Why do liberal politicians and the biased liberal mainstream media (meaning pretty much all media in America but FNC) always come to the wrong conclusion, and usually come up with the wrong solution, in response to every crisis? As an example, we don’t have a “fiscal cliff” crisis because of a tax problem in America. What we have is a spending problem- Obama is the biggest spender of any politician in world history.
The same story holds true with the gun control issue spurred by the tragic Newtown school shooting. The liberal politicians and media are using Rahm Emanuel’s famous saying, “Never let a crisis go to waste.” They are trying to turn a terrible tragedy into a gun problem. Their solution is to try to demonize and ban guns. But the Newtown tragedy wasn’t a gun problem, it was a mental illness problem.
Thank goodness the American public has more common sense than the politicians and media big shots. The latest Rasmussen poll is out following the Newtown tragedy. While 27% think stricter gun control laws are the solution, and 15% want limits on violent movies and video games, a dominant 48% believe the answer is more action to treat mental healthissues.
It is obvious that many Americans feel in their gut what the statistics I’m about to share with you prove- that guns do much more than kill (in the wrong hands). More often than not, they save lives and prevent violence.
Here are a few proven facts that are too often missing from the gun debate (Thanks to Gun Owners of America and ZeroHedge.com for these statistics):
Based on a 2000 study, Americans use guns to defendthemselves from crime and violence 989,883 times annually. Banning guns would leave about 1,000,000 Americans defenseless from criminals who have no problem acquiring guns illegally.
A nationwide survey of almost 5000 households found that over a five-year period 3.5% of households had a member who used a gun to protect themselves, their family, or their property. This also adds up to about the same 1,000,000 incidents annually.
The Clinton Justice Department identified 1.5 million cases per year of citizens using guns to defend themselves.
Another survey found that Americans use guns to frighten intruders away from a home break-in about 500,000 times annually.
Armed citizens shoot criminals more than twice as often as police each year (1527 to 606).
Each year about 200,000 women use a gun to defend themselves from a sexual crime or abuse.
The Carter Justice Department found that of more than 32,000 attempted rapes, 32% were actually committed. But when a woman was armed with a gun or knife, only 3% of the attempted rapes were actually successful.
Now that we’ve polled the citizens, how about we see what the felons have to say:
A survey of male felons in 11 state prisons across the USA found that 34% had been scared off, wounded or captured by an armed victim of their crime.
40% of felons made a decision not to commit a crime because they feared the potential victim had a gun.
69% of felons knew other fellow criminals who had been scared off or captured by an armed victim.
57% of felons polled agreed that "criminals are more worried about meeting an armed victim than they are about running into the police."
Statistical comparisons with other countries show that burglars in the United States are far less apt to enter an occupied home than their foreign counterparts who live in countries where fewer civilians own firearms.
These facts (and many more too voluminous to show here) prove that guns- in the right hands- defend citizens, families and children. In short, guns save lives.
But for me, it’s always been a personal and emotional argument, even more than a factual one. I’m a proud Jewish American. Over six million of my fellow Jews were enslaved, starved, tortured, and then slaughtered by Adolph Hitler. Before it could happen, in 1938, Hitler banned gun ownership for Jews.
That act on November 11, 1938 (one day after the infamous Kristallnacht) was the beginning of the end for Germany's Jews. Millions of Jews were left defenseless from that day forward. Just like the criminals in the studies above, who were far less likely to break into a home or attack a victim, if they feared the victim was armed, Hitler only started his murderous genocide after first ensuring his victims were disarmed, defenseless, and helpless.
Will a conservative NRA (National Rifle Association) and JPFO (Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership) member like me support reasonable gun control? Of course. Should we ensure that mentally ill people cannot purchase guns? Of course. Should we enforce current gun laws? Of course.Should we do more to ensure that all gun owners are licensed, trained, responsible and mentally competent? Of course. Should we take lessons from Israel’s gun laws that require strict mentalevaluation and examinations, as well as rigorous training? Absolutely.
But should we move to ban guns, thereby leaving the law-abiding citizens defenseless and helpless? Never. Not in America.
Should government and law enforcement be the only ones legally able to carry guns? Never. Not in America.
Should government be allowed to take away guns from honest, law-abiding homeowners, business owners, and citizens like me? Only when you pry them from my cold, dead hands.
Thomas Jefferson put it best:
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.”
Wayne Allyn Root (W.A.R) is a former Presidential candidate, the 2008 Libertarian Vice Presidential nominee, and a Tea Party favorite.
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