Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Feeding the Children and the Poor ..... A Solution


....OR .... 

An Ever Growing Mountain Created By Irresponsible People With Unlimited Aide From Government 

Many parents say they buy cheap fast food meals because they don't have access to fresh vegetable. To me if you don't have access to fresh vegetables, as in farmers market, etc., then I know you have access to grocery stores which have a combination of seasonal fresh vegetables; flash frozen vegetables, or canned vegetables. Any of these are far healthier than most fast foods.  (Note: Flash frozen vegetables are almost as good as fresh)

People choose to buy cheap fast foods because they are:

  1. They are cheap  
  2. They are quick to pick up, 
  3. Kids love them 
  4. They require little if any effort to obtain 
  5. They are lazy

 It's not because they don't have access to other foods .... plus, many of the other foods can be purchased with food stamps or their WIC cards.

The worst part, they blame their lack of access to fresh vegetable as THE reason their children are obese .... that's nothing but 'hogwash'!

The real answer to feeding the hungry, especially children,  is for those that are in this situation is to stop having children.  You have no business having children if you can't take care of them!  

But, we keep choosing to feed the children, which is the right thing to do, but, if many would become more responsible, the need to feed hungry children would disappear in less than 20 years.  Yes, that's a long time, but, consider we have been donating food/money to feed hungry children for 55+ years or longer. It's time we get smart about having babies and depending on society to take care of  irresponsible decisions/choices by so many.  

It's time government require people to be responsible for the choices they make in their lives, especially pertaining to having children. 

Note: This post is not a condemnation that we neglect hungry children ..... This blog is about NOT having children if you can't take total responsibility for them.

Posted via email from Kleerstreem's Posterous

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