Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Why Do My Spouse and I Fight So Much?

By Billy Graham

Q: I thought I'd be happy if I got married, but all we do is quarrel. No matter what comes up, we end up fighting over it. I'd leave if I could, but I don't have enough money to live on my own. Maybe you can suggest something. -- Mrs. L.S. 

A: The most important thing I can urge you and your husband to do is to turn to God and ask Him to take control of your lives -- and your marriage. He knows your problems far better than you do, but more than that, He has the answer to them. 

What difference will God make? For one thing, He'll give you a new love for each other. Right now, your marriage is a battleground -- and the reason is because both you and your husband are each insisting on your own way. In other words, you both want to be in control, and you both want to dominate the other person. But what would happen if you had a different goal -- the goal of serving each other and doing what's best for each other? I can guarantee that your marriage would be far different than it is today. 

And with God's help this can happen! He can take away your desire to get only what you want, and replace it with a desire to walk with each other, and with God. May you and your husband humbly seek God's help for your marriage, and by faith invite Jesus Christ into your lives. 

God loves you; He loves you so much that He sent His Son into the world to give His life for you. Receive His love into your hearts today -- and then ask Him to help you have that same kind of self-giving love toward each other. 

Posted via email from Religion

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