have health insurance because when those that don't receive free health care it drives up the cost of those that do have health insurance. YET, they say nothing or have no objections to millions receiving from $1,000 to $4,000 / month in welfare? Who do they think pays for all these welfare benefits???? Oh, I forgot, many say Obama does, yet they say openly they have no idea where he gets the money???
Isn't it time we recognize many in America will never work, even though they are able and budget to either support them for a short period of time or make they do so many of the jobs we now pay others to day......???
There has to be real, better, and more efficient solution(s) to these problems, other than making those that work support those that can work or refuse to do work? SHOULDN'T WE HAVE A NEW POLICY THAT STATES: IF YOU WANT 'FREE STUFF' YOU MUST WORK FOR FREE'!!
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