Friday, April 13, 2012

Is Being A Right Wing Conservative Necessary to Restore America to Prosperity?

Back in 2008 Mitt was considered the best Conservative in that race to defeat Obama.  Even Rush Limbaugh said so.  Now, in 2012, Mitt is the 'least' Conservative in this years group.  Is this an indication of 'fickled' politics or what?

Who came up with the rule, that unless you are a Conservative, you can't run and do what's best for America??  

Defined Conservatives in this year's race were:  Bachmann, Perry, Cain, Gingrich, and Santorum, (FYI, I don't believe all these contenders are legit RR type Conservatives, even though they do fall within the Conservative political spectrum) yet none of these Conservatives have not been able to compete with Romney?  Plus, I find that the 3 most conservatives in the 2012 race, had to suspend their campaigns first.  Which indicates, to me, there is a big divide between right wing Conservatives versus the middle and the left wing Conservatives.  Even from what state and how much experience a contender has, seems to NOT be that important, regardless of how Constitutional their policies may be.  

So, does the GOP Electorate really want the most Conservative or rather do they want the person that best conforms to their individual thinking or do we simply want a candidate that can do the best for and run America the best???

Personally, I want a candidate that can best elevate America back to our Founding Fathers intentions, when they gave us the greatest Constitution of an Nation in the World.  Of the remaining contenders, for me, that person is Mitt Romney!

Regardless of what your political beliefs are, it's time to join The Defeat Obama Team and make Mitt Romney the next president of U.S.A.  (Note: This comes for a staunch Rick Perry supporter)  In the end, I support the GOP, not some group or movement that is going no where. 

Posted via email from Kleerstreem's Posterous

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