Friday, July 31, 2009

Culture of Corruption

The book that President Obama's adoring media harem doesn't want you to read [Photo] Never has an administration taken office with more inflated promises of turning Washington around. Never have a media-anointed American Idol and his entourage fallen so fast and hard.In Culture of Corruption, New York Times bestselling author Michelle Malkin delivers a powerful, damning, and comprehensive indictment of the culture of corruption that surrounds Team Obama’s brazen tax evaders, Wall Street cronies, petty crooks, slum lords, and business-as-usual influence peddlers. After examining ONWS -- Obama Nominee Withdrawal Syndrome -- Malkin details the troubling influence of First Crony Michelle Obama, and explodes the myth of Vice President “Average Joe” Biden. She takes you on a tour of Obama’s outrageously flawed Cabinet and the backroom buddies he has appointed as “czars.” Malkin also details Obama’s disquieting connections with the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN, which Malkin dubs A Community of Organized Racketeers Nationwide) and the Service Employees International Union (SEIU). Finally, Malkin reveals how massive new federal spending plus tens of thousands of pages of new regulations -- along with unprecedented new powers over taxpayers and the economy -- have given Obama and his henchmen limitless new opportunities for sleaze, favor-trading, deal-cutting, and influence-peddling.Shaping up to be the most corrupt administration in American history:Obama’s team: Not the “best of the Washington insiders,” as the liberal media style them, but rather, a dysfunctional and dangerous conglomerate of business-as-usual cronies and hacksIn the first two weeks alone of his infant administration, Obama had made no fewer than 17 exceptions to his “no-lobbyist” rule Why the fact that the massive infusion of union dues into his campaign treasury didn’t trouble him in the least reveals Obama’s credibility as a reformer The lack of unprecedented pace of withdrawals and botched appointments -- and how getting through the confirmation process was no guarantee of ethical cleanliness or competence, even as Obama’s cheerleaders were glorifying the Greatest Transition in World HistoryInconsistency: How Obama, erstwhile critic of the campaign finance practice known as “bundling,” happily accepted more than $350,000 in bundled contributions from billionaire hedge-fund managersHow Obama broke his transparency pledge with the very first bill he signed into law -- helping make hostility to transparency is a running thread through Obama’s cabinetMichelle Obama: Beneath the cultured pearls, sleeveless designer dresses, and eyelashes applied by her full-time makeup artist, is a hardball Chicago politicoJoe Biden: It’s not just that he lies, it’s that he lies so well that you think he really believes the stuff he makes up Treasury Secretary Geithner: His ineptness and epic blundering -- including how he nearly caused the collapse of the dollar in international trade with a single remarkThe appalling story of Technology Czar Vivek Kundra, the convicted shoplifter in charge of the entire federal government’s information security infrastructureObama’s “Porker of the Month” Transportation Secretary, Roy LaHood: An earmark-addicted influence peddler born and raised on the politics of pay-to-playSEIU: Responsible for installing a cabal of hand-chosen officers who exploited their cash-infused fiefdoms for personal gain and presided over rigged elections -- in the process, becoming all that they had professed to stand against as representatives of the downtrodden workerHow Obama lied on his “Fight the Smears” campaign website when he claimed that he “never organized with ACORN” ACORN: How the profound threat the group poses is not merely ideological or economic -- it’s electoralACORN’s own internal review of shady money transfers among its web of affiliates: How it underscores concerns that conservatives have long raised about the organizationLiar, liar, pantsuit on fire: How Hillary Clinton has already trampled upon her promise not to let her husband’s financial dealings sway her decisions as Secretary of StateHow even a few principled progressives are finally beginning to question the cult of Obama -- even as Obama sycophants in the mainstream media continue to celebrate his “hipness” and “swagga”

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