Friday, December 7, 2012

After Elections Thoughts

 I have never been one to dwell to much on the past....I have never been able to change anything that happened in my past; I can only learn from the good and the bad and give my best to make each day better and better. Such are elections ..... once they're over, win or loose, if we don't learn and accept what went wrong, we most likely will not make the necessary changes to win in the future. 

Most of you know I am a term limits person; that alone would solve some of the power struggles ongoing in DC. 

I would also like for the GOP to only allow NO more than 5 contenders in presidential races. I think having all these candidates in this year's primaries, created way too much 'trash/negative talk' that may have influenced some voters. I know it didn't help our eventual nominee.

The other thing I advocate for is to get our primaries over by May 1. An incumbent nominee, needs all the time they can get to raise money, to focus on honing and refining their messages against our rival. 

Let's not forget, while America was watching, supporters and most all the GOP contenders said things about Mitt that certainly carried over after he became our nominees. Isn't it somewhat of a hypocrisy to destroy our contenders and then expect the rest of America to vote for him/her??? ..... in Texas we call that Two-Faced. 

I know campaigns are tough, but, I truly think GOP should make new rules that each contender must lay out what they would do and why they would make the best candidate. Furthermore, NO contender can say anything negative about any other contender. That's only ammo that will be used against whoever becomes our candidate. We should be making campaign ads for the Democrats while we are selecting our nominee. Lastly, no GOP contender should be allow in the race that have, on paper, a will laid out plan of what they would do if they became our nominee.

I do know this: it's time we stop destroying our own contenders during our primaries....that hurts, much more than it helps!  When we do this we only help people like Obama win.  We supress all voters, including our own. I give the entire GOP and the Ron Paul supporters an A+ on insuring Obama won re-election. I also give credit to all those that worked 24/7 in support of Mitt. If not for that group of people, Obama might have won by a landslide.

Remember: United we win; divided we fall.  Winning is all that matters in politics, regardless of your principals, views, or who you originally supported! 

Posted via email from Global Politics

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