Tuesday, February 26, 2013

(10) Ten shocking lessons a huge Texas conglomerate has foisted on Texas public school students

Hopefully all parents with kids in Texas Schools are aware of this and are protesting! 

From - The Daily Caller - http://dailycaller.com -

By Eric Owens On 4:06 AM 02/21/2013

CSCOPE is the acronym-sounding name — that is not actually an acronym — for the oft-criticized, all-embracing K-12 educational curriculum that is used in 80 percent of the school districts in .

“CSCOPE’s high quality curriculum, assessment, and instructional components assist schools in meeting the high standard of rigor and relevance” ostensibly required by various assessments administered by the Lone Star State, touts the nonprofit entity’s website.

Most — though not all — of the critics of CSCOPE are politically conservative. They charge that the controversial curriculum is a radical, backdoor way for progressives to circumvent both the Texas legislative process and the desires of local school boards and communities. They also charge that the creators of the curriculum operate secretly and do not make it easy for parents or even school board members to see the material.

The flood of criticism has likely been responsible for a handful of significant, recent changes. CSCOPE meetings will be public now, and content will be a lot more accessible to the general public. Also, a content review system involving parents, teachers and school administrators is in the works.

Complaints about CSCOPE have been many, though. The most common complaints are probably that the curriculum is riddled with cultural relativism and downright leftist assumptions, particularly in social studies. Critics also say that CSCOPE coursework is short on facts and way too long on giving students opportunities to give their uninformed opinions.

Below, The Daily Caller presents 10 of the most egregious examples of the curriculum’s inadequacies and absurdities.

1. Islam is awesome

In a unit of high school world history, the online material students are given is essentially a paean to the greatness of Islam and its founder, Mohammed.

One portion involves open-ended discussion of the merits of the hijab — the face and body covering worn by many Muslim women (and under threat of arrest in Saudi Arabia and Iran). Perhaps high school students think the hijab is “freeing because it prevents others from making them into sexual objects.” Or perhaps they think the hijab suggests that “women need to be obscured so as not to arouse male desire.” Either way, it’s fine.

The widespread and ordinary mistreatment of women in Islamic countries — particularly Arab ones — is ignored. Texas high schoolers don’t learn, for example, that Jordan and other Islamic kingdoms have laws that pardon rapists if an arrangement can be reached for rapists and their victims to get married.

2. Christianity is a cult

Another portion of the materials on Islam lists several specific lessons that Muslims take from the example of Islam’s founder, such as “Be respectful of other religions.” Strangely, there does not appear to be any such lesson focused on, say, Moses or Jesus Christ.

Instead, the materials in another world history lesson inform students that Christianity is a cult that parallels the death and resurrection in the story of Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead. The same material takes pains to point out that early Christians were accused of incest, cannibalism and other atrocities.

3. Communism is awesome

An illustration in a CSCOPE high school world history handout shows a figure with a trekking pole climbing steps made out of money. A chart immediately to the right concerns “big ideas” in 18th- and 19th-century economic thinking. At the bottom of the chart is free-market capitalism, where “all people strive to fulfill their own needs and wants,” and where government control and planning are low.

In the middle is socialism, where “the big things” in society (e.g., “telephones, roads, airports”) are “owned by the people.” “Can you think of other big stuff that should be covered?” the chart asks. (Note the loaded verb, “should.”)

At the top of the chart is communism, which the CSCOPE creators innocuously describe as “the idea of living together in a ‘commune’ where all people work together for everyone.” The chart manages to insult the Marxist vision of communism as well, by suggesting that government control and planning is highest under the system.

There is no mention of the nearly 100 million people who died in the 20th century under various self-described communist regimes around the world.

4. Hey kids! Let’s make communist flags

“Imagine a new socialist nation is creating a flag and you have been put in charge of creating a flag,” read the instructions from an activity that directs sixth graders to design a socialist or communist flag. “Use symbolism to represent aspects of socialism/communism on your flag.”

In the same lesson, students are also instructed that socialist utopian Robert Owen wanted to “give every child born into the world an equal chance to live and grow and to lead a happy life.”

No mention is made of the two socialist utopias Owen attempted to create, or how they ended up disastrously failed and disease-ridden.

5. The Boston Tea Party was a terrorist attack

A CSCOPE high school world history lesson plan depicts the Boston Tea Party, the famous protest against taxation without representation, as an act of terrorism.

“A local militia, believed to be a terrorist organization, attacked the property of private citizens today at our nation’s busiest port,” the part of the curriculum pertaining to the Boston Tea Party reads. “Although no one was injured in the attack, a large quantity of merchandise, considered to be valuable to its owners and loathsome to the perpetrators, was destroyed. The terrorists, dressed in disguise and apparently intoxicated, were able to escape into the night with the help of local citizens who harbor these fugitives and conceal their identities from the authorities.”

6. Terrorism: what do you think?

The broader world history lesson that calls the Boston Tea Party as an act of terrorism is entitled simply “Terrorism.” “What is it that terrorists hope to achieve?” it asks students. “What are the long term goals of terrorism?”

There is substantial discussion concerning Guantanamo Bay. The lesson explains that the United States government holds “known and suspected terrorists” at the American military base in Cuba. The lesson flatly asserts that “prisoners are being held without legal council [sic],” thus grossly simplifying a very complex issue of constitutional and international law, not to mention misspelling counsel.

Additionally, the lesson asks whether the prohibition in the Bill of Rights against cruel and unusual punishment should be extended to “non-citizens (or prisoners).” This question is ludicrous on many levels. Non-citizens are most certainly protected under the Bill of Rights. So are prisoners. “Enemy combatants” is likely the phrase the writers of the lesson were grasping for, but it appears nowhere in the lesson.

Finally, hilariously, the lesson — which must have been initially created around 2008 — notes that “President Obama has now ordered Guantanamo to be closed within a year.” Hope and change!

7. Christopher Columbus was an eco-warrior

A third-grade social studies lesson removes vast swaths from Christopher Columbus’s journal entries to make it appear that the explorer was a Darwin-esque environmentalist.

“This is so beautiful a place, [with] species so new and dissimilar to that of our country,” Columbus writes in the cherry-picked CSCOPE version. “The diversity in the appearance of the feathered tribe from those of our country is extremely curious. A thousand different sorts of trees, with their fruit were to be met with, and of a wonderfully delicious odor.”

The writers omit large portions of the journal in their effort to transform Columbus into a tree hugger. Gone are multiple references to God and Christendom, for example. Also left out is the part where Columbus says he is arbitrarily detaining seven native inhabitants so he can parade them in front of the King of Spain.

8. CSCOPE writers pointlessly disparage Paul Revere

A high school social studies lesson on the Bill of Rights allegedly portrayed students to “identify which amendment would apply” to a dozen hypothetical situations. For some bizarre reason, in #9, the CSCOPE curriculum creators decided to have police kick in the door of American patriot Paul Revere’s home to search for illegal drugs. 

9. Help Ban Ki-moon and his U.N. cronies prevent a Malthusian population catastrophe

A document used in science courses on environmental systems is a letter with mock United Nations letterhead. Addressed “Dear High School Ambassador,” the letter explains that world population is approaching “seven billion people.” Secretary General Ban Ki-moon “would like you to participate on an international roundtable to discuss the issues.”

The letter asks students to take “a position whether to support or oppose the pending resolution that the world must achieve zero population growth by the year 2060.” Students should also consider “alternative measures to limit impact of growth.”

Nowhere in the document is there any suggestion that more people might be a good thing. The notion of more human beings in the world is presented in an inherently negative light.

10. Murder and extortion were just “protest strategies” used by the Black Panthers

A question on a CSCOPE history exam allegedly listed four groups: the NAACP, Martin Luther King’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) and the Black Panthers. The exam then asks: “Which of the above used protest strategies unlike the other groups to achieve equal rights?”

The credited answer is the Black Panthers. Members of the militant socialist organization tortured and murdered 19-year-old Alex Rackley. Nine police officers were killed in confrontations with the group. The Black Panthers also funded their activities by shaking down bar owners and petty criminals in Oakland.

This link is to a CSCOPE Operation Tutorial:  http://www.slideshare.net/shawndaphipps/cscope-tutorial-13952826

Posted via email from Global Politics

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

What the Hell Happened To America?

Who knew it was a crime to let minor children, age 3, pump gas?  No it's not a great idea, but, it seems today, all we do is waste law enforcement valuable time on items like this.  How about just a good chewing out and moving on?  But, jail time?  

As I have written a few times, both my mom and dad would have been locked up because they just didn't ask for respect from their kids to do the right things and worship God, THEY DEMANDED IT!!  If we didn't, the consequences of not doing what they demanded were spankings, not time outs; not grounding.  Oh, same thing at school .... spankings were part of school and part of learning to respect teachers and your fellow students. AND, it didn't matter if you were male or female.....equal punishment for all of us.  

But, guess what?  Back then we never had fights at school; we never had shootings at school, and many of us had pistols and rifles in our vehicles on school property. Most of those weapons were visible.  Back then, most of us were very mature and responsible!!! I remember when I got toy cap guns for Christmas ..... heck we wore them to school so we could play cowboys at recess.  

But, my main question is: What the hell has happen to America? 

Posted via email from Global Politics

Saturday, February 9, 2013

National Day of Prayer Speech by Dr. Carson


The following is a loose transcript. The video is 27:32 minutes long. If you want to read the transcript rather than watch the video, I suggest you view the video for a couple of minutes to get the flavor and tone of how Dr. Carson speaks. He has great energy, and speaks with passion and humor.

1. The paragraphing is mine.
2. The Paragraph Titles are mine.
3. The transcript is "loose." Not every word is here, but most are.
4. Any and all emphasis is mine.

This is a transcript your child can read and understand. It should give every parent courage to challenge their child to be as good as they can be. Show your child the paragraph about Responsibility and how long it takes to count to 16 trillion.

Dr. Carson began with the following four scriptures and then moved into his address. I've summarized the first few minutes, then the transcript begins.

Proverbs 11:9 With his mouth the Godless destroys his neighbor, but through knowledge the righteous escapes.

Proverbs 11:12 A man who lacks judgement derides his neighbor, but a man of understanding holds his tongue

Proverbs 11:25 A generous man will prosper. He who refreshes others will himself, be refreshed.

2nd Chronicles 7:14 If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.

Dr Carson said he has many opportunities to speak before people, and to speak with people, and he often asks what is their greatest concern about the spirituality and the direction of our Nation and our world. He says he speaks with very prominent Democrats and very prominent Republicans:

I was surprised by the uniformity of their answers and those have informed my comments this morning. Now it is not my intention to offend anyone...

...and he chats about how political correctness (which he says is dangerous and he thinks it's a "horrible thing," it "muffles" us from saying what we really mean. He says we must start talking about the things that were important in the founding of our Nation. As he gets going Dr. Carson says what he means, and does so respectfully.

Begin transcript:


Here we are at a time in the world, the information age, the age of technology and yet 30% of those who enter High School in this country do not graduate. Forty-four percent of those who start a 4-year college program do not finish it in 4 years. What is that about?

Think back to a darker time in our history, 200 years ago when slavery was going on, it was illegal to educate a slave, particularly to teach him to read. Why do you think that was? Because when you educate a man, you liberate a man.

And there I was as a youngster placing myself in the same situation that a horrible institution did because I wasn't taking advantage of the education. I was a horrible student. Most of my classmates thought I was the stupidest person in the world. They called me Dummy. I was the butt of all the jokes. Now, admittedly, it was a bad environment.

Family and Education:

Single parent home. You know my Mother and Father had gotten divorced early on. My mother got married when she was 13. She was one of 24 children. Had a horrible life. Discovered that her husband was a bigamist. Had another family. She only had a third grade education. She had to take care of us in dire poverty. I had a horrible temper, poor self-esteem. All the things that you would think would preclude success.

But I had something very important. I had a mother who believed in me. And I had a mother who would never allow herself to be a victim, no matter what happened. Never made excuses and she never accepted excuses from us. If we ever came up with an excuse, she would say, do you have a brain and if the answer was yes, then she said, you could have thought your way out of it. It doesn't matter what John, or Susan or Mary or anybody else did or said. It was the most important thing she did for my brother and myself because if you don't accept excuses pretty soon people stop giving them and they start looking for solutions. That is a critical issue when it comes to success.

We did live in dire poverty and one of the things I hated was poverty. Some people hate spiders, some people hate snakes. I hated poverty. I couldn't stand it. But my mother couldn't stand the fact that we were doing poorly in school, and she prayed and she asked God to give her wisdom. What could she do to make her young sons understand the importance of developing their minds so that they could control their own lives. And you know what? God gave her the wisdom, at least in her opinion. My brother and I didn't think she was that wise, cause it was turn-off the TV. We could watch only two or three TV programs during the week. It was in all that spare time, read two books a piece from the Detroit Pubic Library and submit to her written book reports which she couldn't read, but we didn't know that. She put check marks and highlights and stuff - but you know, I just hated this. My friends were out having a good time - her friends would criticize her. They'd say you can't make boys stay in the house reading books. They'll grow up and they'll hate you. I would overhear them and I would say, Mother, you know they're right, but she didn't care, you know.

After awhile I actually began to enjoy reading those books, because we were very poor but between the covers of those books I could go anywhere, I could be anybody, I could do anything. I began to read about people of great accomplishment, and as I read those stories I began to see a connecting thread. I began to see that the person who has the most to do with you and what happens to you in life is you. You make decisions. You decide how much energy you want to put behind that decision, and I came to understand that I had control of my own destiny, and at that point I didn't hate poverty anymore because I knew it was only temporary. I knew I could change that. It was incredibly liberating for me.

Alexis de Toqueville:

To continue on that theme of education, in 1831 Alexis de Toqueville came to study America. The Europeans were fascinated. How could a fledgling Nation, barely 50 years old already be competing with them on virtually every level. This was impossible. De Toqueville was going to sort it out and he looked at our government and he was duly impressed by the three branches of government - four now because we have special interest groups, but it was only three back in those days. He said, WOW, this is really something, but then he said, let me look at their educational system and he was blown away. See, anybody who had finished the second grade was completely literate. He could find a mountain man on the outskirts of society who could read the newspaper and have a political discussion, could tell him how the government worked.

His Book - America the Beautiful:

If you really want to be impressed, take a look at the chapter on education in my latest book, America the Beautiful, which I wrote with my wife - it came out last year, and in that education chapter you will see questions extracted from a sixth grade exit exam from the 1800's - a test you had to pass to get your sixth grade certificate. I doubt most college graduates today could pass that test. We have dumbed things down to that level and the reason that is so dangerous is that because the people who founded this Nation said that our system of government was designed for a well-informed and educated populace, and when they become less informed, they become vulnerable. Think about that. That is why education is so vitally important.

Five Doctors Signed the Declaration of Independence:

Now some people say, ahhh, you're over blowing it, things aren't that bad, and you're a doctor, a neurosurgeon. Why are you concerned about these things? Got news for you. FIVE doctors signed the Declaration of Independence. Doctors were involved in the framing of the Constitution, in the Bill of Rights, in a whole bunch of things. It's only been since recent decades that we've extracted ourselves, which I think is a big mistake.

We need doctors, we needs scientists, we engineers. We need all those people involved in government, not just lawyers...I don't have anything against lawyers, but here's the thing about lawyers...I'm sorry, but I got to be truthful...what do lawyers learn in law school? To win, by hook or by crook. You gotta win, so you got all these Democrat lawyers, and you got all these Republican lawyers and their sides want to win. We need to get rid of that. What we need to start thinking about is, how do we solve problems?

Celebrating and Encouraging Intelligent Children - Carson Scholars:

Now, before I get shot, let me finish. I don't like to bring up problems without coming up with solutions. My wife and I started the Carson Scholars Fund 16 years ago after we heard about an international survey looking at the ability of eight graders in 22 countries to solve math and science problems, and we came out No. 21 out of 22. We only barely beat out No. 22 - very concerning.

We we'd to to these schools and we'd see all these trophies: State Basketball, State Wrestling, this, that and the other. The Quarterback was the Big Man on Campus. What about the intellectual Superstar? What did they get? A National Honor Society pin? A pat on the head, there, there little Nerd? Nobody cared about them. Is it any wonder that sometimes the smart kids try to hide? They dont' want anybody to know they are smart? This is not helping us or our Nation, so we started giving out scholarships from all backgrounds for superior academic performance and demonstration of humanitarian qualities. Unless you cared about other people, it didn't matter how smart you were. We've got plenty of people like that. We don't need smart people who don't care about other people.

We would give them money. The money would go into a Trust. They would get interest on it. When they would go to college they would get the money, but also the school gets a trophy, every bit as impressive as a sports trophy - right out there with the others. They get a medal. They get to go t a banquet. We try to put them on a pedestal as impressive as we do the All-State athletes. I have nothing against athletics or entertainment. I'm from Baltimore. The Ravens won. This is great - okay. But, what will maintain our position in the world? The ability to shoot a 25' jump shot or the ability to solve a quadratic equation?We need to put the things into proper perspective.

Reading Rooms:

Many teachers have told us that when we put a Carson Scholar in their classroom, the GPA of the whole classroom goes up over the next year. It's been very gratifying. We started 16 years ago with 25 scholarships in Maryland, now we've given out more than 5,000 and we are in all 50 states, but we've also put in Reading Rooms. These are fascinating places that no little kid could possibly pass up. They get points for the amount of time they spend reading, and the number of books they read. They can trade the points for prizes. In the beginning they do it for the prizes, but it doesn't take long before their academic performance begins to improve.

We particularly target Title One schools where the kids come from homes with no books and schools with no libraries. Those are the ones who drop out. We need to truncate that process early on because we can't afford to waste any of those young people. For every one of those people we keep from going down that path of self-destruction and mediocrity, that's one less person you have to protect yourself and your family from. One less person you have to pay for in the penal or welfare system. One more taxpaying productive member of society who may invent a new energy source or come up with a cure for cancer. They are all important to us and we need every single one of them. (carsonscholars.org)

Moral Decay:

Why is it so important that we educate our people? Because we don't want to go down the pathway as so many pinnacle nations that have preceded us. I think particularly about ancient Rome. Very powerful. Nobody could even challenge them militarily, but what happened to them? They destroyed themselves from within. Moral decay, fiscal irresponsibility. They destroyed themselves. If you don't think that can happen to America, you get out your books and you start reading, but you know, we can fix it.

Responsibility in Leadership - Debt and Deficit:

We can fix it because we're smart. We have some of the most intellectually gifted people leading our Nation. All we need to do is remember what our real responsibilities are so that we can solve them. I think about these problems all the time, and my role model was Jesus. He used parables to help people understand things. One of our big problems right now - our deficit is a big problem. Think about it. Our National Debt - $16.5 Trillion dollars - you think that's not a lot of money? Count one number per second, which you can't even do because once you get to a thousand it will take you longer than a second, but...one number per second. You know how long it would take you to count to 16 Trillion? 507,000 years - more than a half a million years to get there. We have to deal with this.

The Parable of Some People More Special Than Others:

Here's a parable: A family falls on hard times. Dad loses his job or is demoted to part time work. He has 5 children. He comes to the 5 children, he says we're going to have to reduce your allowance. Well, they're not happy about it but - he says, except for John and Susan. He says, they're special. They get to keep their allowance. In fact, we'll give them more. How do you think that's going to go down? Not too well. Same thing happens. Enough said.


What about our taxation system? So complex there is no one who can possibly comply with every jot and tittle of our tax system. If I wanted to get you, I could get you on a tax issue. That doesn't make any sense. What we need to do is come up with something that is simple.

When I pick up my Bible, you know what I see? I see the fairest individual in the Universe, God, and he's given us a system. It's called tithe. Now we don't necessarily have to do it 10% but it's principle. He didn't say, if your crops fail, don't give me any tithe. He didn't say, if you have a bumper crop, give me triple tithe. So there must be something inherently fair about proportionality. You make $10 Billion dollars you put in a Billion. You make $10 you put in $1 - of course, you gotta get rid of the loopholes, but some people say, that's not fair because it doesn't hurt the guy who made $10 Billion as much as the guy who made $10. Where does it say you have to hurt the guy. He's just put in a billion in the pot. We don't need to hurt him.

It's that kind of thinking that has resulted in 602 banks in the Cayman Islands. That money needs to be back here, building our infrastructure and creating jobs - and we're smart enough to figure out how to do that.

Health Care and Death Panels:

We've already started down the path to solving one of the other big problems, health care. We need to have good health care for everybody. It's the most important thing that a person can have. Money means nothing, titles mean nothing when you don't have your health, but we've got to figure out efficient ways to do it. We spend a lot of money on health care, twice as much per capita as anybody in else in the world, and yet not very efficient. What can we do?

Here's my solutionWhen a person is born, give him a birth certificate, an electronic medical record and a health savings account , to which money can be contributed, pre-tax from the time you are born, to the time you die. When you die, you can pass it on to your family members so that when you're 85 years old and you've got 6 diseases, you're not trying to spend up everything. You're happy to pass it on and nobody is talking about death panels.

For the people who are indigent, who don't have any money, we can make contributions to their HSA each month because we already have this huge pot of money instead of sending it to bureaucracy - let's put it into HSAs. Now they have some control over their own health care and what do you think they're going to do? They're going to learn very quickly how to be responsible. when Mr. Jones gets that diabetic foot ulcer, he's not going to the Emergency Room and blowing a big chunk of it. He's going to go to the Clinic. He learns that very quickly - gets the same treatment. In the Emergency Room they send him out. In the Clinic they say, now let's get your diabetes under control so that you're not back here in three weeks with another problem. That's how we begin to solve these kinds of problems. It's much more complex than that, and I don't have time to go into it all, but we can do all these things because we are smart people.

The Parable of Just Because You Are the Biggest and Most Powerful...:

Another parable: Sea Captain, and he's out on the sea near the area where the Titanic went down. And they look ahead and there's a bright light right there - another ship he figures. He tells his signaller to signal that ship: deviate 10 degrees to the South. Back comes the message, no you deviate 10 degrees to the North. Well, he's a little bit insensed, you know. He says, send a message, this is Captain Johnson, deviate 10 degrees to the South. Back comes the message, this is Ensign 4th Class Reilly. Deviate 10 degrees to the North. Now Captain Johnson is really upset. He says send him a message, this is a Naval Destroyer. Back comes the message, this is a Lighthouse. Enough said.

An Example of Why Left and Right Work:

What about the symbol of our Nation? The Eagle. The Bald Eagle. It's an intereting story how we chose that but a lot of people think we call it the bald eagle because it looks like it has a bald head. That's not the reason It comes from the Old English word Piebald, which means crowned with white. Why is that eagle able to fly, high, forward? Because it has two wings: a left wing and a right wing. Enough said.

The Turning Poing of the War of 1812:

Two hundred years ago this Nation was involved in a war, the war of 1812. The British, who are now our good friends thought that we were young whippersnappers. It was time for us to become a colony again. They were winning that war and marching up the Eastern Seaboard, destroying city after city, destroying Washington D.C., burned down the White House. Next stop Baltimore. As they came into the Chesapeake Bay, there were armadas of war ships as far as the eye could see. It was looking grim. Ft. McHenry standing right there. General Armisted, who was in charge of Ft. McHenry, had a large American flag commissioned to fly in front of the Fort. The Admiral in charge of the British Fleet was offended, said take that flag down. You have until dusk to take that Flag down. If you don't take it down, we will reduce you to ashes.

There was a young amateur poet on board by the name of Francis Scott Key, sent by President Madison to try to obtain the release of an American physician who was being held captive. He overheard the British plans. They were not going to let him off the ship. He mourned. As dusk approached he mourned for his fledgling young Nation, and as the sun fell, the bombardment started. Bombs bursting in air. Missiles, so much debrie. He strained, trying to see, was the flag still there? Couldn't see a thing. All night long it continued. At the crack of dawn he ran out to the bannister. He looked and could only see dust and debrie.

One Nation Under God, Indivisible, with Liberty and Justice for All:

Then there was a clearing and he beheld the most beautiful sight he had ever seen - the torn and tattered Stars and Stripes still waving. Many historians say that was the turning point in the war of 1812. We went on to win that war and to retain our freedom and if you had gone onto the grounds of Ft. McHenry that day, you would have seen at the base of that flag, the bodies of soldiers who took turns. Propping up that flag, they would not let that flag go down because they believed in what that flag symbolized. What did it symbolize? One Nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Thank you. God Bless.

End Transcript

Dr. Carson received the Presidential Medal of Honor from President George W. Bush in 2009.

Posted via email from Global Politics

Friday, February 8, 2013


LES ECHOS (France)

PARIS - A new French study has found that the risk of diabetes may actually increase more with the consumption of diet or light soft drinks than with sugary ones.  

Researchers at  Inserm, the French biomedical and public health research institution, followed the health and consumption habits of 66,188 women since 1993, with the objective to track the link between sugary drinks and type 2 diabetes, the most common form of the disease.

It was thought that drinking light drinks would reduce the risk of diabetes. But in results presented Thursday in Paris, the study found that the risk of diabetes is actually higher when drinking light drinks than with sugary drinks, French business daily Les Echos reports.

The study, to be published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, shows that women who consume light drinks have a higher consumption rate than those consuming normal sugary drinks (2.8 glasses/week vs. 1.6 glasses/week in average). Moreover, even when consumed in equal quantities, light drinks are associated with an increased risk of developing diabetes: a 15% higher chance for a consumption of 0.5 liters/week and 59% for 1.5 liters/week.

In order to know if the risk is only associated with light drinks, researchers Françoise Clavel-Chapelon and Guy Fagherazzi compared their effects to those produced with pressed fruit juices, but found no direct association with developing the disease.

Fagherazzi said further study is still needed. “We still need a body of evidence," he said, according to Les Echos. "We are not here to say that people need to stop drinking this or this type of drink.”

Among the mechanisms that might explain this phenomenon, they note that sugars contained in sugary drinks cause a spike in insulin and the repetition of such can produce resistance to insulin, an anomaly that causes diabetes. As for aspartame, one of the principal sweeteners used today, it can cause a high glycemic level (spike in blood glucose), and thus an increase in insulin levels, comparable to those caused by sucrose (sugar).

Posted via email from WellCare

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Sam’s Club Free Health Screening Schedule

Sam’s Club Free Health Screening Schedule



Heart Health Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index, Total Cholesterol, Glucose and HDL Cholesterol (HDL), and Vision



Allergy Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index, Allergy testing (top 20 allergens), and Vision



Oral Health Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index, Total Cholesterol, Glucose, Dental Tabs, and Vision



Healthy Weight, Healthy Skin Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index, Dermascan (limited clubs, indicates skin damage from the sun), Cortisol, Weight, Height, Waist Circumference, and Vision



Men’s HealthBlood Pressure, Body Mass Index, PSA for men (Prostate-Specific Antigen), TSH for women (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone) and Vision



Healthy Aging Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index, Amsler Grid (Macular Degeneration), Total Cholesterol, Glucose and Vision



Children’s Health and Back to SchoolBlood Pressure, Body Mass Index, Dental Tabs, Take home DNA swab kits, Child Safety ID Kits, and Vision



Diabetes Awareness Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index, Glucose, A1C (for known diabetics) and Vision



Women’s Health Blood Pressure, Body Mass Index, PSA for men, TSH for women, take home gel breast self exam kits and Vision

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Harold Estes, World War II Veteran, Letter to Obama

From Harold's Letter: I am amazed, angry and determined not to see my country die before I do, but you seem hell bent not to grant me that wish.

I can't figure out what country you are the president of.

Dear President Obama,

My name is Harold Estes, approaching 95 on December 13. People meeting me for the first time don't believe my age because I remain wrinkle free and pretty much mentally alert.

I enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1934 and served proudly before, during and after WW II retiring as a Master Chief Bos'n Mate. Now I live in a "rest home" located on the western end of Pearl Harbor, allowing me to keep alive the memories of 23 years of service to my country.

One of the benefits of my age, perhaps the only one, is to speak my mind, blunt and direct even to the head man. So here goes.

I am amazed, angry and determined not to see my country die before I do, but you seem hell bent not to grant me that wish.

I can't figure out what country you are the president of.

You fly around the world telling our friends and enemies despicable lies like: "We're no longer a Christian nation" "America is arrogant" -- (Your wife even announced to the world, "America is mean- spirited." Please tell her to try preaching that nonsense to 23 generations of our war dead buried all over the globe who died for no other reason than to free a whole lot of strangers from tyranny and hopelessness.)

I'd say shame on the both of you, but I don’t think you like America, nor do I see an ounce of gratefulness in anything you do, for the obvious gifts this country has given you. To be without shame or gratefulness is a dangerous thing for a man sitting in the White House.

After 9/11 you said, "America hasn’t lived up to her ideals."

Which ones did you mean? Was it the notion of personal liberty that 11,000 farmers and shopkeepers died for to win independence from the British? Or maybe the ideal that no man should be a slave to another man, that 500,000 men died for in the Civil War? I hope you didn't mean the ideal 470,000 fathers, brothers, husbands, and a lot of fellas I knew personally died for in WWII, because we felt real strongly about not letting any nation push us around, because we stand for freedom.

I don't think you mean the ideal that says equality is better than discrimination. You know the one that a whole lot of white people understood when they helped to get you elected.

Take a little advice from a very old geezer, young man.

Shape up and start acting like an American. If you don't, I'll do what I can to see you get shipped out of that fancy rental on Pennsylvania Avenue. You were elected to lead not to bow, apologize and kiss the hands of murderers and corrupt leaders who still treat their people like slaves.

And just who do you think you are telling the American people not to jump to conclusions and condemn that Muslim major who killed 13 of his fellow soldiers and wounded dozens more. You mean you don’t want us to do what you did when that white cop used force to subdue that black college professor in Massachusetts, who was putting up a fight? You don’t mind offending the police calling them stupid but you don’t want us to offend Muslim fanatics by calling them what they are, terrorists.

One more thing. I realize you never served in the military and never had to defend your country with your life, but you're the Commander-in-Chief now, son. Do your job. When your battle-hardened field General asks you for 40,000 more troops to complete the mission, give them to him. But if you're not in this fight to win, then get out. The life of one American soldier is not worth the best political strategy you're thinking of.

You could be our greatest president because you face the greatest challenge ever presented to any president.

You're not going to restore American greatness by bringing back our bloated economy. That's not our greatest threat. Losing the heart and soul of who we are as Americans is our big fight now.

And I sure as hell don't want to think my president is the enemy in this final battle.

Harold B. Estes



Hawaii Loses a Great Patriot - Harold B. Estes, U.S. Navy (ret.)

BY DUANE A. VACHON, PH.D. - Harold B. Estes and many of his peers are part of a generation that is known as “The Greatest Generation."  Estes, a World War II veteran credited with helping bring the USS Missouri and Bowfin museums to Hawaii, and who gained Internet fame with a letter written to President Barack Obama telling him to "shape up and start acting like an American," died Tuesday May 17, 2011.

Bringing the battleship Missouri to Pearl Harbor started as an idea tossed around in 1994 by Estes, retired Adm. Ron Hays and Navy veteran Edwin Carter, according to the museum.

It was a day in mid-February 1994 when Ronald Hays, a retired four-star admiral who had headed all U.S. forces in the Pacific, said to Estes, a retired chief boatswain's mate, something like: "Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could get the Missouri here?".

Anyone who has served in the United States Navy knows that the people who get things done in the Navy are chief boatswain’s mates.  This includes four-star admirals.

Estes,  who had been out of the Navy since 1954, had worked with Carter to arrange for the deactivated submarine USS Bowfin  to be brought to  Pearl Harbor as the centerpiece of a submarine memorial complex.

Estes served over 20 years in the Navy.  He took to the Navy like the proverbial duck takes to the water. Estes loved the Navy and the Navy returned that love.  His first ship was the battleship California, later sunk at Pearl Harbor.

When Estes called Carter about the Missouri, Carter arranged for Estes and Hays to meet with him for lunch at the Waialae Country Club. "Cheap lunch," Carter has been quoted as saying.  "Nobody ordered booze."

All three - the admiral, the chief boatswain's mate and the naval reservist - agreed it should be possible to get the deactivated Mo here. Hays, who was going back east on a business trip, said he would  talk to our congressional delegation (all approved) and to the vice chief of naval operations, Stanley Arthur, who had been a fighter pilot over Vietnam with Hays.

Arthur approved, too. Interestingly, he shared a story about a Japanese delegation that  had startled him by asking to have the Missouri towed to Tokyo Bay in 1995 for the 50th anniversary of the surrender ceremonies on the battleship.

“Why?” Arthur asked them. The Japanese delegation told him that the Missouri represented a new beginning.  It turned the rhetoric of democracy, freedom and prosperity into reality for Japan.

This idea was welcomed by the three. As it has turned out, the Japanese have become major visitors to the Missouri.

It’s interesting to note that when the Missouri opened as a museum ship at Ford Island, it become a "bookend" to the Arizona Memorial. The beginning and end of the Pacific war is dramatically portrayed by these two ships.

This Author of this article had the pleasure of meeting Estes. I can attest that he was a true gentleman. He didn’t have a political bone in his body, and  he loved America and his fellow veterans.  I have no doubt that Harold Estes and Fred Ballard are sitting together with the Supreme Commander talking story.

A letter critical of Obama penned by Estes several years ago went viral on the Internet and references to it are still numerous. Estes began his letter with these words, "One of the benefits of my age, perhaps the only one, is to speak my mind, blunt and direct even to the head man.”

Estes will join his wife Doris at Court 11, niche 129P,  at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific.

Posted via email from Global Politics

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

United We Stand, Divided We Fall (A Simple Example)

The Four Oxen and the Lion
A LION used to prowl about a field in which Four Oxen used to dwell. Many a time he tried to attack them; but whenever he came near they turned their tails to one another, so that whichever way he approached them he was met by the horns of one of them. At last, however, they fell a-quarrelling among themselves, and each went off to pasture alone in a separate corner of the field. Then the Lion attacked them one by one and soon made an end of all four.


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Monday, February 4, 2013

How Long Will Your Cold Last?

 by Cassie Shortsleeve

Bad news: That annoying cough isn’t going away any time soon, according to a review of research published in the Annals of Family Medicine.

Researchers at the University of Georgia analyzed the results of 19 studies on acute coughs (i.e. acute bronchitis or the common cold) and found quite a discrepancy between when you thinksymptoms fade (7 to 9 days), and when they actually fade: 17.8 days.

But you’re only going to be hacking for that long if you have a chest cold, not a head cold, which lasts 7 to 10 days. The difference? A chest cold originates—well—in your chest, meaning you don’t see as many nasal symptoms like a stuffy nose and clogged sinuses, says study author Mark Ebell, M.D., M.S., professor at the College of Public Health at the University of Georgia.

The bad news: An acute cough is usually caused by a virus (which antibiotics have little or no effect on), and nothing will kill it faster, says Dr. Ebell. In many cases, your body’s response to the virus—inflammation—is what’s making you cough. So until it runs its course, you just have to wait it out.

Dr. Ebell says to call your doc if you have asthma, are short of breath, cough up blood, have symptoms for more than 3 weeks, or feel too sick to function—but if it’s just the nagging cough, here are three ways to make the waiting game a little less painful.

Go with Aleve
When faced with the daunting task of the medicine aisle, stick with Aleve. Studies have shown that it doesn’t just help with fevers and body aches (which sometimes accompany a coughing illness), but it may also reduce the cough itself, says Dr. Ebell. Researchers speculate it’s the drug’s anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce inflammation, and thus the secretion causing your cough.

Beware of DM
Antihistamines, drugs used for everything from the common cold to allergies, will suppress your cough, too. But beware of the popular guy, dextromethorphan (DM)—you’d know it from titles like Robitussin DM. “While DM has always been recommended for a cough, it is not well studied,” Dr. Ebell says. In fact, a study in the Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology found it to have little difference on symptoms. Your move: At bedtime, choose a med like Benadryl and look for two main ingredients: diphenhydramine and chlorpheniramine, which may be more effective than DM and have the added benefit of making you drowsy enough to hopefully sleep through your cough.

Go Natural
A tablespoon of honey may shut your cough up. When kids with coughs were given honey before bed, their cough symptoms subsided more than those who didn’t use honey, according to research at Tel Aviv University. What’s the secret ingredient? Researchers aren’t sure—it could be everything from the antioxidants in the syrup to the thick, sweet texture and taste

Posted via email from WellCare

Saturday, February 2, 2013

5 Ways to use your mouse more effectively

---by Kim Komando


by Kim Komando

For my readers that don't use your mouse's right button, you really should. Right-clicking on practically anything in Windows or your favorite programs can bring up a list of helpful options you wouldn't see otherwise. Once you start right-clicking, you won't stop!

When you combine your mouse and the keyboard, however, things really get fun. Here are a few of my favorite mouse tricks you can use. Almost all of them work on laptop track pads, too!

Double (or triple) your clicking, double your fun: The double-click has been around for ages. I bet you use it every day to open programs and files. That's not all it can do, however.

Say you're writing a document and want to select a word. Instead of holding down the left mouse button and dragging the cursor to select a word, you can simply double-click on the word to highlight it.

Then you can right-click on it for more options, or use one of your helpful new keyboard shortcuts.

Instead of double-clicking, try a triple-click! It highlights the entire section or paragraph you're working on. You don't have to triple click rapidly - most programs can figure out what you want.

Give it a try and you'll find it beats clicking-and-dragging any day.

Shift into high gear - What if you need to highlight more than just a paragraph of text? You can combine the Shift key with your mouse to quickly highlight any amount of text.

Just click at the start of the text you want to highlight. Hold down the Shift key and click at the end of the text you want to highlight (you don't have to press Shift until you're ready for the second click). Then let go of the Shift key.

All the text you want will be highlighted and it just takes a second.

Or, double-click to select a full paragraph of text. Then hold the Shift key and start single clicking other paragraphs. They'll be highlighted as well.

Holding the Shift key and clicking works with anything else that you might want to highlight, from cells in a spreadsheet to Windows icons and files. Select the first item, hold Shift and then select the last one. It's that easy.

Take full control of your clicks - What if you want to highlight words, icons or spreadsheet cells that aren't right next to each other? With the Shift key, you're going to grab them all.

That's where the Control (Ctrl) key on your keyboard can save you. In Word, hold Ctrl and start double-clicking on words to select them.

For files in Windows, hold Ctrl and single click on each item you want. You can release the Ctrl key at any time and then press it again to add more items.

Did you accidentally highlight something you didn't mean to? Hold Ctrl and click the highlighted item again. It will be deselected.

In fact, you can highlight an entire group of items using Shift + click and then deselect individual items using Ctrl + click.

In Word and some Web browsers, you can hold the Ctrl and singe click on a word to select an entire sentence. Or, as I mentioned above, you can hold Ctrl and double-click to select individual words.

In many programs, including Web browsers, you can zoom text by holding the Ctrl key while moving your mouse's scroll wheel. Just push the scroll wheel up to zoom in and down to zoom out.

Not just for scrolling - Your mouse's scroll wheel can do so much more than move the page up and down. It just told you how to use it for zooming text.

Did you know that it also acts as a button? Press down on the scroll wheel and you'll hear a click. This is commonly called a "middle-click."

The middle-click does different things in different programs. For example, in your Web browser, hover your mouse cursor over a link and middle-click. This automatically opens the link in a new tab.

This is much faster than right-clicking on the link and choosing "Open in a new tab." You can also middle click on an open tab to quickly close it.

Middle-click on a blank spot on the page and it brings up a navigation tool. You can then move your mouse to navigate the page for more controlled scrolling.

Try experimenting with middle-click in some of your favorite programs to see what happens.

Customize your mouse - The middle-click acts as a third button, but some mice come with even more buttons. If you have a mouse with multiple buttons, it should come with software that helps you customize it.

You can change the way a more generic mouse works, too. Just go to Control Panel>>Hardware and Sound>>Mouse. Here, you can change what the buttons do, how fast they respond and all sorts of other details.

You can even change the way your mouse cursor appears on screen. I know many people find the larger cursors much easier to use.

Now that you've graduated from mouse and keyboard shortcut academy, it's time to take it to another level!


Friday, February 1, 2013

Are Angels No Longer Active?

by Billy Graham

Q: I know the angels were very much a part of Jesus' birth (for example, in making the announcements to Mary and the shepherds), but do they still do anything? Or are angels no longer active? -- Mrs. J. McL. 

A: The Bible makes it clear that God's angels are still very much at work, although their ministry is largely unseen by us. Even when they take human form (as they can do on occasion), they may not be recognized as angels. The author of the book of Hebrews wrote: "Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained angels without knowing it" (Hebrews 13:2). 

What do the angels do? Occasionally, God may entrust them with special messages, just as He did when the angel Gabriel told Mary she would become the mother of the Son of God, Jesus Christ (see Luke 1:26-38). I've heard reliable reports of people today who live in countries with no access to the Gospel, but who have come to Christ because of an angelic visitation or vision. 

But for the most part the angels have been given the unseen task of watching over God's people and guarding them from spiritual and physical harm. Only in heaven will we realize just how much they did for us. The Bible says, "Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" (Hebrews 1:14). 

We aren't to worship angels or become overly preoccupied with them. But we should thank God for sending them to watch over us, and they should cause us to trust Him more fully every day. Because of them we know our lives are safely in God's hands, and that some day they will take us into His presence forever. 

Posted via email from Religion


From WND..............

'AR-15 is not an assault rifle. It is a single shot semi-automatic'

Politicians, pundits and private citizens have been sounding off on Barack Obama’s new push for gun bans, but what do the professionals whose job it is to use guns in the protection of their nation, their fellow countrymen and themselves say?

Watch out.

An open letter has been posted on the Professional Soldiers blog that has been signed as of this writing by more than 1,100 current and former U.S. Army Special Forces soldiers, the Green Berets.

The soldiers say first it’s important to define the issue and set the record straight.

“The terms ‘assault weapon’ and ‘assault rifle’ are often confused,” they say. “According to Bruce H. Kobayashi and Joseph E. Olson, writing in the Stanford Law and Policy Review, ‘Prior to 1989, the term ‘assault weapon’ did not exist in the lexicon of firearms. It is a political term, developed by anti-gun publicists to expand the category of assaults rifles.’”

The Green Berets, who use the weapons, point out the M4A1 carbine is a U.S. military service rifle – it is an assault rifle.”

Keep your gun rights: Sign new petition

“The AR-15 is not an assault rifle. The ‘AR’ in its name does not stand for ‘Assault Rifle’ – it is the designation from the first two letters of the manufacturer’s name – ArmaLite Corporation. The AR-15 is designed so that it cosmetically looks like the M4A1 carbine assault rifle, but it is impossible to configure the AR-15 to be a fully automatic assault rifle. It is a single shot semi-automatic rifle that can fire between 45 and 60 rounds per minute depending on the skill of the operator. The M4A1 can fire up to 950 rounds per minute. In 1986, the federal government banned the import or manufacture of new fully automatic firearms for sale to civilians. Therefore, the sale of assault rifles are already banned or heavily restricted!”

Likewise, they say, a ban on “high-capacity” magazines would be irrelevant, pointing to the shooting by Eric Harris at Columbine High School as proof. The letter explains that when the first weapons ban was adopted in 1994, manufacturers retooled their products to meet the requirements of the law.

“One of those ban-compliant firearms was the Hi-Point 995, which was sold with ten-round magazines. In 1999, five years into the Federal Assault Weapons Ban, the Columbine High School massacre occurred. One of the perpetrators, Eric Harris, was armed with a Hi-Point 995. Undeterred by the ten-round capacity of his magazines, Harris simply brought more of them: thirteen magazines would be found in the massacre’s aftermath. Harris fired 96 rounds before killing himself.”

And, underlying the issue, the letter says, is the Constitution’s assurance of protection for the “sacrosanct” right of self-defense.

“Our Constitution established a system of governance that preserves, protects, and holds sacrosanct the individual rights and primacy of the governed as well as providing for the explicit protection of the governed from governmental tyranny and/or oppression,” they say..

They write that it is easy to blame guns, but weapons aren’t really the problem. Civilized society already proves it, they contend.

“We cite the experience in Great Britain,” they write. In 1987 was the Hungerford massacre that killed 18, and the government followed with a 1988 law banning semi-automatic guns. But eight years later, a “disturbed” man murdered 16 children and a teacher the Dunblane school. Immediately the law was amended to ban “all private ownership of handguns.”

Somehow, criminals apparently didn’t get the message, the letter suggests.

“Despite having the toughest gun control laws in the world, gun related crimes increased in 2003 by 35 percent over the previous year with firearms used in 9,974 recorded crimes… Gun related homicides were up 32 percent over the same period. … Gun related crime had increased 65 percent since the Dunblane massacre and implementation of the toughest gun control laws in the developed world,” the letter says.

“In contrast, in 2009 (5 years after the Federal Assault Weapons Ban expired) total firearm related homicides in the U.S. declined by 9 percent from the 2005 high,” the letter says, citing FBI statistics.

Since gun bans don’t really impact violence, what is the issue at hand?

“The purpose of the Second Amendment is to secure our ability to oppose enemies foreign and domestic, a guarantee against disorder and tyranny,” the Green Berets say.

“Throughout history, disarming the populace has always preceded tyrants’ accession of power. Hitler, Stalin, and Mao all disarmed their citizens prior to installing their murderous regimes. At the beginning of our own nation’s revolution, one of the first moves made by the British government was an attempt to disarm our citizens. When our Founding Fathers ensured that the Second Amendment was made a part of our Constitution, they were not just wasting ink. They were acting to ensure our present security was never forcibly endangered by tyrants, foreign or domestic.”

But school shootings are horrible and need to be addressed, they write.

“First, it is important that we recognize that this is not a gun control problem; it is a complex sociological problem. No single course of action will solve the problem.”

The military veterans say local schools should make their own decisions and plans.

“Most recently the Cleburne Independent School District will become the first district in North Texas to consider allowing some teachers to carry concealed guns. We do not opine as to the appropriateness of this decision, but we do support their right to make this decision for themselves.”

Further, those individuals with diagnosed conditions that impact their ability to make decisions can be addressed with programs of treatment.

“In each of these mass shooting incidents the perpetrator was mentally unstable,” the Green Berets says

Firearms safety programs in schools could help, and a repeal of laws making them gun-free zones should be considered by local officials.

Also, the violence in video games needs to be addressed.

“”War and war-like behavior should not be glorified. Hollywood and video game producers are exploiting something they know nothing about. General Sherman famously said, ‘War is hell!’ Leave war to the professionals,’” the letter says

“This is our country, these are our rights. We believe that it is time that we take personal responsibility for our choices and actions rather than abdicate that responsibility to someone else under the illusion that we have done something that will make us all safer. We have a responsibility to stand by our principles and act in accordance with them. Our children are watching and they will follow the example we set,” they write.

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