Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Great CPAC 2012 Attire Controversy

Man, I must have gone to the wrong events at CPAC. Erick Erickson:


I am more than a bit shocked by the young men at CPAC this year who just seemingly refuse to grow up or act their age. More troubling, while in 2005 it seemed to be just college kids, as the years have passed it is not just the 18 to 21 year old set, but the twenty and thirty somethings who just can't seem to grow up. It's like they started out at CPAC this way in college and each year at their CPAC reunion descend back to their freshman year rush week.


Melissa Clouthier turns her attention to the young ladies at CPAC and says she "was dismayed to see how many of them either looked frumpish or like two-bit whores."


First, are these young people being taught anything by their parents? I was at another service-oriented gathering of young women where the girls were in tight bandeau-skirts (you know, the kind of tube-top skirts that hookers wear on street corners?). They were sitting with their mothers. What is going on here?

Second, have women so internalized feminist dogma that they see themselves in only two ways? Butch, men-lite wannabes or 3rd wave sluts who empower themselves by screwing every available horndog man?

Neither path is a way to self-love and respect, mind you. Both tracks will inhibit future success.


Sarah Rumpf: "What boggled my mind about some girls at #CPAC dressing like skanks is that it was SNOWING. They're risking frostbite in *delicate* spots."

Cam: "As long as we're talking #CPAC dress codes, I saw a couple of guys wearing white belts. Please don't. Just . . . don't."

I didn't encounter many young (or not-so-young!) men acting like frat boys at spring break, but I left before the evening hours. And as for the young women, no discussion of whether young women are wearing too little is really thorough without pictures.

Amelia wonders if this is much ado about nothing: "Conservatives don't like being told what to do, including #CPAC attire. Just let them dress like hobos & skanks & we can judge them." Anthropocon suggests, "We could just make #CPAC a 3 day toga party."

Posted via email from Global Politics

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